Matthew 7:15-8:13
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False Leaders
False Leaders
Can I share with you how much these verses and others that reference teachers scare the begeebees out of me! Yup, makes me think twice, sometimes three times before I even type these studies up. It is probably a great warning that makes me want to say nope, not happening - I am not teaching - no way, no how.
We need to be ever so careful when we share the gospel with others so that what we share is truth. People will come and go but the things they talk about and teach or share remain behind still working in the hearts and minds of others. That is why most people are afraid to share their faith. But, we are called to share our experiences, and our relationship with Jesus, not to debate theology. The Holy Spirit’s job is to give discernment and guidance to those who believe not us.
#1 What are the 3 things we can look for that false teachers will exhibit?
False teachers lives will be marked with public piety not private. False teachers will be concerned over material things and possessions. And their lives will be marked by the claim of the right to judge their brothers and sisters.
Now since we started Matthew we have learned that: Jesus is the One the OT prophets foretold of, that by His baptism and temptation he demonstrated dominion over the inward sin that seeks to entangle us, that He can lead us to victory over this world by living as a citizen of the heavenly kingdom right here, right now.
Next We move on to learning by what authority Jesus is King and Ruler. The miracles Jesus performs do more than validate him as God’s Messenger, they demonstrate the extent of his authority.
Willing and able. The leper says to Jesus “if you are willing Lord you can make me clean”. The leper could obviously sense his power and awaited Jesus’ willingness to help him. So we have established that Jesus is willing to help mankind.
Next up is the Roman officer who asks for healing of his servant with a long distance word. Jesus merely speaks the words and the servant is healed. Jesus is able to help mankind. Jesus has now demonstrated his authority over sickness with his willingness and ability to help man.
#2 What else is special about the healing of the Roman soldier’s servant? (compare to the leper who was to go present himself to the priest)
The healing of the Roman’s servant is a healing done on a Gentile. it serves as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ broader ministry to the whole world. Jesus also makes a statement that must have shocked those within earshot when he said the Roman had mere faith than any Jew