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The Sovereignty Of God
A. David told Solomon that he needed to get to know the God of David: Jehovah God.
Last Sunday, we took a short look at the eternality of God.
Infinite and perpetual in nature and being.
B. This morning,
I want to look at the sovereignty of God and it may take more than this morning to complete.
David beings with “Thine, O LORD.”
This is one of the most important doctrines in theology.
As one old preacher said, “He either is or He ain’t!”
You cannot have a true God without sovereignty!
The Bible declares God sovereign in all matters.
C. By the sovereignty of God,
it is to be understood that—as Creator of all things both visible and invisible—God is both owner of or and ruler over all things.
D. The Sovereignty of God!
You will not find either of the words “sovereign” or “sovereignty” in the Bible but the truth is set forth from —where the bible declares that “In the beginning God … God said”—to where it says “Amen!” As God has said, “Let it be so!”
As God has willed it, it shall be!
In God’s sovereignty, he causes things and also allows things.
E. Since the word “sovereignty” is not a bible word,
let us look at its definition for clarification: Sovereignty – Free from all external control; reigning or royal authority; the dominion of a monarch, the complete authority to govern a state; exclusive in right to control one’s thoughts and actions; autonomous; greatest in status, authority, and power; supreme; exceptional in quality.
F. The doctrine of the “Sovereignty of God”
is one of both the least understood and the most misunderstood.
Most believe that things happen per chance instead of providence.
I do not believe in luck.
I believe in the providence of an all-knowing, thrice holy God!
2. Many believe that God’s sovereignty over rules mans ability to choose.
God made man a free moral agent and gave man the ability and obligation to choose.
This does not do away with God’s sovereignty.
It amplifies it.
God can do as He chooses and if He gives man the choice of salvation, then it is because He is a sovereign God.
The doctrine called Calvinism is both heretical and damnable!
Because He is sovereign:
He Requires No Counsel
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
or who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him?
14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?
He Seeks No Advice -
He Lacks No Wisdom -
4. He Asks No Permission –
He Answers To No Man -
H. God’s sovereignty is a subject
that cannot be completely explored in one message so I want to look at just a few things He is sovereign in:
1. God Is Sovereign In His Creation –
(Everything in nature contains the “finger prints” of God.
You can believe it or deny it but you cannot stop it or change it!
You were not there when the foundations were laid: God was there!)
2. God Is Sovereign In His Counsel –
(You can take it or leave it but you cannot alter it!
You may reject it and or change it here on earth but it is forever settled in Heaven.
You will hear it again!)
3. God Is Sovereign In His Conversion –
(Salvation is God’s way or not at all.
It is His way or the highway!
The “Highway to Hell!”)
4. God Is Sovereign In His Circumstances –
(He controls all that happens!
Although tough to accept at times, is still in the Book! still apply!)
5. God Is Sovereign In His Consequences –
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(It is either Heaven or Hell!
In God’s sovereignty, He gave men a choice.
Then, man’s choice leaves God no choice!)
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The Sovereignty Of God
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A. The verses that we read
this morning are powerful in that they exalt the person of the Lord and He is worth of our praise.
1. David’s praise
is a result of proper perspective of who God is.
2. David’s praise
is a result of the knowledge of what God can do.
3. David’s praise
is a result of the place God occupied in David’s life.
B. I feel that I need
to preach often on the person of our wonderful Lord.
These verses say much about God but I want to look at one aspect that encompasses David’s expression of who God is: His sovereignty!
The moment I mention
the word “sovereignty,” the first thought that comes to the minds of most “Calvinism!”
I always feel that I need to explain that I am not nor could ever be a Calvinist.
No, I am not a Calvinist.
I fervently disagree with his TULIP theology as John Calvin saw only one side of the sovereignty of God.
2. In God’s sovereignty,
He chose to give man choice which brings about obligation to choose rightly.
I find it amazing that we all know that God has given every man the right to choose the path for his life and, yet, they cannot either choose or refuse Christ!
The unsaved as well as the saved make decisions all of the time and those decisions do not seem to interfere with the sovereignty of God one bit.
3. My God is loving,
kind, gentle, good, longsuffering, high and holy, and yet touchable!
His name is truly wonderful, His works marvelous, His power beyond our imagination, His grace is truly matchless, His wisdom past finding out, His Word both perfect and eternal, and His majesty matchless.
C. The Sovereignty of God!
You will not find either
of the words “sovereign” or “sovereignty” in the Bible but the truth is set forth from —where the bible declares that “In the beginning God”—to where it says “Amen!” As God has said, “Let it be so!”
2. Since the word “sovereignty” is not a bible word,
let us look at it’s definition for clarification: Sovereignty – Free from all external control; reigning or royal authority; the dominion of a monarch, the complete authority to govern a state; exclusive in right to control one’s thoughts and actions; autonomous; greatest in status, authority, and power; supreme; exceptional in quality.
D. The doctrine of the “Sovereignty of God”
is one of both the least understood and the most misunderstood.
By the sovereignty of God,
it is to be understood that—as Creator of all things both visible and invisible—God is both owner or and ruler over all things.
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