Satan - Our Defeated Enemy
Devil, The
1. Sinned against God. 2 Pe 2:4; 1 Jo 3:8.
2. Cast out of heaven. Lu 10:18.
3. Cast down to hell. 2 Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6.
4. The author of the fall. Ge 3:1, 6, 14, 24.
5. Tempted Christ. Mt 4:3–10.
6. Perverts the Scripture. Mt 4:6; Ps 91:11, 12.
7. Opposes God’s work. Zec 3:1; 1 Th 2:18.
8. Hinders the gospel. Mt 13:19; 2 Co 4:4.
9. Works lying wonders. 2 Th 2:9; Re 16:14.
10. Assumes the form of an angel of light. 2 Co 11:14.
11. The wicked
a. Are the children of. Mt 13:38; Ac 13:10; 1 Jo 3:10.
b. Turn aside after. 1 Ti 5:15.
c. Do the lusts of. Joh 8:44.
d. Possessed by. Lu 22:3; Ac 5:3; Eph 2:2.
e. Blinded by. 2 Co 4:4.
f. Deceived by. 1 Ki 22:21, 22; Re 20:7, 8.
g. Ensnared by. 1 Ti 3:7; 2 Ti 2:26.
h. Troubled by. 1 Sa 16:14.
i. Punished, together with. Mt 25:41.
12. Saints
a. Afflicted by, only as God permits. Job 1:12; 2:4–7.
b. Tempted by. 1 Ch 21:1; 1 Th 3:5.
c. Sifted by. Lu 22:31.
d. Should resist. Jas 4:7; 1 Pe 5:9.
e. Should be armed against. Eph 6:11–16.
f. Should be watchful against. 2 Co 2:11.
g. Overcome. 1 Jo 2:13; Re 12:10, 11.
h. Shall finally triumph over. Ro 16:20.
13. Triumph over, by Christ
a. Predicted. Ge 3:15.
b. In resisting his temptations. Mt 4:11.
c. In casting out the spirits of. Lu 11:20; 13:32.
d. In empowering his disciples to cast out. Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17.
e. In destroying the works of. 1 Jo 3:8.
f. Completed by his death. Col 2:15; Heb 2:14.
g. Illustrated. Lu 11:21, 22.
14. Character of
a. Presumptuous. Job 1:6; Mt 4:5, 6.
b. Proud. 1 Ti 3:6.
c. Powerful. Eph 2:2; 6:12.
d. Wicked. 1 Jo 2:13.
e. Malignant. Job 1:9; 2:4.
f. Subtle. Ge 3:1; 2 Co 11:3.
g. Deceitful. 2 Co 11:14; Eph 6:11.
h. Fierce and cruel. Lu 8:29; 9:39, 42; 1 Pe 5:8.
i. Cowardly. Jas 4:7.
15. The Apostasy is of. 2 Th 2:9; 2 Ti 4:1.
16. Shall be condemned at the judgment. Jude 1:6; Re 20:10.
17. Everlasting fire is prepared for. Mt 25:41.
18. Compared to
a. A fowler. Ps 91:3.
b. Fowls. Mt 13:4.
c. A sower of tares. Mt 13:25, 28.
d. A wolf. Joh 10:12.
e. A roaring lion. 1 Pe 5:8.
f. A serpent. Re 12:9; 20:2.
Devil, The
1. Sinned against God. 2 Pe 2:4; 1 Jo 3:8.
2. Cast out of heaven. Lu 10:18.
3. Cast down to hell. 2 Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6.
4. The author of the fall. Ge 3:1, 6, 14, 24.
5. Tempted Christ. Mt 4:3–10.
6. Perverts the Scripture. Mt 4:6; Ps 91:11, 12.
7. Opposes God’s work. Zec 3:1; 1 Th 2:18.
8. Hinders the gospel. Mt 13:19; 2 Co 4:4.
9. Works lying wonders. 2 Th 2:9; Re 16:14.
10. Assumes the form of an angel of light. 2 Co 11:14.
11. The wicked
a. Are the children of. Mt 13:38; Ac 13:10; 1 Jo 3:10.
b. Turn aside after. 1 Ti 5:15.
c. Do the lusts of. Joh 8:44.
d. Possessed by. Lu 22:3; Ac 5:3; Eph 2:2.
e. Blinded by. 2 Co 4:4.
f. Deceived by. 1 Ki 22:21, 22; Re 20:7, 8.
g. Ensnared by. 1 Ti 3:7; 2 Ti 2:26.
h. Troubled by. 1 Sa 16:14.
i. Punished, together with. Mt 25:41.
12. Saints
a. Afflicted by, only as God permits. Job 1:12; 2:4–7.
b. Tempted by. 1 Ch 21:1; 1 Th 3:5.
c. Sifted by. Lu 22:31.
d. Should resist. Jas 4:7; 1 Pe 5:9.
e. Should be armed against. Eph 6:11–16.
f. Should be watchful against. 2 Co 2:11.
g. Overcome. 1 Jo 2:13; Re 12:10, 11.
h. Shall finally triumph over. Ro 16:20.
13. Triumph over, by Christ
a. Predicted. Ge 3:15.
b. In resisting his temptations. Mt 4:11.
c. In casting out the spirits of. Lu 11:20; 13:32.
d. In empowering his disciples to cast out. Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17.
e. In destroying the works of. 1 Jo 3:8.
f. Completed by his death. Col 2:15; Heb 2:14.
g. Illustrated. Lu 11:21, 22.
14. Character of
a. Presumptuous. Job 1:6; Mt 4:5, 6.
b. Proud. 1 Ti 3:6.
c. Powerful. Eph 2:2; 6:12.
d. Wicked. 1 Jo 2:13.
e. Malignant. Job 1:9; 2:4.
f. Subtle. Ge 3:1; 2 Co 11:3.
g. Deceitful. 2 Co 11:14; Eph 6:11.
h. Fierce and cruel. Lu 8:29; 9:39, 42; 1 Pe 5:8.
i. Cowardly. Jas 4:7.
15. The Apostasy is of. 2 Th 2:9; 2 Ti 4:1.
16. Shall be condemned at the judgment. Jude 1:6; Re 20:10.
17. Everlasting fire is prepared for. Mt 25:41.
18. Compared to
a. A fowler. Ps 91:3.
b. Fowls. Mt 13:4.
c. A sower of tares. Mt 13:25, 28.
d. A wolf. Joh 10:12.
e. A roaring lion. 1 Pe 5:8.
f. A serpent. Re 12:9; 20:2.
1. The place of disembodied spirits. Ac 2:31.
a. Which Christ visited. Lu 23:43; Ac 2:31; 1 Pe 3:19.
b. Contains, a place of rest, Abraham’s bosom. Lu 16:23.
c. Paradise. Lu 23:43.
d. And a place of torment. Lu 16:23.
2. The place of future punishment
a. Destruction from the presence of God. 2 Th 1:9.
3. Described as
a. Everlasting punishment. Mt 25:46.
b. Everlasting fire. Mt 25:41.
c. Everlasting burnings. Isa 33:14.
d. A furnace of fire. Mt 13:42, 50.
e. A lake of fire. Re 20:15.
f. Fire and brimstone. Re 14:10.
g. Unquenchable fire. Mt 3:12.
h. Devouring fire. Isa 33:14.
4. Prepared for the devil, &c. Mt 25:41.
5. Devils are confined in, until the judgment day. 2 Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6.
6. Punishment of, is eternal. Isa 33:14; Re 20:10.
7. The wicked shall be turned into. Ps 9:17.
8. Human power cannot preserve from. Eze 32:27.
9. The body suffers in. Mt 5:29; 10:28.
10. The soul suffers in. Mt 10:28.
11. The wise avoid. Pr 15:24.
12. Endeavour to keep others from. Pr 23:14; Jude 1:23.
13. The society of the wicked leads to. Pr 5:5; 9:18.
14. The beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast into. Re 19:20; 20:10.
15. The powers of, cannot prevail against the Church. Mt 16:18.
16. Illustrated. Isa 30:33.