IN Christ
We must believe that he loves us.
WE must know who we are „IN Christ“
We must know what that position gives us (Authority)
We must understand that living that way is what honors God. (The faith life is faith is living as if what he said is true)
Stepping into a position and an authority as if putting on a uniform a robe. Slipping into a Job or Title as if appointed to do so. That is what we are to do. We are to consider ourselves dead in Christ, risen with him and seated with him in the place of authority. You know there is the president of the united states. I have seen many presidents come and go, but he position stayes the same. We have seen in recent years that not all presidents are righteous in the their lifestyles. But they still have authority and privileges.
Our position is the Position in christ.
His righteouness
His authority
His life
His grace
His Power
His Wisdom
His Sanctification
Ther are things that we receive because of our position in Christ
We are the children of God by adoption and heirs of the kingdom and his promises
We have the mind of Christ
We can be filled with his spirit
We can have his word in us