Letter To Leaders
June 1998
As you know the new move of the Holy Spirit is on. In this new move, the Holy
Spirit is first of all speaking to the leadership to prepare them for this
move. You know this is true because he has been speaking to your heart as a
pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet or Apostle.
>From over thirty years of leadership experience pastoring, teaching, and
evangelizing, I have seen than learned some things I would like to pass on to
you from time to time. Many things may simply confirm what you already know.
Some things may challenge or help you. Others you may not understand or agree
with. If that is the case, I would like to hear from you so that we might
learn and grow together.
For many years in the ministry I would hear ministers define leadership on the
basis of authority. Then I would hear ministers define followership on the
basis of service. I would also hear ministers tell us that we are sons and
daughters of God. It became something that I had to sort out. Finally God
helped me.
The cornerstone truth of leadership is simply this: Leadership is
We often define leadership as a position. It is certainly true. Leadership
is a position. Yet position that has no relationship with others is not
position, but simply an isolation. Therefore, I have concluded from practical
experience that position without relationship is a "solo act" and can only be
self serving.
On the other hand, there is no such thing as relationship without position.
Only as we recognize and enter into relationship can we define our position in
the Church, whether we be leader or follower.
As Christians, we all have three basic relationships:
1. Relationship with God through Christ, by the Holy Spirit.
2. Relationship with all people, Saint and Sinner.
3. Relationship with Satan, Demons, and Darkness (obviously this is a negative
In our relationship with the Godhead, the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and
the Holy Spirit, we are SONS and DAUGHTERS. We are not sons and daughters in
the same sense that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is unique in that He is
"the only begotten" Son of God. Yet when we are born again, we are born into
the kingdom of the Son of His Love.
Being born again, sons and daughters of God, we are new creations in Christ.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ. We are more than conquerors.
As sons and daughters, we approach God as son and daughters, not as servants.
Yet, He is over us, not with harshness and wrath, but with love and mercy.
As sons and daughters we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. An
heir is one who receives unearned possessions from the estate of another. God
delights to bless, protect and provide for His sons and daughters.
As Christians our relationship to others is one of servitude; servants to
Christians and sinners alike. This does not give others lordship over us, for
Jesus is the only Lord of our lives. To serve, in the Biblical sense, is to
help others who need help, before we help ourselves. It is selfless Agape
love in action.
As Christians, we are Lords over Satan. Jesus gave us "…power to tread in
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall
be an y means hurt us." In the name (authority) of Jesus we can cast out
demons (Mt 16).
We are Sons of God.
We are Servants of Men.
We are Lords over Satan.
If we get the three ideas of sons, servants, and Lords mixed up in the three
relationships, God, men and Satan, We get into great trouble.
As Christians we are servants of men.
Before we were born again we were servants of Satan. We did not all know it,
but we were under his dominion, the kingdom of darkness. This is not to say
we were all possessed. Satan had no need to possess all of us. We were not
for Christ, so we were against Christ. We were under Satan' dominion by
However, we have been born again, and are servants of men.
We Christians get trapped into thinking that we can serve God. In a sense of
the word, we can. However, we can only serve God by serving people; God's
people and heathen as well.
As leaders in God's church we especially are called to serve all. We serve
them by teaching them, encouraging them, praying for them, helping them to
enter into God's will for their lives. The job of those in leadership of God
is to help others make it in life, in ministry, in God, before we ourselves
make it. This is Agape love in action.
The idea of lordship or authority is the idea that all leaders struggle with.
As Christians, Jesus gave us authority or lordship over Satan.
>From our knowledge of the character of God and the resulting reverence for
God, we know that God is Lord of our lives. It is so absurd to think we have
any lordship or authority toward God or to think that we do not ever fall into
Problems arise as leaders consider the use of authority in the exercise of
their responsibilities.
In the world, men believe all their problems will be solved as they have
authority over others. This has proven to be a deception, as seen in the
lives of absolute dictators. They may have more things than anyone under
their authority, but they are generally unhappy in their struggle to defend
their authority.
Of course, the great struggle in the world today is in regard to freedom and
bondage; dictatorship and democracy; authority and liberty.
Jesus came to deliver us from Satan's authority and place us under God's
authority. As leaders we must understand God's authority and how He uses it.
We must understand when and how we are to be God's instrument of authority.
Before God placed us in leadership, we all had experience as followers.
Whether in the world or in the church we learned about leadership by being
Leaders who love us, we love and will follow willingly.
Leaders who have no apparent interest in us give us reason to question their
love for us. Therefore, we may follow with reluctance.
Leaders who do not help or may even limit us without understanding or
explanation, we will not follow.
Because love is an essential element in effective leadership, either in the
world or in the church, the relationship of leadership must be activated and
strengthened with fellowship.
To be an effective leader for God, we must get to know those who we lead, We
must allow them to get to know us. Fellowship is essential.
Jesus demonstrated this in his intimate relationship with his disciples.
There were times when he withdrew from them to fellowship with his heavenly
Father. However, He would return to them to travel, eat, and talk with them.
To be an effective leader for God, you must get to know them intimately so
that they know you are determined to love and help them. Then if it is
necessary to exercise authority or correction, they will receive it and
continue in that love relationship with you and even more with God.
Mat 20:25-28 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ey know that the
princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great
exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever
will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief
among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be
ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Thank you for Your time and attention
DR Bill Kaiser