Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Go over the Survey
Easter Weekend - 346 people were in some service or event over Easter Weekend.
10 B’s - those who were starting a Faith in Jesus
John Maxwell - Running with the Giants
What would happen if one of the Giants of the Faith came out of the stands and encouraged us?
What would they say?
That’s what we are going to look at.
Today we will look at Isaiah
66 chapters -
He lived in the 2 Kings time period.
If Isaiah could say one thing to us today, he would say...
Why do they call it lipstick if your lips can still move
If humans evolved from apes, why are there still apes
If a number 2 pencil is so popular, why is ot number 2
Why do we pay money to go to the top of a tall building and look through binoculars at things on the ground
Why sing take me out to the ball game if you are already there?
Here is the serious question we will address this week.
Isa would tell you that you need to meet God personally.
For when you are trying to make sense of it all...
An Encounter with God changes Everything.
My goal is not to get you to be part of our church… I want that, but my goal is to get you close to God.
I just happen to believe we can do that here.
An encounter with God
You know you want that… an encounter with God.
You just don’t know how to go about that.
Isa saw the cross 800 years before it happened.
Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of clarity in your life?
You can.
A God Encounter
Our Greatest Pain can be a catalyst for our greatest gain.
God reserves those times to speak to us when we are hurting the most.
Most people’s reaction to pain is to run from God and not to God.
If you are in pain right now, don’t run from God… Run to God.
Even if you caused it yourself… run to God.
Remember - at those darkest times, don’t run from God. Run to God.
When we see God clearly we see ourselves clearly.
Before he does anything else, God wants to do something in your deepest most inmost parts of your life.
Isa saw his own condition.
You need to know that God will go there when you encounter Him.
When we allow God to help us see ourselves clearly, He will do wonderful things.
God removes our past so He can redeem our future.
The reason why you might be stuck is you are not moving towards this.
God removes our past...
The reason that you run from God is you don’t understand God.
God is not a negative God.
He doesn’t want to talk about your past, he wants to settle it and move on to your FUTURE.
Altar for us is Jesus.
He takes away our guilt.
The reason you are not having encounters with God is that you are still seeing your life through the lens of yesterday.
You haven’t allowed God to take away your yesterdays.
Heb 8 says he cleanses our conscience… he changes the way we see ourselves.
God sees a candidate to go tell the people.
He asks, who can I send and Isa says send me.
You will never exp the best parts of God until let him settle yesterday so you can live out the glorious parts of life.
You need to get in the game… Here I am send me!
Isa would leave us with three final words of encouragment.
Isaiah’s Words of Encouragement
1. God wants to reveal more of Himself to you.
This is for all of us.
None of us know all there is to God.
Sometimes we think we have it, but we don’t.
You need to hear...
Seek him...
The secret to finding God is for those who go all in.
You have to seek him with your whole heart.
Key: Go All In.
Some of you are scared.
You are afraid God will send you to ???? as a missionary.
There is nothing that God has for you that you will not enjoy.
Some churches - if you were too happy you were going to hell.
That’s not what makes church holy.
Church is not supposed to be endured, it’s supposed to be enjoyed.
Go all in.
When we worship, clap your hands, raise your hands.... clap your hands, shout to the lord with a voice of triumph, dance...
Your life will never make sense until you Exp God.
2. God wants to change you.
God loves you just the way you are, but he loves you too much to leave you where you are.
You have to be willing and obedient.
You might think that you have done too much for God to work in you.
It’s scary because there is so much to do… Listen
None of us have reached the full experience of salvation.
One of the fun things as a pastor is to take people who all over the spectrum of growth (baby Christians who just prayed to receive Jesus to tongue talking spirit filled followers.
Key: Take the Next Step.
Receive Jesus.
Baptism is a public statement of our faith.
ILL - wedding band… Baptism is the wedding ring for our faith.
This is why Baptism is important.
You may have received Jesus in one of our services and we do that silently, but God never intended our faith to be secret.
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Growth Track
3. God has an assignment for you.
God wants to take you through all of this discipleship process… to help you grow because you are part of his plan.
He has a work for you to do.
Do you know why you are miserable?
You need to get up and shine!
< .5
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