Apostles - those who had seen and were specifically chosen
Presented himself alive - for forty days - is key
vs 4 - stay
place of rejection become place of a fresh witness
Marching Orders
vs 6-8
Locked in our wants - Kingdom restored
Instead of speculation - accomplish the task
Task is world wide - power - dunamis, witness - martys
Book Acts - finish phase one - continues today
Passing the Torch
vs. 9-11
Jesus leaves - disciples stare
Caught gazing - locked into a moment
Have a command - get on with it
Promise of His return
Preparing for Power
vs. 12-14
Obedience is key to power
Setting the stage and filling the vacancies - vs 15-26
Are You Ready?
Rest in this - it is His business to lead, command, impel, send, call or whatever you want to call it. It is your business to obey, follow, move, respond, or what have you. Jim Elliot