Untitled Sermon (43)
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Call to Worship
Call to Worship
My public statement on preaching and sermon delivery.
Turn with me to please.
Read and pray.
Today as we walk through this text, I want to show you five principles to the Christian life but before we do, we need to go back to the context of this letter.
Context of this passage including Spiritual fruit and Judiazers.
Now that we’re thinking in light of the context for this passage, here are the main themes I want you to grab from this passage.
Point #1
V.1 God’s people are going to fall.
David and Bathsheba.
Think of Hezekiah. One of Judah’s most righteous kings. says that he was a Proud man.
Think of Peter denying Jesus after all that he had seen. Walking on water, the healing of so many people, the mount of transfiguration and so much more.
The truth of the Christian life is that whether we are super spiritual or babies in the faith, we will fall victim to sin.
So be prepared to not only be the one falling into sin, but also be prepared to see others do the same.
Point #2
When people fall, be ready to handle it with tenderness and mercy.
The woman caught in Adultery .
Examine the first part of that passage. Dramatize the Pharisees bringing this woman to Jesus by the arm.
Show their pride and arrogance in dealing with sin. Put her right in the center of what Jesus was doing.
“Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery and in Moses’ Law, this means she must die…but what do you say?”
True concern for her would have cared for her and not made her the center of attention.
Her sin was great, but more than this, their care for her soul should have been that way as well.
Compare this with .
Why would the scribes parade this woman out in front of everyone else?
Compare V.4 with V.1.
A spirit of gentleness does not esteem who we are as compared with someone else.
Gentleness means that we truly love that person in Christ.
And because God’s people are going to fail and we are called to handle it in a spirit of gentleness, this means that we are to keep a spirit of humility.
Point #3
Living this Christian life requires constant humility.
One problem within the Church is this idea of importance. I need to be an Elder/deacon/insert whatever title you need here to be important.
I feel as though I am not important if a title is not assigned to me.
We esteem much of ourselves when truly, we are called to think more highly of others.
Part of my testimony about God bringing me unto Himself through His Word and how I died and that Christ now lives.
Galatians 2:20
Because you have died in your new birth, We are called to seek after the Glory of Christ now and not the glory and exaltation of ourselves.
Because this is who we are now, we should live our Christian lives desiring restoration when we fall into sin.
Point #4
Remain teachable.
I was never more surprised in my time at Seminary then to encounter a professor who poured into me in ways that I cannot begin to explain. We sat down and had many very serious conversations concerning Scripture and its applications. And even with having a bachelors degree from one school, a Master of Divinity from another and a PhD in Evangelism, Dr. Johnston stood ready to be corrected if ever the time came, even by someone such as myself.
I can understand being corrected by a man like MacArthur or Dr. Allen. But this man allowed me to state my case many times over and was willing to let -me- at that time 29 year old who has an arrogance and cockiness about me and yet with grace, this man listened to me!
He remained teachable because at the end of the day, he knew that it wasn’t about him or about me but ultimately about us leading one another to Christ Jesus.
There is a difference in being teachable and correctable but they go hand in hand.
Expect to be corrected when we run astray.
This is a medical term in the Greek which meant to set right a broken or dislocated bone.
This is the calling of the Church, to always be pointed towards the Gospel.
Brother Roberts talked about holiness, it doesn’t come without pursuit.
In that pursuit, we’re going to fail in some areas and when we do, we must remain open to correction so that our path towards Christ can be made right.
How many of you, if you were driving down the road and it was almost dark would give warning to another driver who didn’t have their lights on?
You’d flash them right?
What about if you were trying to warn them that what they were soon to drive up on was an icy patch or a section of deep water?
You’d flash them with your headlights as a warning sign to illustrate or warn that there was something coming up that needed to have their attention.
Your goal would be to bring their attention and their focus on what is right in front of them, just in case it may save their lives.
You would want to warn them because you would be scared that they might get hurt or even worse, that they may die.
How much more so should we not only be watching for the warning signs coming from others passing by us but we also need to be ready to be the one flashing our lights.
All of this leads to the last point that we’re going to cover today and it is this, “Bear one another’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ.”
Point #5
Bear one another’s burdens.
The law of Christ is found in .
And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
To bear the burdens of one another is to love your neighbor as yourself.
It is to show true compassion and mercy.
Don’t let them be destroyed, intervene.
Find ways to encounter your brother or your sister in Christ.
Personal story about growing up with two sisters. This is how I know women can be mean. (Picture day and black eye, Grandpa’s bathroom door).
Show how even in anger with one another, we would bear each others burdens.
This is who we are supposed to be in Christ.
Everyone is dealing with something. It might not be what you are dealing with but they are dealing with something.
Because they are dealing with something, we should desire to help to carry their burden.
In Christ, we are all united through the Gospel.
Every Christian at calvary died with Christ and they rose to new life in Christ in His resurrection.
Because of this we walk together, love one another and help one another through this daunting task known as life.
You’d flash them right?
What about if you were trying to warn them that what they were soon to drive up on was an icy patch or a section of deep water?
Yet often we don’t do this.
You’d flash them with your headlights as a warning sign to illustrate or warn that there was something coming up that needed to have their attention.
Grocery store and old lady with too many groceries analogy.
How much more so should we be ready to do this with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ?
Each of these five areas are areas impacts someone in this room. It might not be all 5 that we struggle with but I would bet that many of us struggle with several.
And in the beauty of the Gospel, we all should be remaining humble and striving after this in the Gospel.
So let us not be Pharisees in dealing with one another parading one another around the Church when we’re caught in our sin.
Instead, we pursue the best for one another and lead one another back to our blessed redeemer.
If there’s time, go into how none of these things are possible if we’re not in Church.
If there’s time, go into how none of these things are possible if we’re not in Church.
Your goal would be to bring their attention and their focus on what is right in front of them, just in case it may save their lives.
You would want to warn them because you would be scared that they might get hurt or even worse, that they may die.
Yet, what if I told you that in the Church we don’t often act the same way.
Let me illustrate this a little bit deeper.
When we see someone caught in sin or heading to sin, what is our approach.