Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Paul says that there is immeasurable great power at work which is the very power that raised Jesus Christ from death.
How many of us have ever thought of our bodies being vessels that carry the power of God, the very power that raised Jesus Christ from death?
Let's say this aloud together: "The power that raised Jesus from death is resident in me."
Question is why a lot of us are not experiencing God’s power in our lives?
There are two words that we want to see from this passage:
“far above all rule and authority and power and dominion”
Authority - ἐξουσίας or exousia.
From the Strong’s Concordance found the following definitions:
“far above all rule and authority and power and dominion”
Power of Choice - Liberty of doing what one pleases
The ability or strength with which one is endued, which he either possesses or exercises.
The power of influence or of a right.
Power - δυνάμεως or dynamis.
We don’t experience God’s power in our lives because:
We don’t experience God’s power in our lives because:
Which we studied last time, that while as children of God we have the power of the risen Christ working in us.
So these words are two different things:
The authority we have is the legal right to do the things Jesus commanded us to do.
The power that He gave us is the operation of the Holy Spirit in us.
We don’t experience God’s power in our lives because:
The answer is that a lot of Christians do not know the authority that
We don’t know we have the authority.
See also ; ; ;
We have authority over sickness.
The origin of Jesus Christ’s authority
It is given by God the Father
We have authority to be Christ’s witnesses to the world.
We don’t know we have the authority.
See also ; ; ; ; ; ;
Since we don’t know, we don’t live out the authority that we have in Christ.
We face giants in our lives and immediately not exercise our authority over them!
Story of a female police officer in Santa Cruz County.
You know why?
She has a badge that has a position of authority that says "I have all right and authority vested in me to exercise that.
You must do what I say.
And if there's any problem with that, I have some power on my leg that can enforce it immediately."
You are a child of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Your badge is your position in Christ.
And you have on your side the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.
And demons must believe and obey and respond to the authority of every child of God who takes the Word of God and shoots the bullets of God.
What you have to do is claim and exercise the authority you have in Christ.
It is limited by the Father
2. We have given up the authority.
We do not submit to a higher authority.
We stand against house invasions.
Just the news of someone breaking in someone’s house especially in broad daylight evoke the natural defense mechanisms in us.
We install security systems, cameras to prevent it but once some intruder gets inside your homes what would you do?
You will defend your home and family and do everything to stop the intruder, fight back and drive him out.
The enemy often tries to “break into our house” and steal, kill, and destroy God’s blessing in our life.
The problem is we often let him do it.
We hear of so many home invasions, but did you realize that the enemy constantly tries to invade your life every day?
It’s time for us to enforce our rights and stop his invasion through fears, addictions, sickness, financial or emotional oppression, and broken relationships.
I heard the story of an old lady returning home from a church service and finding an intruder robbing her house.
"Stop!" she yelled.
Then she quoted"" which says, "Repent!"
The burglar stopped dead in his tracks and she called the police.
The officer came, handcuffed the thief, and then asked: "Why did you just stand there?
All the lady did was quote a Bible verse."
"A Bible verse?" the burglar replied.
"She said she had an axe and two .38s!"
This may be a funny story, but this old lady knew how to stand in God's authority.
We do not submit to a higher authority.
We know that we have an authority in our homes and we would not let an intruder break in or some stranger to just live inside the house and live like he owns it.
I remember a story many years ago about a family that discovered a stranger has been living inside the attic of their house for a year without them even knowing it.
This is a picture of how many Christians have relinquished their authority to Satan.
Not only have they allowed him to invade their homes, they have also allowed him to stay and put his weight around the house.
Know your enemy!
Winston Churchill once said:
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
(Winston Churchill)
Drive the devil out of your literal house as well as your spiritual home.
Don’t let him wreak havoc in your life.
See also ;
3. We do not submit to the higher authority.
It is questioned by others
We have not submitted to Christ and aligned our lives to His.
When we agree with someone,
we give them influence in our lives.
See also ;
When we submit to another person,
we give them authority over our life.
The authority of Jesus Christ is seen in his works
Two baseball teams agree to play a game together and are all set for the opening pitch.
To the surprise and shock of everyone, the first batter strolls up to home plate dressed in a tennis outfit rather than a baseball uniform!
The player declares in a bold and confident voice, ‘I have decided that I don’t want to wear a baseball uniform, but it is better for me that I wear this more comfortable outfit.
Also, I am going to use this cricket bat (which is at least twice as wide as a baseball bat) rather than a regular baseball bat.
Moreover, I expect to receive 5 strikes instead of 3, I will be running to third base instead of first, and all of the fielders are required to close their eyes while I am at bat.
I believe that is fair, right for me, and will allow me to achieve the most happiness and success in my time here today.’
He has authority over nature
Expecting to receive an understanding response and compliance with his requests, the baseball player is shocked when hears the crowd and opposite team burst out in a roar of laughter and astonishment at his requests.
‘That is absurd,’ declares a young child in the stands.
‘You are a fool!’ shouts the umpire, ‘That is not how the game of baseball works!’
Another person comes up and tells him, ‘You have no right to redefine the rules of baseball, and cannot expect us to follow your distorted understanding how things should be.’
The player is astounded by the lack of tolerance in the crowd and opposite team; to his surprise, everyone understood him to be a fool without any authority to make the claims he thought so sensible and prudent.
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As absurd as this sounds, we all do the same thing with God as we reject his authority, words, and moral standards.
We live our lives the way we want to live them–spurning God’s authority.
We believe that we are wiser than God and should create our own standards–rejecting what God’s wisdom.
We make up our own rules for how to get to heaven–ignoring what God’s standards and solution for our tragic state.
All of these things are done in spite of the fact that we live in God’s world, we are God’s creation, and only God has the right to make the rules and declare how we ought to live.
< .5
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> .9