Title: Resurrection Power - Part III
Main Verses: John 16: 23-27
IV. Resurrection Power in the name of Jesus
V. Resurrection Power at the Resurrection
A. Two Resurrections - The Resurrection of Damnation
B. Two Resurrections - The Resurrection of Life
I. There is Resurrection Power in the gospel of Jesus Christ
II. There is Resurrection Power at the moment of Salvation.
III. There is Resurrection Power each and every day of our Lives.
IV. There is Resurrection Power in the name of Jesus.
V. There is Resurrection Power at the Resurrection.
Other Scripture:
John 14:13-15
Psalm 66:18
James 4:2-4
Acts 3:6b
John 5:28-29
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
1 Corinthians 15:52
1 John 3:2