You are the salt of the earth
Matt 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. (NIV)
v It does not say “You have the salt of the earth”
o What is the saltiness taste?
Col 4:5-6
5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation (words) be always full of grace (unconditional love, hope, faith), seasoned with salt,
(Small portions of you and your life reality) so that you may know how to answer everyone.
v People want Life (Bread of life, God, Jesus, Holy spirit) but they want it with salt (Reality, real people) Most people want spirituality but they don’t want Christianity, WHY!
v Words full of Grace (unconditional love, hope, faith)
o These are not critical words, always protesting something (protestants), judgmental, complaining, separatists, NO FUN
o Maybe it’s because we are caught up in only wrong vs. right thinking
v Seasoned with salt, (Small portions of you and your life reality)
o We are the counter reality to “No Taste”
o This is NOT small portions of scripture.
v To be thrown away as something useless. If we lose this saltiness, we are thrown out by men and trampled!
o In the eyes of people salt is good. But if it loses its taste it is good for nothing. I am convinced that people want salt in their lives, but cannot find any. God’s people have lost their flavor and because of this the people of this world no longer see Christianity as having any more flavor.
o They would rather eat pepper and have some flavor than to eat the food of life with no flavor at all.
v Salt
v Makes food taste good (you make God look good to receive)
v Preserves food (In situations where it is not ready to be eaten, the salt will preserve it for later)
v Seasoned, not drowned (“The amount is important”)
v The distribution is important (Not all in one place)
v Evangelism is often something that happens between Saltshaker transfers.
· Christian friends only, Christian activities only, etc…