The Call & Courage - 9AM

Following Moses, Finding Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:40
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Has God ever called you to do something you didn't want to do? Maybe you didn't feel adequately? Maybe you felt that someone else could do a better job? You beg God to choose someone else but He doesn't. He has chosen you! At some point, we need to have the courage to answer God's call. Today, we unpack Moses' call to leadership and the excuses he tried to give God. Then we'll parallel Moses' call to save Israel, with Jesus' call to save humanity.

 Mountainview Church "FOLLOWING MOSES, FINDING JESUS" "THE CALL & COURAGE" (EXODUS 3:1-12 & 4:1-17 & 29) OUTLINE STYLE: INDUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION: 1. (01 SLIDE) THE CALL & COURAGE a) Has God ever called you to do something you don't want to do? i) Maybe you didn't feel adequately? Maybe someone else could do it? b) What happens when God just makes it all the more clear that it's YOU? 2. FOLLOWING MOSES, FINDING JESUS a) An Overview Of Exodus i) Reminder: Large sections of Scripture (Pre-Read with schedule.) b) The Exodus foreshadows the greater Gospel story. i) Today, we see Moses response when called to save God's people. Ø We'll parallel it to Jesus response when called to save humanity. TEACHING - FOLLOWING MOSES: 3. (02 VERSE SLIDES) EXODUS 3:1-12 4. (03 SLIDE) THE CALL a) Verse 10: "So now, go. I am sending..." b) Verse 11: But Moses said to God, "Who am I...?" c) Verse 12: And God said, “I will be with you." Ø Reminder that Moses wrote this account! Ø God never calls us, then leaves us! He's there with us! 5. (04 VERSE SLIDES) EXODUS 4:1-17 6. (05 SLIDE) AFTER THE CALL a) Moses Was Given The Resources (To Fulfill The Call) i) ...he was given (1) background. (Raised In Egypt) ii) ...he was given (2) tools. (Staff & Hand) iii) ...he was given (3) partnership. (Aaron & ...) b) (06 SLIDE) Exodus 4:29-31 i) (07 SLIDE) Moses Was Affirmed By Leadership Ø Moses finally had the COURAGE. (To Fulfill The Call) APPLICATION - FINDING JESUS: 7. (08 SLIDE) JESUS' CALL a) Jesus Laid Down His Resources (To Fulfill His Call) i) ...the background was altered. (His deity.) ii) ...the tools were laid down. (His miracles.) iii) ...the partners were gone. (His Disciples Betrayed, Denied & Fled.) b) (09 SLIDE) Jesus Was Rejected By Leadership Ø Jesus always had the COURAGE! CONCLUSION: IDEA 8. (10 SLIDE) OUR CALL a) When we're called, will we have courage? b) Mark 8:34-38 (Take Up Our Cross) i) "And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul? 38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.'" Ø Jesus words are a call for courageous living! c) (11 SLIDE) How is this lived out? (Jesus Tells Us & Early Church Shows Us) i) Courageous Giving (God will provide the funds.) ii) Courageous Serving (God will provide the skills and partnerships.) iii) Courageous Sharing (God will provide the words.) 9. (12 SLIDE) RESPOND IN WORSHIP Ø Sing - Pray - Give
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