The Confident Practice Of Our Faith
Sermon Notes Sermon Notes
The Confident Practice of Our Faith The Savior We Need For Total Forgiveness
Hebrews 10:19-25 Hebrews 10:1-18
Pastor Josh Monda Pastor Josh Monda
I. Our ___________________________ in Christ I. The ____________________________ of the old sacrifices
A. We have ___________________________ to God
through the blood of Jesus II. The ____________________________ of a better sacrifice
B. We have a great high priest over the A. The _______________________ was God's will
___________________________ of God B. Christ's perfect obedience _________________________
does away with the old sacrificial system
II. Draw near to God in ___________________________ C. Through Christ's obedience, we are
III. Hold fast the ___________________________ of our hope
III. The ____________________________ between the Old and
IV. Consider how to ___________________________ one the New sacrifice
another towards love and good deeds
IV. The only sufficient sacrifice for total
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