Matthew 14:22-36
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That Sinking Feeling
That Sinking Feeling
After the crowds were sent away, the disciples were also sent on their way across the sea by boat. Jesus took the time to be alone and prayed. The disciples time away should have given them time to talk amongst themselves and think about the significance of what happened that day. I am also sure Jesus in His time alone must have been pondering all those that were once lost and those still among the lost. For the locals there was a lot to ponder as well. First the Nazarenes thought Jesus was just a prophet in verse 14:2 and in 13:57 Herod thought He was John the Baptist resurrected.
Late at night after the crowds were sent away, the discoples were also sent on the
Late that night Jesus met His disciples on the sea. He walked across the waters… note that they were not said to be calm seas but boisterous winds and waves. The rejecting people and Pharisees would see no more of the King’s authority being manifested. But the believing disciples would continue to see miraculous reassurances just like Peter’s short walk of faith before fear crept in.
Men still seek evidence today of just who Jesus is. Just like then believers who walk with Jesus will see constant evidence that God is near.
#1 What evidence have you had that God is near this past week?
When Jesus greeted the disciples He used certain words to announce himself. I am He. These are the same words God used when He spoke with Moses in Exodus.
#2 What is the significance of these words?
These words translated to I AM are the very words God used to tell Moses who he was in the burning bush. I AM is the very meaning of God. After this greeting was given the disciples, Peter walked on water, the seas calmed and the disciples worshipped Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus’ identity was now set firmly in the disciples mind. It is the first time that the disciples confessed Jesus’ as Messiah
The disciples have now reached a new level of understanding of Jesus. Their faith is now based on Jesus’ mighty acts of healing and miracles. You might even call it the basis of their faith but true understanding of who Jesus is deep to their core is still yet to come. We Christians experience faith in the same way sometimes. We see the evidence of Christ in our lives and in the next moment can be filled with doubting.
When we look at today’s passages as a whole we can see a pattern of how Jesus was training His disciples. First He gets them used to little challenges of faith, and then to greater challenges. He is training them to not live by sight but by faith. Each step is a new level of trust being built upon.
#3 Do you see this same pattern in your life? What steps has He walked you through?