Gift of the Holy Spirit
Sermon Tone Analysis
The purpose of this sermon is to explain the gift of the Holy Spirit as given to us by Jesus Christ.
Throughout the Old Testament, we see that the gift of the Holy Spirit was restricted to certain individuals to tackle specific or particular tasks. However, that all changed at Pentecost. When Jesus sat down with the disciples, He explained that while He was leaving this earth, He would ask His Father to send another Counselor. The disciples were still uneasy at the thought of Jesus leaving them, and I’m sure that the concept of “another Counselor” had them confused, at the least.
The gift of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
The gift of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Individuals had the Spirit given to them to accomplish specific tasks
we see Saul given the Spirit for the purpose of his kingship.
we see Bezalel given the spirit for craftsmanship.
The gift of the Holy Spirit can be withdrawn
We see in that the Spirit of the Lord had left Saul.
has David crying out to God that he does not take the Spirit away from him after his sins involving Bathsheba.
The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and after
The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and after
The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Just as Jesus had promised, in the Holy Spirit came upon those at Pentecost and overwhelmingly filled the house they were staying in.
Peter confirms the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised in during his sermon.
The gift of the Holy Spirit after Pentecost
Even after the initial filling of the Holy Spirit, God continued to fill those who believed in him with the Holy Spirit, as seen in .
Luke tells us that Paul continues to preach the Word and baptize new believers, and the Holy Spirit comes into them in .
The gift of the Holy Spirit is for all believers
The gift of the Holy Spirit is available to all who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
God is willing to give the Holy Spirit
God’s plans for our lives require the gift of the Holy Spirit
God’s plans for our lives require the gift of the Holy Spirit
God, who knows our hearts, gives us the Holy Spirit when our commitment to Him is genuine.
Peter displays this boldness in front of the Jerusalem council.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin.
Not only does the Holy Spirit come to us when we accept Christ, but it continuously convicts us of our sins, cleansing us and shaping us to live more Christlike lives.
The Holy Spirit gives boldness while witnessing and preaching the Word.
The Holy Spirit gives boldness while witnessing and preaching the Word.
When Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to His disciples, He told them of the overwhelming power that would carry them to boldness in times where they are faced with adversity.