I have had a few times had someone tell me as a christian, that their faith was a blind faith—a faith that is based on no evidence whatsoever. This is not so, for one of the first things I learned about faith, is that it is only as good as its object. A blind faith has no object, but our faith has as its object God’s Word
Faith’s source is the word of God ()
We see how God’s word was fulfilled in the past—God’s past works
God’s past works
We see how God interacted with others
Faith in God’s Word is supplemented by our experience ()
Not a one of our experiences are the same, but we all have the same promises
We all know how we either have accepted or rejected God’s promises, and how he responded.
Those of us that have had experience with God can see how the end result was consistent with God said in his Word
Whether we have experience or not, our faith is not blind, but based upon what our God has said in his word, and once we have tested God’s Word our experience builds upon that base, allowing our faith to grow, for we see that our foundation is firm.