Like Father Like Son John 5:9-17
Message preapred for Immanuel MBC for April 15, 2018. to explain Jesus demonstrated the proper mindset and actions which pleased our Heavenly Father. We should be like Jesus.
Text: John 5:9-17
Parents have a tremendous influence on their children.
Jesus Demonstrated the Father’s Ability to Heal ()
Jesus Healed a Man with Leprosy Immediately ()
The Father Used Elisha to Heal Naaman of Leprosy Immediately ()
God Can Heal (Save) a Sin Sick Soul Immediately
Jesus Demonstrated the Father’s Ability to Hide (vs. 13)
The Father’s Salvation is Hidden from Those Who are Deceived ()
The Father Hides Himself From Those Who Won’t Acknowledge There Is One God ()
Atheism, Response to
The best reply to an atheist is to give him a good dinner and ask him if he believes there is a chef who prepared it.
The atheist’s dilemma is that when he feels very grateful and wants to give thanks, he has no one to give it to.
Atheism’s Oversimplification
“. . . Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should have never found out that it has no meaning: Just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. ‘Dark’ would be without meaning” (C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity [New York: Macmillan, 1986], p. 46).
The Bible Definition of a Fool is an Atheist (Someone who says there is no God) ()
Atheism, Response to
The best reply to an atheist is to give him a good dinner and ask him if he believes there is a chef who prepared it.
Jesus Demonstrated the Father’s Ability to Work Faithfully ()
Jesus Was Serious About Pleasing the Father at Age 12 ()
God Made Us in His Image and Gave Us Physical and Spiritual Work to Do ()
“When God’s work is done in God’s way for God’s glory, it will never lack God’s supply. God is not obligated to pay for our selfish schemes. He is obligated to support His ministry” (Hudson Taylor).
God will give us the wisdom and strength to do the work He wants us to do! ()
A farmer was sitting on the porch of his house when a stranger came by and asked, “How’s things?”
“Tolerable,” came the reply. He continued, “Two weeks ago a tornado came along and knocked down all the trees I would have had to chop down for this winter’s firewood. Then last week lightning struck the brush I had planned to burn to clear the fields for planting.”
The stranger responded, “That’s remarkable, what are you doing now.”
The farmer answered, “Waiting for an earthquake to come along and shake the taters out of the ground.”
Picture of an ANT
According to John Silling, a Purdue University entomologist, the ant is an exemplary worker. “Basically the ant’s entire life, which can range up to seven years, is spent working,” says Silling. “They gather food, bring it back to the nest, and use it for day-to-day meals as well as to store for the winter.”
In addition, the amazing insects can be adept horticulturalists, states the professor. Some species “gather bits of grass or leaves and take them back to their nest. On this organic matter, which is used much like fertilizer, they place tiny mushroom spores and grow them for food.” But ants as dairy-keepers? That’s right. “Some ants get the majority of their food by ‘milking’ aphids or plant lice which are often known as ‘ant cows,’ says the scientist. “The ants sometimes herd the aphids down into the ant nests at night or when it starts to get cool; then when it gets warm again, they herd them back up to the plants.”