Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Believers at Corinth Received the Holy Spirit
Paul continued teaching and Persuading there for some time
God wrought special miracles by Paul’s hands
Cast out devils in Jesus’ name
vagabond Jews were unable to do so
And so, mightily the Word of God grew
If we stick to the principles of faith
unwavering, firm until the end
disputing, persuading, healing, teaching and casting out devils
Lives will be transformed
the Word of God will prevail
Paul is still on his way to Jerusalem for feast of Pentecost
evidently he also knew that he would be going to Rome (though not how)
Things don’t always work the way that we think they will, even when we know how they end
While he was in Asia there arose a huge uproar over “the way” (no small stir)
Demetrius, a Silversmith, called together the workmen who made shrines, organized an uproar against Paul and the disciples
some people are profiting from sin.
They don’t want you to be saved
The whole city was filled with confusion
They caught Paul’s companions and rushed them into the theatre
Disciples prevented Paul from going in
People cried out for three hours “great is Diana of the Ephesians”
Finally, the uproar was ceased (when the town clerk had appeased the people)
So, Paul continues his journey
had to re-route through Macedonia because the Jews were lying in wait for him - to harm him
Please note that people who serve God with purpose do suffer persecution
So many Christians think that if they say a prayer and go to church, nothing bad is ever going to happen
then we get disappointed, bitter, discouraged, and faithless, when we are surprised by adversity
Here we see Paul, a great man of faith, one of the greatest apostles of all time, a man through whom God wrought special miracles:
Yet, he suffered persecutions
He was often hindered from doing God’s work
Often harmed, often threatened
Jesus forewarned us: In the world you will have persecutions
Peter reminds us not to think it strange concerning the fiery trial that is to try you
I wonder about the Christians that have never suffered anything for their faith...
We should not be surprised when we meet resistance in our faith today
We should not be surprised when we set out to do something good and we find ourselves doing it alone (but never truly alone)
We should not be surprised when we start out on a good path, and then it costs us more than we thought it would
But if God is for you ....
It will all work for your good
How sorry I am for those who are not willing to suffer any loss or persecution, and never learn of the Lord’s awesome glory!!!
Oh how He wants to bring us through it.
Don’t avoid your path!
The met on the first day of the week (Sunday)
Paul was preaching past midnight - people were hungry
Eutychus fell three floors to his death
Paul raised him from the dead-
and then kept on preaching to sunup!!
Paul at Miletus
He traveled through a number of cities and towns
some by foot, some by sea
Meeting with Luke and others at Miletus
He skipped going to Ephesus because he was determined to make it to Jersualem by Pentecost
Apparently the elders at Ephesus were very important to Paul
So he sent from Miletus for them to meet him there.
None of These Things Move Me
Paul had a Testimony
He reminded these people that they knew the way he Lived, and had seen God working
He had already endured “many tears”
many temptations
with humility
kept back nothing, but taught publickly and privately
Jesus is Lord, , repentance toward God, faith in Jesus
And Now:
now going “bound in the Spirit”
There is an inner compelling, when we are sold out to Jesus
As though we were “bound”
You just can’t do anything else but go where He is leading
Although the Holy Spirit has revealed that “bonds and afflictions await”
God is an honest God
He warns us of the things to come
The bible does not hide the pain - but oh the Joy that outweighs it.
But None of these things moved him
I think I know a little about what he might have meant:
(personal story of call to ministry)
and now, today, I still can say: None of these things move me:
I pray that you will let none of these things move you also, though it cost you everything:
Lost fortunes
Failed expectations
trials of false friends
those who abandon you
Hard work, alone and unappreciated
Enemies of God, who lie, and even tarnish your good name
long hours, and little rest.
marital strife
physical weakness and infirmities of poor health
threats of loss, pain, lawsuits, and poverty
None of these things move me
I will Finish my Course with Joy
I have a course to finish - you have a course to finish
God has a purpose for you -
It is not enough to endure it - I must finish it with Joy!!!
Are you still glad that God called you
that doesn’t mean that we are always laughing in our pain
But I am still glad, even in my pain, that I am on this road with Jesus
Nothing can take that joy away
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9