Activate The Word
Okay, so young people that stand we're going to have kids World a man. And so I'm going to ask the congregation. If you would pray with me as we cover our young people as they go to class father. We thank you for our young people today. We thank you God that you have blessed them to come out to worship you and to study your word. I'm praying right now God that their hearts are ready to receive from you. I'm praying God that the word that there they will be taught today. They can take it hide it in their hearts Lord meditative on it. And and that word would change them from the inside out. We thank you God for all that you do for the parents to bring their young people their kids here in for our instructor. We just give you all honor and glory in Jesus precious name that everybody say Amen. Alright young people. Yeah. I'll go easy on the first lady. Okay.
She's stepping in for for instructors. Amen. Alright, okay before we get started, I do have one one quick announcement. So men, I need to speak to the man for a second. So I need to meet with the men after church and worship service today so that we can move forward a little more on our big secret if plans.
Are we going to try to get past the women ain't? That has never happened but we're going to try. So for a man if you could stay afterwards and we're going to talk about some things that we need to do to make sure that Mother's Day Mother's and women we're going to celebrate them for if it had not been for them. Where would we be a man? And so I need the man to come after service and stay with it won't take long if you have to run but I just need to get some direction. Amen. All right, y'all ready for the word. Alright, here we go. We are going to continue our our series on the word of God word. We're talking about the word of God. Say the word of God. I want to go a little deeper today and want to look at how we can take the word of God and activated in our lives. Okay, cuz it's really important that we know how to take the word and apply it to our situations a man as we see you can there's there's a lot of people can hear the word but they don't know how to execute the word to do with the situation circumstances that they have a man. And so we going to talk about that today so that we can have a little more insight into how to activate the word of God. Alright, here's what I need. I need for you to stand with me. We're going to read are foundational scripture together. It's going to come from Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 when you dare say Amen. Alright, here's what I I need to do. Let's read that together verse 12 for the word of God is alive and Powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two edged sword cutting between Soul and Spirit between joint and Morrow, it exposes our innermost thoughts and desires now share with me as we move into our confession of Faith repeat this after me. I am not move. By what I see about what I feel. I am moved by what I believe. I believe the word of God. The victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. In Jesus name now just give God one more big hands of Praise as you're seated in the presence of the Lord. Amen. So we talking about the word of God last week. We begin this the series end and we talked about how God is powerful. And because he speaks his word his word is powerful to let someone so we have to make this connection in order for you to get this God is powerful when he speaks his word that's power. Tell your neighbor the word of God Is Power No, no say it. Like you mean it the word of God. is power now before we can move on there's some there's there's one thing I have to have to step back and say
We all have challenges in life. We all got problems. We don't have concerns. We all have issues. Sometimes the devil will try to make us feel like we're not saying that we're not that we don't belong to God, but that's something that you have to bind because if you if you keep your mind caught on your your feelings or your shortcomings, you won't be able to see what I want where he wants to take you in what he wants to do for you. Does that make sense? So so you got to say this I'm saying God loves me. Because he loves me. I can use the words that he gave me. Now now now now that's really important because sometimes we're in church and we get stuck in the stuff that we've done where we all NaNa feel guilty about this. I'm in a I have a problem that stuff you have to bind right now. Okay, because if you stay there you won't be able to see what God or hear what God wants you to do with the rest of your life. Does that make sense? Okay.
In order to activate the word we have to believe that when God spoke it it has power. Okay, you got some things we struggle in life. Okay, you know what the Bible says this but you don't know my situation the Bible says his but you don't know at some point. You got to fight this thing because the more you fight it the more you stay stuck when you accepted God is powerful and his word is powerful and what he says is true, then you can move forward. Does that make sense what the devil and what the world will want us to try to do is start focused and stay focused on ourselves and our shortcomings in our insecurities it and that way we we stayed almost like we're in the wilderness just turning around. You know, I'm saying it's like we never get past our shortcomings because that's the only thing we we continue to focus on the glass is always half-empty. Right you talk to me like, you know, what's up, its Sunshine at the well, it supposed to rain. Yo, do you not answer? So what the devil wants us to do is stay focused on our shortcomings that he wants to he wants to point out all the negative stuff. We have to move past that tell your neighbor. Let's move past that that's okay. Last week I told you God's word is not going to change. It's not changing. I will tell you this if you pick up a Bible 10 years from now, it's going to say the same thing. It says today if you pick up the Bible 50 years from now, it's going to say the same thing as yesterday. If you pick it up a hundred years from now, it's going to say the same thing. It says today. The only thing that's changing is the world around us. So when you take something that doesn't change and you apply to something that will change guess who's going to win. The word of God is going to win the word of God won't change but your situation will change. So when you take something that won't change and you applied to something that will change the thing that won't change is going to cover or take over the thing that will change.
I need I need I need I need to let y'all notice because there's some situations some health situation. Situations some relationship situation that if you take the word of God that won't change and apply to that situation that will change. Yes, what will happen your financial situation to change your health situation or changed your relationship situation take as long as we know that the word of God is going to be the same no matter what the situation Is that make sense? We got to get this y'all because if we don't get this will still struggle with struggling. I said all the time as Believers as Christians, we are struggling to we have all power. Does that make sense?
The word of God is here to work on our behalf. Tell your neighbor the word of God is here to work for you. It is not designed to work against you. The word of God is here to work for you.
So how do we take this power this amazing power that we have an activated in our life? That's the question right there what the Bible says?
looking 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 Here's what the Bible says. That your face a face. Should not be in the wisdom of men.
but in the power of God
now, let's roll it. Take back. God is all-powerful. His word is all-powerful. My face should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God, which is the word of God.
He says he says here that your faith that what you believe in that what you trust your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. We know that God is powerful and his word is powerful. So what I should have faith in what I should believe in and what I should trust in is the word of God. Does that make sense? Cuz I'm struggling to hard up here. I'm not up here now, but I'm in my life. I'm struggling when I have something called the power of God working on my behalf. And the Bible tells me instead of listening to the wisdom of men. I need to have my faith in the power of God. That changes the whole thing that change or I don't have to worry about what someone thinks about me as long as I know what God says about me. I don't have to worry about where I'm going. As long as God is leading me. I have to just trust God because there's power in God's word. Does that make sense? Then? She see a struggling so hard. I mean wink wink financially having problems as Believers relationship divorce rate is crazy high for believers problems with our children problems in the whole problem because we are not executing and activating the word of God. Image by design for double wants us not to read the words not to hear the word not to apply the word. Therefore. We won't know what to do when problems and situations and circumstances, When God says don't worry about what the latest pop culture is find out what the word of God says. That's where the power is. Does that make sense? Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 that your face that what you trust should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God Not going to get ahead of myself say activate the word. Tell your neighbor activate the word. We activate something that means you have to do something a man you have to do something in order to activate the word you must turn on the switch.
You can't get no light in here unless you do what?
Turn on the switch tell you if you got turned on the switch. See see that the problem is we waiting for somebody else to turn on the switch.
God is waiting for you to get up and turn on the light a man listen. Here's the thing that turns on the switch with act which activates the word of God. I already talked about it. Y'all ready?
Is your faith? No, they didn't hear it over here. Feels like I wanted you to tell me something amazing. Like I had to jump up and down and run into a wall or something like that. No.
You know, what's going to turn on the switch and activate the word of God in your life. It's what you believe. It's your face. It ain't something everybody looking for a miracle the Miracles inside of you. The Habit What the devil in the world wants to distract you so that you'll never turn on the switch. You'll go look to everybody else and everything else to help you with your situation as opposed to you having faith in the power of God. Tell your neighbor to turn on the switch. Tell me like you mean it turn on the switch. Here's how we turn on the switch. We turn on the switch in the power is activated when we speak. the word of God
I miss that.
When we open up my mouth and speak the word of God, we turn on the switch which allows God to come into our situation when you say yes, I need you in the mix of my finances you turn on the power and you allow God to come in and do some things with your finances.
I was jumping up and down. I was like, I gave it to me. I got it. Tell him the truth. Here's the deal. when we take the word of God Do we hide it in here and we speak it forth. We activate the power of God. Show me what I'm saying. We take the word of God. We grabbed it and we put it here. We take it and we speaking out. We activate the power of God. I don't care what anybody else tells you. It's just like back in Genesis 1:1 when he said when he spoke this world into existence when he spoke when he said nothing happens until he said it nothing nothing nothing will occur in your life until you speak it into excited telling the word of God is alive.
Say it like you mean in the word of God is alive. Listen, our Spirits are foundational scripture verse 12 for the word that God speaks is alive and full of power making it active operative energizing and effective. It is sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of the Breath of Life the soul and the immortal spirits and of joints and Marrow of the deepest part of our nature check this out exposing and sipping and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. Don't tell me the word of God in a lie the word of God. Look at what you thinking and tell you you right or wrong. You ain't even got to do anything. Before you act if you read the word of God if you allow the word of God and I'll check you.
That's why the devil don't want us to read the word of God. That's why the world doesn't want us to participate and study in the word of God because if we get it and we start using we know we have power. So, you know what if you want to take someone's power from take away the information.
Your face will activate the word of God in your life. See people come to me all the time. I'll tell me what the word of God say, they'll put a comma behind and say but you don't understand my situation. I'll go back and tell him what the word of God is he says they'll say, but you don't understand my situation. I'll tell him what the word of God says. He'll put a comma behind it and they'll tell me but you don't understand what the word of gossip that's what does not change in that situation the word of God.
And a year from now you'll situation will be different and 5 years from now your situation will be different and that's why you're, but has no impact on the word of God. Cuz the word of God is always going to be the same. If you are liar you are liar.
Owl says something bad in church.
Now, let me tell you the truth. Cuz some Churches want to play with people and they want to make like seeing a sin. I miss you. I miss you and problems are problems. They want to they want to make everything feel good. And it look good and you go right back into the same mess and you never get out of it what let's call a spade a spade. Hey, man, let's tell the truth to each other. Amen. The truth will set you free. I don't know what you come up with. The word ain't going to change the truth will set you free. If you want to activate the word operating the truth of the word. Yes, it will hurt. Yes. It won't feel good. But you know what is going to resolve that issue and man so that you can move forward with your life and you won't spend 40 years in the wilderness. Wondering what happened to your life. You might wonder why you can't forgive someone when God says forgive and love your enemies. You still hurry because someone did something to you 20 years ago 30 years ago Let It Go the truth will set you free.
amen Tell you later. We got to activate the word. We got to start living differently. We got to start doing differently because I don't know about you. I am so tired of seeing Brothers and Sisters in Christ suffer the way we do what's the problem? What we have all the power and we have the word of God. What's the problem? We're not activating. We want to come up with every reason. When God says you can lay hands and heal the sick that is not going to change I don't care how many folks tell you though. That was just for the apostles know it wasn't. He said you. He said you can baptize. He said you he said you can do all the things that he did and even more you turn to your neighbor say you.
What the Bible says? In Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the Bible clearly says and it is impossible to please God without faith. Let me tell you that again and it is impossible to please God without faith. Now, I got a labor here for a minute because we have too many folks who call themselves Christians who don't believe in the word of God.
I'll just tell you the truth. I won't call him Christian. I called him churchgoers. They come to church but they don't believe in what they've been told or her so they can be following Christ. They found some form of Christ, but they're not following the word. That's why there's always drama in their lives. Open up your eyes always got drama always got to, but behind whatever the word of God says.
They fighting a struggling with the word of God. Tell him I'm going to activate the word. The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 and it is impossible to please God without faith anyone who wants to come to him hear me out anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. So you can play Church all you want to you can snatch cry run around knock yourself out if you don't believe and are truly seeking God. He's not hearing you.
What they never told me that in my church. I used to go to.
I'm just telling you the truth. What the Bible says? Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek Him and Matthew chapter 9 verse 23, I can't get it to the whole story here. But kind of the in Matthew chapter 9. There was a father Mark Darcy Mark Mark chapter 9 Mark chapter 9. There's a father whose son was possessed by a demon. And he came to the disciples and he asked them if they could cast out the demon, right? They couldn't the couldn't the couldn't so he can see he comes to Jesus and and he asked Jesus if he could cast out the demon and and long story short Jesus. This is me paraphrasing. But can you imagine going to Jesus in case you think you can do this? Can you just dis my but you know in our ignorance, that's how we operate today everytime. We don't trust the word of God. We're saying to him God you think you can do this? Think about it. I know you don't want to be guilty of that but we are every time we don't trust what the word says. We're just like that man. Do you think I do you think you could do this? I don't know. I think I don't know if you can pay my bills. I don't know if you can save my marriage. I don't know if you can heal my child. I don't know if you think you could do it. That's the kind of distrust we have when we come to God like that. The same thing. I don't want to be the one guilty of that cuz oh my gosh, I am saved. Right. I know the word right? But how dare I how dare you accuse me of doubting God's word, but we do it all the time. Amen. It's so long story short in in the text and Mark chapter 9 verse 23, he comes to the man comes to Jesus and he ask a question and it says what do you mean if I can? Read the Scripture it says it says what do you mean if I can Jesus at anything is possible if a person believes? So, can you imagine in your prayer life you going to God and asking him for something and he knows you have doubt in your heart. And you dare ask him what this down in your heart. Do you think you can do this guy and have her way it comes out? It may come out humbly. Oh my God. I'm really hoping that you can help me with this. No. We're coming to him without we're not trusting the word. Therefore. We're not activating the world. Does that make sense? Call it what it is. I need you to intervene and make it happen. And I trust that you going to make it happen and walk away and Trust and Believe because you spoke that to God. Now you have to go find what the word of God says about your finances and you still do you continue to speak them out? Does that make sense? So you can't run to everybody with all your problems before you go to God. I'm talking to somebody in here. somebody been running and everybody else but God Amen it's time that we flip that script and go to God with everything because that's how we show we believe and trust in him and John Chapter 14 verse in John Chapter 14 verse 12 beginning with verse tell if I tell you the truth anyone who believes in me
It don't don't don't don't skip ahead cuz the issue now is me. What do I really believe in? Jesus says anyone who believes in me. I'm not talking about he acknowledged. I'm not talking about intellect. We don't have a lot of intellect about the word of God, but we don't know the word of God the word of God. We apply the word of God. I didn't know it. I've heard it. I listen to all of us the truck shows in the TV Ministry, but I am not applying the word of God. Therefore. My life is still showing evidence that I not necessarily believing in Him With My Heart.
Does that make sense she would like to jump ahead because when it comes to me looking at myself in the mirror when he says I tell you the truth anyone who believes in me stop do I really believe in God? I'm in the situation. Now. You don't understand. I'm in a circumstance now, it's feeling real bad. Do I believe God will get me out of this situation? or am I just
when this and this is not lining up. Does that make sense? I'll tell you the truth. And Johnny says I tell you the truth anyone who believes in me will do the same works. I have done and even greater works because I am going to be with the father. You guys don't understand how many times when I told someone that you can do just the same things that Jesus did and do more they tell me, but
you don't understand I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. I had this issue. I had this problem. It does not change what the Bible says. So, how are you going to continue to fight against the word guess who's going to win? Amen, he says I tell you the truth. God is not a man that he should lie. And he won't lie. He says anyone who believes in me will do the same works. I have done an even greater works because I am going to be with the phone. Do you hear me? 13 verse 13 you can ask for anything in my name and I will do it so that the sun can bring glory to the father many times. Our prayers aren't answered because what we're praying for never brings glory to God and only brings us comfort. Let's try this over here.
You know that million dollars you been asking for?
And that big car that fancy home.
And all of this and that it was never intended to give God glory. You wanted it for yourself. You wanted it for your comforter? Well Pastor what's wrong with asking for ain't nothing wrong with asking for it. If you going to give God glory.
He said you didn't ask for anything in my name as long as God gets the glory. So when you speak as you're not speaking to serve yourself, you're speaking it to give God the glory.
Does that make sense man? We got to change some stuff y'all we don't got called in this religious psycho, and we don't know how to get out of it, but the word will break every yoke every chain and set us free once we start operating in the truth.
In verse 14. He says yes. Ask me for anything. Well, you know, I'm only going to ask for what I need ask me for anymore. Well, I don't want to buy the guy ask me for anything.
your needs and your wants ask me for anything as long as when you ask God, this is how I want to give you glory.
Does that make sense? Say apply to word of God. Here's the deal Romans chapter 10 verse 17. You've heard it a million pieces scripture. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God in the new King James translation is yes, so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The only way you going to get the faith is to hear the word and the only way you going to activate and apply the word is the speaking. I got to hear it. Read it studying. I have to speak it then matter what anybody else says my faith comes by me here in the work receiving the word hiding it in my hearts and then speaking it out. See, it doesn't matter what anybody else situation is.
Thank you, Holy Spirit. Some people get all bent out of shape when there's a recession.
But when you have the word of God. That does not mean what's impacting them is going to impact you if you speak the truth of the word.
See, that's why when people can't come to me with a, but you don't understand inflation recession. Did it like God don't know about all of that. Oh, my God is not going to take care of you in the midst of the world's recession. And the problems with the world a child of God. My God can do. I speak this word by faith. I stand on this word by faith. I don't care what it looks like and I'm going to speak into your life face. Now. What do you receive it and act on it? It's on you and I will tell all of us when you speak the word of God, that's truth and if you and somebody else than one receive it that's on them. I don't want to come up with a million reasons why the word is not truth that's on if you go get your blessing. What the what the price you can go Get It Go Get It Go Get Your Blessing. That's what we talkin about you go get yours by trusting in the word of God. amen in James chapter 1 here we go. I'm almost done.
verse 22 But don't just listen to God's work. You must do what it says. Otherwise you are only fooling yourself.
So you can go to you can have every degree in the world.
You can be at every Christian Conference in every Workshop in every whatever. But if you don't do the word of God, you only fooling yourself and whatever you get from those conferences from those workshops last this long. And then you running around trying to get another high I go to the next conference. Can I go to next then? I got to go to I got to get that feeling. When all the Bible says is do the war?
He said verse 22, but don't just listen to God's word always amazes me. I didn't get anything out of that service.
My first thought is what what did you bring to it?
You always trying to get something, but you never bring anything to When I get there Revelation I had thank you Lord used to come in my past I didn't get nothing out your message. Where would you bring into it to get something out of it? You just sitting there hearing? No intentions of doing that all I just want to hear word. Thanks to hear word.
But nobody want to hear that. amen Verse 23. I'm tell you coming I'm going to tell you the truth. It might cut it might hurt. But if you stay wit it is going to heal and set you free. And I'll remind everybody what I'm given to you. I had to go through it too. So don't think I am said out your whole bunch of times to the Lord. Amen. That's what it says 23 for if you listen to the word and don't obey it is like glancing at your face in the mirror first 24. You see yourself you walk away and forget what you look like. Ask somebody what the pastor preached about after service.
I will text you. What's the time difference about I don't know, but the praise team, so it was good.
And he didn't even who you see yourself walk away and forget what you look like. Here we go first, but if you look carefully into the perfect law that set you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard then God will bless you for doing.
You want to activate the word you want to apply the word whatever God tells you to do. You do it. You can't bring everybody alone with you. Cuz they're not ready to activate the word. They want to stay right where they're at. They want to be miserable. They want to be broke. They want to be full of heartache and confusion because that's comfortable now, they'll come to church but that's about all they're going to do. You ask him to pick up the bible to read to study and now they're too busy busy doing what being broke then you know what I'm saying? All of the things that they NY they so busy, but they got to watch the latest reality TV show. You asked me to take that hour and read the word of God. I'm too busy. And then they want somebody when they're in the situation pray for me. I need you to get a prayer through the problem is if you've been doing what you were supposed to be doing doing the word of God you could get a prayer through.
Hey, man, give God some praise. amen See at some point. We got to get off the milk milk of the word. We got to start dealing with the meat of the word of we never grow a man too many churches. Nothing against my brothers as they keep feeding the milk of the word. They keep preaching the unsaved sermons over and over and over again. What after you save them, what do you do with your life? Then you have to run this race of Faith. Thank you. And this thing is not a joke because it every Milestone something is there to try to trip you up a man. We have got to become obedient to the word of God. Someone asked me. What does loving God means it means being obedient to his work has nothing to do with how you feel trust me. There are times when I don't want to do it, but I am going to be obedient to the word and that's what God considers love to his son. Jesus Christ. Amen, and you got something out of this message. Give God a big and the price
what are the next? I'm hoping it's okay. So everybody knows who comes here. I don't believe in you just sitting here hearing the word and doing nothing with it. So I need everybody start reading the Bible. Reading the Bible. I don't care if you put it on in your car and you listen to it while you're driving. You should have some form of that Bible coming from the outside into the inside on a daily basis. Just like you eat everyday read the word. You cannot you cannot operate in this craziness. If you don't have the power of the word of God, Amen. I want you to join with me in prayer cuz I believe that where two or more gather than we we are in Union. And we agree and if if you believe this and you have faith in him, I'm praying that we have 500 people attend service here on a weekly basis. I know what we can do. I know if you tell two or three people to come out and they tell two or three people to come out. We will get to that goal He-Man. Watch the, but I don't have a ride to go pick him up. And bring him a man and watch what God will do in their lives. Amen. Now make every Sunday back to church Sunday. Tell somebody you know what? I'm going back to church every Sunday should be a time on Saturday night. Where you excited about going to church on Sunday morning if you wake up on Sunday, and it's a drag for you to come to church stop pray and ask God to forgive you. You should be excited because as a Christian as a follower of Christ as a Believer, you should be excited about coming and fellowshipping with other believers. You should bring some joy and some excitement to the worship service. It should not be. It should be you know, what just what we bout to do. I'm going to church and I'm excited about I guess I'm going I'm going to UCF they pretty good.
Can you give us sugar that give us muffins and donuts and stuff? I like that place man. The kids really like it ain't me. but seriously In your heart if it's a challenge and you are a believer. stop ask God to change your heart. Amen. Alright, imma bring up here and he's got an amazing invitation for you. And then we're going to collect our offering and then we going to move for it. Thank you so much. This is my Junior Deacon here.