The Storm and the Son of God Revelation
The Storm and the Son of God Revelation
Matthew 14:22-32
Introduction: Imagine that you are forced to ride the scariest roller coaster - a roller coaster ride so severe that some are excited when the ride ends and some are upset and angry because of how turbulent the experience was...following Jesus can be just like that!
“Jesus commanded, instructed, made, forced his disciples get into the boat…”
- “Get into the boat!” (I can see Jesus pushing this disciple and that one toward the boat.)
I am sure the disciples didn’t mind getting on the boat. Earlier that day, Jesus miraculously multiplied the bread and fish to feed five thousand plus woman and children. The disciples were still in awe – happy and celebrating. As Jesus motioned them toward the boat, they looked up and saw the beautiful stars in the night sky. So off they went…
Wait a minute – he forced them on to the boat? You may say, “How rude of him!” Perhaps you are offended by behavior like this, but if you are going to follow Jesus, I must tell you the truth, he is going to push you and pull you and at times give you commands and strong instructions that will force you into situations your flesh would rather not be in with people you would rather not be with. Discipleship isn’t like going down to Bayside in Miami and taking the tourist cruise around Millionaire Island. Learn this lesson quickly; submit to the Lord and follow what he says to do, no matter how difficult it may be, and in the end you will be blessed.
Jesus always has the end in mind at the beginning for those on the boat. He forced them into the boat but told them in advance where they would end up – on the other side of the lake. If Jesus tells you to go to the other side, he is going to get you there. It was his promise to them; they would make it over to the other side. But it would take trust. The disciples got into a boat that Jesus was not physically in – but they had his word to trust in.
Discipleship, following Jesus, is about trusting Jesus. To trust Jesus means that he will put you through difficult experiences to develop that trust. You can’t learn this in a class or acquire this any other way than by going through circumstances and experiences with the Lord.
The boat is Newtown Assembly of God and this is the word of the Lord to you – “Get into the boat!” When you are in his boat, you have the assurance that all things are working together for the good of those who are called according to his purpose. If you are not in the boat with Jesus, even in life’s worst storms, you are in more danger sitting under your umbrella on LBI with a cool drink in your hand, feeling the cool, ocean breezes.
“Get into the boat”, I tell you, for I am one of the captains of this vessel. We have some challenges ahead, some difficulties as well. Sometimes we will laugh; sometimes we will cry, but we will do it together. It won’t be easy but we will be victorious. We have his promise.
There is a saying that “the grass is greener on the other side.” I want to tell you this morning that the grass is greener on the other side if it is the Lord who is directing you. Don’t be like Jonah and run away – he got on a boat headed in the opposite direction of where he was sent to go. Get on the boat for God has something better for you on the other side, in this life and in eternity.
*God has a destiny, a plan for you that is only activated when you are in the boat. It begins when you get into the boat.
It is time to decide that, yes; I will follow Jesus, and not let go of him. Tell him, “Yes, Lord, I am in this with you.” Get into the boat.
- Facing the “Contrary wind”
*Many people quit half way to their dreams when things get difficult or at the first sign of danger. Half way through the wilderness, many of the people of Israel wanted to return to slavery in Egypt because of fear. In Nehemiah, the returning exiles built the wall half way and then wanted to quit because of fear. In our story here, the disciples had to be exhausted, cold, and wet – yet, Matthew focuses on one element – their great fear.
This is not the time to quit because of fear for the Lord says to you, “Así que no temas, porque yo estoy contigo; no te angusties, porque yo soy tu Dios. Te fortaleceré y te ayudaré; te sostendré con mi diestra victoriosa.”
*You will certainly encounter opposition that will work against you reaching the other side. The boat could not go further because the winds were contrary. The Greek gives us the idea that the boat was “harassed, bullied” by the strong wind so that they only were able to row a short distance. Did you ever feel that you have gone so far but can go no further? There’s not enough money to move forward or there are people against what you are doing… You have come from another country and sacrificed so much to get here, it hasn’t turned out the way you thought, and now you are in a whole you feel you cannot get out. You have gone half way and now you cannot move forward. You are facing a “contrary wind.” That’s what the disciples faced, a contrary wind.
The Bible says, “Si Dios está nuestra parte, ¿quien puede estar en contra nuestra?”
The Bible says, “No prevalecerá ninguna arma que se forje contra ti.”
The Bible says, “Cuando cruces las aguas, yo estaré contigo; cuando cruces los ríos, no te cumbrirán sus aguas; cuando camines por el fuego, no te quemarás ni te abrasarán las llamas.”
*God does not work according to our timing. But he is never too late! “The fourth watch of the night” was the time between 3:00 am and 6:00 am, the hours just before daybreak. The disciples were already afraid for their lives, and now to see someone walking on the water toward them must have been absolutely terrifying. They thought they saw a ghost. It was Jesus who is never too late even if it is the last minute of darkness just before the sunrise. If it is dark for you now, rejoice because the sun is about to rise over you and bring you into your new day. He knows where you are today.
God is never too late.
The raising of Lazarus…”You are too late, Lord!”
*Jesus acts immediately to calm the fear of the disciples by identifying himself. When things got to be at their worst, Jesus comes immediately to encourage his disciples to continue on. Jesus in all his glory and power as the Son of God is only a moment away. He walked across the waves to them. Are you beginning to get the revelation of who Jesus is? The Bible says this about Jesus:
Psalm 77:16 Las agues te vieron, oh Dios, las agues te vieron y se agitaron; el propio abismo se estremeció con violencia.
Job 9:8 El se basta para extender los cielos; somete a su dominio las olas del mar.”
Job 38:16 “¿Has viajado hasta las fuentes del océano, o recorrido los rincones del abismo?”
What is it that Jesus declared to the scared disciples? He declares, “Cálmense.” Hear that word in your spirit this morning - “Be calm. Do not be afraid!”
“Why shouldn’t I be afraid, Lord?” Because “I am”, says the Lord. Jesus said, “¡Cálmense! Soy yo. No tengan miedo.”
This has a deeper meaning than Jesus saying, “It is I.” He was proclaiming his name to them, the name above all names. “I am.” He was saying, “ It is more than a man coming to you, for can a man walk on the water? I am the eternal God who was and is and is to come. Nothing in all creation was created without me for I am the very cause and architect of all creation. I uphold the universe with the word of my power.”
Exodus 3:14 Yo soy el que soy - respondió Dios a Moisés -. Y esto es lo que tienes que decirles a los israelitas: “Yo soy me ha enviado a ustedes.”
Isaiah 43:10 Ustedes son mis testigos – afirma el Señor - , son mis siervos escogidos, para que conozcan y crean en mi, y entiendan que Yo soy. Antes de mi no hubo ningun otro dios, ni habrá ninguno despues de mi. Yo, yo soy el Señor, fuera de mi no hay ningun otro salvador. Yo he anunciado, salvado, y proclamado; yo entre ustedes, y no un dios extraño. Ustedes son mis testigos – afirma el Señor - , y yo soy Dios. Desde los tiempos antiguos, Yo soy. No hay quien pueda librar de mi mano. Lo que yo hago, nadie puede desbaratarlo.
Mark 14:62 “Si, Yo soy,” dijo Jesús. Y ustedes verán al Hijo del hombre sentado a la derecha del Todopoderoso, y viniendo en las nubes del cielo.”
John 8:57-58 “Ni a los cincuenta años llegas,” le dijeron los judíos, “¿y has visto a Abraham? “Ciertamente les aseguro que, antes de que Abraham naciera, ¡Yo Soy!”
That is who was walking on the water to the distressed disciples, the great “I am”. In your distress he comes to you this day, able to do exceedingly abundant above what we could ask or think or imagine in our hearts. It is the Lord of glory who is your God who comes to you this day to save you.
So many Christians know about Jesus, but don’t have the Son of God revelation. So many know Him as Alpha but not as Omega. The most important thing to happen in your life is receiving revelation of who Jesus is and having that revelation burn in your heart so that you know deep in your being that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Flesh and blood cannot reveal it to you, only the Father who is in heaven.
It is this revelation that will sustain in you in times of trouble. This revelation will cause you to do what you once thought was impossible. It is a miracle-working revelation that can do above what is humanly possible. The Son of God revelation!
Peter got that revelation and moved out upon the waves toward Jesus, but he lost his focus because of the waves and began to sink. He becomes our example of faith and lack of faith all at once. At the very moment he began to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Is that your cry today? Are you sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore? Cry out today to the Lord of glory and he will do for you what he did for Peter. Jesus will lift you up out of the angry waves. He will save you! “Lord, save me!”
Notice this that once Jesus and Peter stepped back on the boat, the wind ceased and the waves became still. Get on the boat. Stay on the boat. You will reach the other side. There is no reason to fear for the great “I am” will bring you through the storm safely to the other side.