Acts 4

The beginning of the trouble for the church
Acts 4:1-5The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead or the immortality of the soul, since these doctrines are not mentioned in the law of Moses.[1]
The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead or the immortality of the soul, since these doctrines are not mentioned in the law of Moses. Neither did they believe in rewards or punishments handed out after death, as in the doctrines of heaven and hell.[2]
:34–39; 15:5; 23:6–9). Since the chief priests usually came from among the Sadducees, it is clear that they played a major role in the arrest of Jesus and the preliminary hearing against Him (Mark 14:60–64), and that they urged Pilate to crucify Him (Mark 15:1, 3, 10–11). Jesus warned His disciples about the “leaven”—the “doctrine” or teaching—of the Sadducees (Matt. 16:1–12).[3]
The guard took Peter and John into jail, but it was late so they wait until morning to trial them. Wow! When they took Jesus it was night John18.3 it did not stop them from trialing Jesus.
; Luke 20:27–40) Jesus confronted by the Sadducees.
If we truly preach the Gospel of God, there will be those that do not like to hear the truth. Like Peter and John, we will find ourselves being confronted by those that want to stop the message.
Jesus had run ins with the religious people of the day. They give him the most trouble.
After posing His reasons, Jesus stated that the Sadducees were “greatly mistaken” in their beliefs (Mark 12:27). The multitude who heard Jesus’ argument were “astonished at His teaching” (Matt. 22:33) and the Sadducees were “silenced” (Matt. 22:34)
1. Peter was still preaching to the crowd about how the crippled man was healed.
a. he had been preaching for about three hours
b. the Religious group shows up in the temple court yard
Question: why did they show up?
1. They were sure that once Jesus was out of their life it would all go back to normal.
2. The group of those being saved had grown to 5000. This was taking people away from them.
3. Peter had preach that Jesus was alive (resurrection)
This religious group was made up of those that did not believe in life after death.
This just rubbed them the wrong way. Most of them believed that the messiah would come and fit into their way of life
4. This group was the same group that had Jesus killed. Peter had preached some hard words about this group that day.
Peter and john had started out the afternoon going to prayer at 3:00 and now look what they faced. Jail can you imagine going to pray and then find you are in jail.