Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Fundamentals of Salvation
Physical circumcision was not necessary to prove one was saved or belonged to the Family of God.
Aim: We will commit ourselves to living with hope and trust in the work of Christ.
This is a very difficult part of Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi.
They have been invaded by false teaching and some were led to believe that their salvation was predicated upon circumcision.
Paul begins correcting this thought with a warning to Beware! .
He calls attention to these false teachers and Judaizers so that this church would not become absorb in ritualistic behaviors that would separate them from the true meaning of salvation.
Here in this verse we take note of Paul’s exhortation to the believers.
Paul gives three remarkable examples of the affects of Christ’s Death which brings salvation to those who believe.
Aim: We will commit ourselves to living with hope and trust in the work of Christ.
I. We Are Righteous Because of Christ
“We are the circumcision”
Circumcision: The practice of on the eighth day after a males birth, the foreskin was cut off as a sign of the covenant between God and Israel.
It was so highly viewed in the Jewish communities that the term became used as a metonymy, for those who were circumcised.
Judaizers attempted to include this practice within the church as a means for salvation.
Paul states that this physical act is unnecessary.
Christ had become the covenant and acceptance of Jesus is the entrance into the Holy Family.
“We are the circumcision” Not by the cutting of the foreskin but by cutting away from the bondage of sin.
We are no longer bound by sin.
The cross and death of Christ has released us from its imprisonment.
We are saved from the penalty of sin by Jesus.
ILLUS: Lately there has been been this supplement craze in our society.
There is some sort of supplement for almost everything.
Vitamin supplements, Protein, dietary you name it they have it.
They are used to help with what is missing.
But with salvation we do not need any supplements.
We have Jesus and Jesus alone brings us to the marvelous light.
Transition: Being saved is not dependent upon what we look like but it is based upon the work of Jesus on Calvary.
Application: Salvation has nothing to do with sagging jeans, skinny jeans, pierced ears, stockings, long dresses, short dresses, suits or ties.
It is not based upon the exterior it is based upon the work of Christ.
We are not saved by what we wear.
Do you believe in Jesus!
Transition: We must live with the understanding that it is Christ that has empowered us to live separate from sin.
With that comes the understanding, secondly,
We Are Directed by the Spirit of God
“Who worship by the Spirit of God”
Here is what Paul is saying, though the believer is no longer dominated by sin the believer is dominated by the Spirit of God.
Worship: The word in the original language of this text used for worship means something different from sitting or kneeling and worshiping.
It is the same word used to describe the functions of a priest.
It means to give divine service.
Paul teaches that the believers life is not a ritualistic life but a spiritual life.
A life that renders divine service towards God.
That service is directed by the spirit of God.
He clearly states that the church is not influenced by the world and its agenda but under the authority of the spirit.
The believer operates under the direction of the Spirit of God.
Transition: Our life becomes a testimony of our relationship with Christ.
Application: Live a life that is spiritually led.
Submit to the dictate and authority of the spirit of God.
Don’t live compelled by fleshly desires.
yield to the Spirit of God.
If you are cussing folk out you are not listening to the spirit.
if you are hurting people purposely . .
.If you are being negative . . .
We Give Christ the Glory
“Glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh”
The Judaizers believed that circumcision gave them a right to be prideful.
They looked down on those who were not.
They were glorifying the practice and not the God whom had chosen them.
Paul teaches that the confidence of the believer is in the Grace of God through Christ Jesus.
Jesus saved us
Application: Don’t make Christianity about what you have done.
Make it about Jesus and what Jesus has done.
Conclusion: He died in our place . . .
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9