Planting 2.0: Ephesians 2.11-15. The Church
To focus on unity has nothing to do with being weak on doctrine. Unity is itself a theological necessity. Christians cannot sacrifice the essence of the gospel to attain unity, for that would not be Christian unity. Most of our divisions, however, occurred without justification and were usually accompanied by non-Christian attitudes and acts. We must be ready to tolerate disagreement as we enjoy unity. Obviously central tenets of the faith—such as the authority of Scriptures, the deity of Christ, and the death and resurrection of Christ—should not be diminished, for without these central features we no longer have a Christian church.
Why do the so-called defenders of orthodoxy have such a difficult time showing grace? Is it impossible to be both orthodox and magnanimous at the same time? Orthodoxy ought to make people gracious. The key is in seeing that both the content of belief and the conduct of belief are determined by Christ.