Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
He wholly followed the Lord.
[3x in ]
He had a good report
one of the twelve spies
“He brought a word as it was in his heart.”
At the age of forty, he was one of the twelve spies who went to spy out Canaan.
He and Joshua brought back a good report.
One of the two faithful spies
was 40 years old when he went to spy out Canaan
Caleb had something inside of him, something powerful in his heart.
Caleb had something inside of him, something powerful in his heart.
His mind was filled with good things, his heart was filled with faith.
We have so much negativity around us- doubt, skepticism, unbelief.
He could have only brought a good report because it was in him.
They all saw the same land, same people, same produce but through two different lenses.
They brought back an evil report whereas he and Joshua brought a good report.
The world gives us one report about God, Jesus, the Bible.
God has another report.
Whose report do you believe?
He did not succumb to the negativity around him.
He did not follow the view of the other ten spies that caused the hearts of the people to melt.
10 vs 2. [16%] Whose side was God on?
Don’t follow the majority.
Moses promised him an inheritance because he wholly followed the Lord.
Moses promised him an inheritance because he wholly followed the Lord.
He proved God’s faithfulness.
Now 45 years later, Caleb is still standing and standing strong.
God has kept me alive.
throughout the wilderness
all his contemporaries had died, passed off the scene.
Ill- One young man, living home, good job, also GF, doing THC, $ trouble, pending break-up, realizes his position, looks at some people he knows, much older but happy, stable, good families, prospering and wants to be like them.
This does not come overnight.
Success does not come overnight.
Comes by making the right decisions in life and sticking to them one at a time.
Begins by loving God, being faithful to Him, living in obedience to Him, applying His principles from His Word to our lives and sticking to it, persevering in it.
He was faithful to God and God was faithful to him.
At 85 yr old, he is still as strong as when he was sent by Moses.
At 85 yr old, he is still as strong as when he was sent by Moses.
God kept His word and brought him to Canaan.
He kept advancing.
Now give me this hill country
- KJV mountain.
at 85 years old, he didn’t settle.
Now give me this hill country
Now give me this hill country
He was ready for another challenge.
He never settles.
He doesn’t simply accept the status quo.
He keeps advancing.
In Canada, I notice many people anticipate retirement.
Work hard, ‘like a dog’ and hope for retirement to enjoy life.
But are they happy?
A life of continuous leisure, pleasure, rest and relaxation is not a life of joy.
We ought to incorporate rest into all of our lives.
A Sabbath.
Hedonism doesn’t equate to happiness.
Many men return to the work force.
Joy and happiness, satisfaction in life comes only from living a life of purpose.
You are doing something that benefits humanity, fulfilling God’s plan for your life.
He knew there were giants there - the Anakim.
It may be that the the Lord will be with me.
He had proven God and he was willing to prove God again.
Joshua gave him Hebron.
Josh 15.
Many of us are faced with giants in our lives.
The giants are there to make us great.
Make us conquerors.
The bigger your giant, the greater the victory, the stronger you are.
You can say “I proved God.”
When Israel entered Canaan there were many giants to be conquered.
David had his Goliath.
what are your giants?
What are you struggling with?
Financial debt
Sexual addiction/lust
Same-sex attraction
Relationship issues.
Low self-esteem
let’s deal with them with the help of God.
Let’s not pretend in the church that we are full of people who are perfect.
JC - I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
Keep advancing.
Keep moving forward until you die.
Don’t stop fighting the good fight of faith.
Get some fight into you!
Man up and fight.
He passed on a blessing.
Give me a blessing.
He had a daughter named Achsah and decided whoever conquers the city of Kiriath-sepher will win his daughter in marriage.
He didn’t want a loafer, a goof-ball to marry his daughter.
He set a high standard for her.
The winner was a young man named Othniel who later became a judge in Israel.
He had given her the land of Negeb but she was brave to ask for something more.
The land was dry so she asked for the nearby springs and her the springs.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9