Funeral Heart is the Center of Love

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Heart is the Center of Love

Luke 12:21–34 GW
That’s how it is when a person treasures material possessions and his riches don’t serve God.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat or wear. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Consider the crows. They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even have a storeroom or a barn. Yet, God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds. “Can any of you add an hour to your life by worrying? If you can’t do a small thing like that, why worry about other things? Consider how the flowers grow. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. That’s the way God clothes the grass in the field. Today it’s alive, and tomorrow it’s thrown into an incinerator. So how much more will he clothe you people who have so little faith? “Don’t concern yourself about what you will eat or drink, and quit worrying about these things. Everyone in the world is concerned about these things, but your Father knows you need them. Rather, be concerned about his kingdom. Then these things will be provided for you. Don’t be afraid, little flock. Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. “Sell your material possessions, and give the money to the poor. Make yourselves wallets that don’t wear out! Make a treasure for yourselves in heaven that never loses its value! In heaven thieves and moths can’t get close enough to destroy your treasure. Your heart will be where your treasure is.
Luke 12:22–34 GW
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat or wear. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Consider the crows. They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even have a storeroom or a barn. Yet, God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds. “Can any of you add an hour to your life by worrying? If you can’t do a small thing like that, why worry about other things? Consider how the flowers grow. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. That’s the way God clothes the grass in the field. Today it’s alive, and tomorrow it’s thrown into an incinerator. So how much more will he clothe you people who have so little faith? “Don’t concern yourself about what you will eat or drink, and quit worrying about these things. Everyone in the world is concerned about these things, but your Father knows you need them. Rather, be concerned about his kingdom. Then these things will be provided for you. Don’t be afraid, little flock. Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. “Sell your material possessions, and give the money to the poor. Make yourselves wallets that don’t wear out! Make a treasure for yourselves in heaven that never loses its value! In heaven thieves and moths can’t get close enough to destroy your treasure. Your heart will be where your treasure is.
Luke 12:20–35 GW
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! I will demand your life from you tonight! Now who will get what you’ve accumulated?’ That’s how it is when a person treasures material possessions and his riches don’t serve God.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat or wear. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Consider the crows. They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even have a storeroom or a barn. Yet, God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds. “Can any of you add an hour to your life by worrying? If you can’t do a small thing like that, why worry about other things? Consider how the flowers grow. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. That’s the way God clothes the grass in the field. Today it’s alive, and tomorrow it’s thrown into an incinerator. So how much more will he clothe you people who have so little faith? “Don’t concern yourself about what you will eat or drink, and quit worrying about these things. Everyone in the world is concerned about these things, but your Father knows you need them. Rather, be concerned about his kingdom. Then these things will be provided for you. Don’t be afraid, little flock. Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. “Sell your material possessions, and give the money to the poor. Make yourselves wallets that don’t wear out! Make a treasure for yourselves in heaven that never loses its value! In heaven thieves and moths can’t get close enough to destroy your treasure. Your heart will be where your treasure is. “Be ready for action, and have your lamps burning.
Luke 12:20-
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father his son our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Amen
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father his son our Lord Jesus Christ (+) and the Holy Spirit Amen
That text that I read is not the usual resurrection text read a funerals.
It is actually part of Luke’s Sermon on the Plain and is paralleled in Matthews Sermon on the Mount
But there is a part of the focus of that text that hit me from what you …Tracey
Said about Mickey.
That despite all the failing body parts over the last few years
there was a sense that this is life don’t worry.
it is as if that Mickey knew like the birds that God had provided through you and others the care he needed to continue life
that Marty knew like the birds that God had provided through you and others the care he needed to continue life
So that he could continue showing love and support for all of you. To live life...
and if I heard you correctly the cats and their constant desire for purring attention
And that is God’s Point in this text That if God will care for creation he will care for you.
The text says:
Don’t be afraid, little flock. Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
We Lutherans have a Hymn titled “Have no fear little flock” that is based on this text
Have No Fear, Little Flock
1 Have no fear, little flock;
have no fear, little flock,
for the Father has chosen
to give you the kingdom;
have no fear, little flock!
2 Have good cheer, little flock;
have good cheer, little flock,
for the Father will keep you
in his love forever;
have good cheer, little flock!
3 Praise the Lord high above;
praise the Lord high above,
for he stoops down to heal you,
uplift and restore you;
praise the Lord high above!
4 Thankful hearts raise to God;
thankful hearts raise to God,
for he stays close beside you,
in all things works with you;
thankful hearts raise to God!
Text: , st. 1; Marjorie Jilson, b. 1931, sts. 2-4
Text © 1973 Concordia Publishing House
The Lutherans
and that is what we should have today as we deal with the death of Mickey
Have no Fear.... No Concern and Thankful hearts...
Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom of Heaven!
And there we will find eternal life...
And God is pleased to give that to Mickey as well
that text ends with these words
Your heart will be where your treasure is.
Mickey’s heart was with love
for all of you and others
it is that love that will never go away
It is that love —God-- is the treasure we all seek
and the treasure we will find with Mickey in heaven. Amen
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