Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Church Shepherds
Church Elections:
Church Elections in the Church of the Nazarene occur annually and should elect the following:
A church Board composed of the following with the Pastor as ex-officio:
Sunday School Superintendent, President of NYI, NMI, Stewards and Trustees.
No more than 25, and if an Education Committee exists, they also serve on the Church Board.
Ordained and District Licensed ministers, unassigned by the district, and paid employees of the local church are not eligible to serve.
Many times paid staff, particularly paid pastors such as RJ ad Ang attend meetings, they cannot vote.
We encourage membership in the local church.
Our by-laws use membership as a vehicle for elections and committees.
You may join the church at age.
You must be 15 to vote in a duly called election
We encourage those who profess Holiness of life and who’s lives bear public witness to the grace of God, who are in harmony with the doctrine, polity, and practices of the church, and who support the church faithfully in attendance and with tithes and offerings, who are active members over the age of fifteen to vote.
Therefore, each calendar year, apart from any special board vote, we should elect:
A Minister of Education, Sunday School Superintendent
A Youth President
A Missions President
Stewards and Trustees
Stewards: no fewer than three and no more than 13:
Duties include: serve as a church growth committee; provide support for the needy, perform acts of service in administration and encouragement in conjunction with their spiritual gifts.
Provide for and prepare Holy Communion.
Trustee: no fewer than three and no more than 9:
Duties: to hold the title to church property and manage it, to give guidance to the development of the physical facilities, and to financial planning.
To raise funds and support for the church and for the pastor that he may be free from anxiety and may give full attention to the work of the ministry.
The church board should meet monthly within the first 15 days of the month.
During the first organizational meeting, a board secretary and treasurer are elected.
The little black book, contains all the by-laws of the church.
If you go to the website,
click on the search icon in the upper right corner and type in the word “manual” you can download the manual in PDF.
You can read all the by-laws, and then you can come to me and say, Pastor how come we don’t…why does he...
The foundation of our manual, our elections, our service is supported by the Word of God and the call of the Holy Spirit.
The word of God and the call of the Holy Spirit.
What is in this book, in short, is the written responsibilities of all the elect.
You, me.
In our scripture today, Peter writes about the qualifications of an elder/bishop/shepherd/overseer.
What does he say;
Shepherd: tend, care, lead, guide, protect: spiritual and physical guardian
Be Willing - 2
Be Eager - 2
Be an Example - 3 - Mature Christian Character
Be humble - 5
Be Sober - 8
Be Vigilant - 8
Turn back a few pages to the book of Titus.
Titus was a convert of Paul’s somewhere from the area of Antioch.
Like Timothy, Paul called him son, and he was one of Paul’s closest companions.
Titus was given the terrible, horrible, mean spirited responsibility of ministering on the island of Crete!
We laugh a little, but during those days, to be “Creatian” meant to be a liar and a crook!
Titus was to go there, set up the church and put into position, those who’s gifts, talents, and holiness were in accordance with the calling of the Holy Spirit.
Paul writes to him, these seek, these appoint, and these will rule the church faithfully.
Verse 2: speak evil to no one, be peaceable, gentle, show humility.
Show good works.
Men and women who love God, believe in His salvation, are themselves lovers of His word, are steadfast and who maintain good works: or fruit from their labor; these elect.
This is no small thing.
The people we elect should love the church and want to see the church prosper.
They should love God and love people enough to care, to see to their good, and to want others to know Christ.
Those we elect, should desire God’s call .
Should show concern for others, locally and globally, and have a desire that His word is both taught and preached.
I spoke to a Pastor recently, in a large town, large church, many board members who are also board members of large corporations.
Although they probably love God, and make sound financial decisions, he said, they fail to wash feet.
We are not above, but alongside the throng of witnesses.
We are not first but seek in our heart of hearts to be last.
God first, my brother and sister second, me last.
Have a desire to serve.
Have a love for God.
Have a heart for people.
Make this a great place to worship and serve.
Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus, Peter wrote to the churches:
be blameless, sober, temperate, hospitable, able to teach, not violent, not greedy, not quarrelsome, not covetous, ruling his household well, and with good testimony among those who are outside.
I call on our past, current and future leaders, to model the way.
Model the way for our children, they need an example of purity and holiness.
Model the way for those who have gone before and cannot carry their stride, model the way for the lost, that they might see Jesus, model the way for your family, that they will imitate Christ, and model the way for others who serve side by side that a bond will be formed and the church strengthened.
Hold one another up.
Remember your adversary, diablos, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9