Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
lu22 63-23:
Referring to the Jewish authorities, One theologian wrote in The Trial and Death of Jesus Christ: “It may be said that they walked according to their light; but the light that was in them was darkness.”
Another theologian wrote“None so blind as those that will not see,”
“While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light”
Wiersbe, W. W. (1996).
The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 272).
Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[63] IMAGINE the watching angels must have tightened their grip on their swords watching THIS!
the watching angels must have tightened their grip on their swords!
[64] the soldiers = temple guards who arrested Jesus—INTRO:?
they are playing some sort of cruel type of version of Blind Man’s Bluff
the soldiers = temple guards who arrested Jesus—they are playing some sort of cruel type of version of Blind Man’s Bluff
Bock, D. L. (1996).
Luke (p.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
He is “Son of God, He is infect the GRACE of God = but blindfolded Him smack Jesus/Grace about the FACE!
Its also a form of well known TORTURE used by the good guys & bad guys!
mat26 67-
“Thou......CHRIST” can You hear their mocking voice?
Can YOU hear YOURS?
ILLS: remember the school bully.
That might have been YOU or YOU were on wrong end of it, thats what WE see here
Jesus is in playground, being dressed up & bullied [every playground in this city does the same] if child has something different about them, older parent, anything the wickedness of heart heart can find, they will latch on to it straightaway!
Here they backhand Jesus, they slap HIM silly!
“Who hit YOU baby Jesus”
YOU know everything, show YOUR power is stronger than OURS!
[65] We can only “IMAGINE” what else they did & I don’t want to even think about it b/c it was MY SIN, YOUR SIN that put Jesus in this situation.
can’t watch these comedians anymore, I love comedy, use His name in vain, mock Him, beat Him verbally TV
[66] this is not even the kangaroo court YET.
That’s only starting now!
It was totally illegal what happened thru the night based on their own laws & rules, they had to wait until SUN RISE!
Also according to their laws “their council” Jesus should have had a DEFENCE, He was allowed NONE!
“their council”
APPL: Don’t worry Jesus will be present at every PERSON’s day of Judgement, TRUE Justice will be handed down!
For non believer Jesus will be prosectuation & also the Judge!
[no defence allowed] b/c too late now to TRUST Christ, YOU rejected Him on earth!
For Believer Jesus is the Judge [giving rewards] & HE’s also the defence!
Also according to their laws “their council” Jesus should have tried at TEMPLE.
Also according to their laws “their council” Jesus should have 2 more days before sentence was given by Jewish leadership, not on same day!
Also remember JESUS is up all NIGHT now, no sleep, He’s on a night shift that quickly moves into the WORSE JOB in history, death by crucifixion!
NOBODY wants that on their CV.
Only couple were found but the stories didn’t match up, some said Jesus claimed He would destroy & build the TEMPLE in 3 days.
When GRACE is rejected no EVIDENCE is good enough!
Ask non believer “what evidence would work for you” MOSTLY say none!
I don’t believe in God, ultimate unending Love , Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice, I don’t need that in this life or next!
[69] = He’s prophesying NOW! [69] Power in HEAVEN & EARTH = also they know “the Son of Man” title from book Daniel = Messiah
Called himself the “Son of Man” throughout this Gospel and that Son of Man refers to the superanatural figure of Daniel who receives authority from the Ancient of Days and rides the clouds like God ().
called himself the “Son of Man” throughout this Gospel and that Son of Man refers to the supranatural figure of Daniel who receives authority from the Ancient of Days and rides the clouds like God ().
Bock, D. L. (1996).
Luke (p.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
=1 Jesus predicts that he will eventually be seated at God’s right hand in heaven, an allusion to his approaching resurrection-ascension. =2 He claims to have authority from God, an authority he will exercise from this moment on.
(1) Jesus predicts that he will eventually be seated at God’s right hand in heaven, an allusion to his approaching resurrection-ascension. (2) He claims to have authority from God, an authority he will exercise from this moment on.
(3) He has authority over them.
This may be their trial, but he is the one who will ultimately judge.
=3 He has authority over them.
This may be their trial, but he is the one who will ultimately judge.
Bock, D. L. (1996).
Luke (p.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
[70] is there an echo in here?
“WHAT” its the original QUESTION!
[71] This guy is not denying He is the CHRIST, Son of Man & Son of GOD! [71]
Guilty, guilty, guilty, then H. Priest rent his clothes, sign of DEATH!
Guilty, guilty, guilty..... in their EYES!
Guilty from their “interpretation”
*Notice* Jesus supplies the testimony that brings about his conviction.
supplies the testimony that brings about his conviction.
What the leadership has been unable to do, namely, to get convicting testimony against Jesus, the Lord brings against himself.
In essence, Jesus is the witness the leadership sought and sends himself to the cross.
Jesus, of course, spoke as he did because his claim is true
The Lord brings it upon himself.
Jesus is the witness the leadership sought & sends himself to the cross.
Bock, D. L. (1996).
Luke (p.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
He is innocent of all CRIMES, it was the TRUTH that led Him to Death, it is the TRUTH that leads US to Death & Life if WE are found in JESUS!
He makes no effort to save his life by denying who he is.
He had accused himself.
Their accusation against him was blasphemy—claiming equality with God
Blasphemy was punishable by death []
Barton, B., Comfort, P., Osborne, G., Taylor, L. K., & Veerman, D. (2001).
Life Application New Testament Commentary (p.
Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
The council could condemn Jesus to death, but they could not carry out the death penalty under Roman law.
The Romans would have to condemn him
Barton, B., Comfort, P., Osborne, G., Taylor, L. K., & Veerman, D. (2001).
Life Application New Testament Commentary (p.
Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
Barton, B., Comfort, P., Osborne, G., Taylor, L. K., & Veerman, D. (2001).
Life Application New Testament Commentary (p.
Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
So the Sanhedrin sends him on to trial before the Roman governor Mr Pontius Pilate
He makes no effort to save his life by denying who he is.
So the Sanhedrin sends him on to trial before the Roman governor
APPL: let everyone of US be very careful who WE say is guilty, Jesus had never SINNED in His life & they found Him guilty!
Guilty by man’s interpretation!
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9