The agony of the garden prayer
The agony of the Garden prayer
The humanity of Christ
(Luke 22:39-50)
We live in a world that is not getting better. Just look around and you will see many woes. We live in a world full of sin
For many people the idea that Jesus was all man (human).HE was able to suffer as we with out sin. And He is also fully God. This is more than their minds can handle.
Today we are going to start and in depth study of the life of CHRIST. Starting with the hours before His death in the cross.
To do that we must come to some understanding that Jesus was all human and all God, yet without sin. To do this we first must see that only God pull this off. So then, we must come to God by faith receiving his word as truth. (Romans 10:17)
He birth of Jesus doesn’t give us much problem. We remember his birth yearly. There is and openness in our world for his birth. Now there is a moving away from that openness during these last years.
Why did Jesus leave Glory
I. The humanity of Christ
We must spend time looking at the reason for the suffering of Christ. He was the only answer to the laws of God to the forgiveness of sin. Without him, mankind would have never been able to be saved. We needed god to send a savior. Therefore,
God the son was send to the earth (Isaiah 9) to take our place on the cross.
a. God the son is all God; he did not give up His deity, when he left heaven.
Phil 2:5-13
He still is all knowing, all powerful the all presence of god is limited in Jesus for the limits that he placed apon himself so that he could be our sin offering.
b. Jesus “empty” himself meaning he was willing to leave glory to be the offering for all mankind
John 18:4
c. Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him”
d. to become the savior of the world he was going to come to the earth and become like those he was to save, With one difference. He did not have sin. There has only been one who did not have a “sin nature” Jesus
Hebrews 4:15-16
The point of all of this : we have a God that loves us so much that he did not want to leave us without hope. He himself came to the earth to meet his own laws.
e. Jesus became the bearer of our sin.
In the garden before his trail he called out from that human side and understanding the wrath that was to come upon him.
f. Jesus was suffering over the “cup he was to drink”
What, then, is the “cup” which our Lord dreaded? It is the cup of God’s wrath, poured out on sinners. It is the cup, which will be poured out in those who are unrighteous, whether they be Jews or Gentiles. It is the “cup” which was foretold in the Old Testament, and which is still prophesied in the Book of Revelation. It is the cup of the wrath of God, beginning with the Great Tribulation, and enduring throughout all eternity. The cup97 which our Lord dreaded drinking was the wrath of God, manifested in eternal torment
Here you see the human side of Jesus although
He still knows all things even when he was here on the earth.
Con :
Museum in Paris there hangs a painting that showed the devil playing chess with one preson and the devil holds that one in checkmate. Over the years many have seen this and just drop their heads and said that the way it is evil wins and