Herr, lass mich ein Beter werden!
Kurze, knackige, unkomplizierte, und ermunternde Hinweisen zum Gebet. Keine vollständige Abhandlung, sondern geschwisterliche Handreichung.
Sei ermutigt: Jesus weiß, dass wir mit treuem Gebet Probleme haben.
When you pray, rather let your hearts be without words, than your words without a heart.
When you pray, rather let your hearts be without words, than your words without a heart.
Die wichtigste Regel für das Gebet: Tue es!
Sei ermutigt: Jesus wusste, dass wir Menschen Probleme haben, treu im Gebet zu sein.
Sei ermutigt: Jesus wusste, dass wir Menschen Probleme haben, treu im Gebet zu sein.
Sei ermutigt: Beten kann gelernt werden!
Beten kann gelernt werden
Sei ermutigt: Es kommt nicht auf viele Worte an.
Bete für das Richtige
Bete für das Richtige
Sei ermutigt: Es kommt nicht auf viele Worte an.
Es kommt nicht auf viele Worte an
When you pray, rather let your hearts be without words, than your words without a heart.
Sei ermutigt: Es kommt nicht auf Wohlklang oder kluge Gedanken an.
A little lad was keeping his sheep one Sunday morning. The bells were ringing for church, and the people were going over the field, when the little fellow began to think that he, too, would like to pray to God. But what could he say? He had never learned a prayer. So he knelt down and commenced the alphabet—A, B, C, and so on to Z.
A gentleman happening to pass on the other side of the hedge heard the lad’s voice, and, looking through the bushes, saw the little fellow kneeling with folded hands and closed eyes, saying, “A, B, C.” “What are you doing, my little man?” “Please, sir, I was praying.” “But what are you saying your letters for?” “Why, I didn’t know any prayer, only I felt that I wanted God to take care of me and help me to care for the sheep; so I thought if I said all I knew, he would put it together and spell all I want.”
“Bless your heart, my little man, He will, He will, He will. When the heart speaks right, the lips can’t say wrong.”
—Our Sunday Afternoon
Es kommt nicht auf wohlklingende Worte oder kluge Gedanken an.
When you pray, rather let your hearts be without words, than your words without a heart.
Schaffe dir eine Routine fürs Gebet
A little lad was keeping his sheep one Sunday morning. The bells were ringing for church, and the people were going over the field, when the little fellow began to think that he, too, would like to pray to God. But what could he say? He had never learned a prayer. So he knelt down and commenced the alphabet—A, B, C, and so on to Z.
A gentleman happening to pass on the other side of the hedge heard the lad’s voice, and, looking through the bushes, saw the little fellow kneeling with folded hands and closed eyes, saying, “A, B, C.” “What are you doing, my little man?” “Please, sir, I was praying.” “But what are you saying your letters for?” “Why, I didn’t know any prayer, only I felt that I wanted God to take care of me and help me to care for the sheep; so I thought if I said all I knew, he would put it together and spell all I want.”
“Bless your heart, my little man, He will, He will, He will. When the heart speaks right, the lips can’t say wrong.”
—Our Sunday Afternoon
When you pray, rather let your hearts be without words, than your words without a heart.