Barefoot Christians
Soldiers in antiquity sometimes faced a frightening prospect. Their enemies would set spikes into the ground, which, if stepped on, would slice open the foot like a razor. Roman forces, therefore, wore sturdy greaves, or boots, which were less likely to be punctured.
It won't do to be a barefoot Christian. We must be shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. Our feet, in the Scripture, are symbols of going. Both Isaiah and Paul speak of the beautiful feet of those bearing Good Tidings. Jesus told us to go into all the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
There is a certain safety when we're shod with evangelistic zeal. When we're determined to share Christ, our feet are, as it were, protected from many of the spikes the devil plants in our pathway. Every problem becomes a pulpit, and every sorrow becomes a sermon.
Turning Points
February 2006
Page 36