Treasure in Heaven
In her book here Am I, Lord - Send Somebody Else! Jill Briscoe tells of a wealthy man who labored many years on earth to build several beautiful homes in which he lived, This man accepted Christ on his deathbed. The man's gardener was a faithful Christian who knew that his own life did not consist of the things that he possessed. He saved and gave in abundance, and spent as little as possible on himself.
When both men arrived in heaven the gardener was given a beautiful mansion with a marvelous view of the Sea of Glass. The rich man was offered a hut - clean and white - but still a hut. Seeing his face fall, the apostle Peter explained, "I'm sorry sir, but we did the best we could with the material you sent up!"
Turning Points
January 2006
Page 42
Tithing; Heavenly Treasures