God Love for Us Should Change Our Life
God’s Love for Us Should Change Our Life
God’s Love for Us Should Change Our Life
The reason God gave us His only Unique Son
The purpose for which God gave us His Son
The result for which God gave us HIs Son
Our Response to God’s Love Shines Light in the darkness of a Hopeless World.
The reason God gave His son was for hope.
Looking at the snake manifested active faith. It was not sufficient for the Israelites to know that there was a snake on the pole; they had to turn in faith, expecting God’s cure. So it is with the cross. It is not enough to know that Jesus was crucified on the cross; one must look to him in faith, accepting God’s free gift of salvation.
The reason we are Planting CoolWater Cowboy Church is to demonstrate belief in God plan for redeeming a dying world.
The purpose for which God gave us His Son
The result for which God gave us His Son
Our Response to God’s Love Shines Light in the darkness of a Hopeless World.
Early in his ministry when Ironside lived in the San Francisco Bay area, he conducted a meeting for the Salvation Army. At the end of the sermon, a well-known socialist handed Dr. Ironside a card on which he had written, “Sir, I challenge you to debate me with the question, ‘Agnosticism vs. Christianity’ in the Academy of Science Hall next Sunday afternoon at 4:00 P.M. I will pay all expenses.”
Ironside read the card aloud, then agreed to the debate on certain terms. First, that the socialist bring to the debate a man whose life had been wrecked by sin but now redeemed for righteousness and goodness because of agnosticism. Second, that he would bring a woman wrecked by sin, an outcast prostitute, who had been rehabilitated and now lived a virtuous, happy life because of agnosticism. Ironside agreed to bring one hundred such people saved by the power of Jesus Christ whose lives would be “present-day proof of the truth of the Bible.” As the story ends, the man left the hall unwilling to take up such a challenge. This chapter describes that kind of transformation.