Keys To Gideon's Greatness (Judges [6]25-35)
Key’s To Gideon’s Greatness
Text: Judges 6:25-35
Place Preached - (Mississauga International Baptist Church)
Date Preached - (01/13/02)
Gideon’s Life did not hint of greatness prior to his experience at the winepress.
Gideon was from one of the smallest villages of Israel and was the youngest of, and only remaining son in his family. Which shows that God works through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
We are too strong, have too much ability, have too much to offer God; therefore God will not use us.
LOOK UP & READ I Corinthians 1:27-29
Gideon was insignificant, yet God would use him in a remarkable way.
God wants weak vessels. That is the only kind he will use.
EXAMPLES: Joseph – Moses – Elijah – Peter etc.
Now before Gideon calls out his army, before he faces conflict with Midianite/Amelekite alliance….
…….we see some keys to greatness in his life which are there through the working of God in his life..
I. First Key: Gideon’s Relationship To God vs.17-24
In these verses we see Gideon’s growing awareness or perception of the Lord’s presence.
He’s gone from asking questions….
“Is the Lord with us?” vs.13
“Where are His miracles?” vs.13
“Has the Lord sent ME?” vs.15
Culminating in the realization at verse 22 “Alas, O Lord GOD! for because I have seen an angel of the LORD face to face.”
A. Show me a sign vs.17-18
1 Corinthians 1:22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
This passage is not an endorsement of sign-seeking or fleece-setting.
Rather it relates the factual account of events without overlooking human frailty.
Amazingly, the Lord obliges Gideon (Vs.19-21). He condescends to man’s frailty! Wow!!
B. Gideon’s fear of the Lord vs.22-23
He had seen the Lord and he thought he would surely die.
The Lord assured him, he would not die.
As a result of meeting with God he was assured of two things:
1. He knew God’s presence vs.22
When were you last in the Lord’s presence?
When did you last live in the reality that He will never leave you or forsake you?
2. He knew God’s peace vs.23
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
3. He was about to see God’s power
C. Gideon’s Altar vs.24
Jehovah-Shalom – “The Lord will send peace”
Here he worshipped God.
II. Second Key: Gideon’s Obedience To God vs.25-32
This is a fantastic example of simple obedience!
The Lord has His first Task for Gideon. It is a daunting Task, and it is a test of Gideon’s faith and trust in God.
EXPLAIN – What God has for Gideon to accomplish.
He basically repudiates Baal.
Now there are some outstanding lessons we learn from this example….
A. The Lord required significant obedience from the outset.
“The same night” (vs.25)
You cannot expect to meet with God and come away unchanged. Nor to come into His presence and leave without requirement or obligation.
EXAMPLE – Baptism EXAMPLE – Paul on Damascus Road “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”
B. Fear Associated with Gideon’s Obedience vs.27b
He did what he must by night (For fear of his Father’s house)
The Lord had not said he must do it by day; so it was not disobedience.
In fact it may have been foolish – inviting disaster – to do so. NOTE: “He could not” (was unable to) – vs.27
Significant that his fear is mentioned when there was clearly no disobedience on his part.
The frankness of Scripture when it comes to human sin and weakness is further testimony to its reliability.
Also – Courage is not the absence of fear, but doing the right thing in its presence.
C. God’s Timing in Requiring our Obedience
1. The anticipated reaction of men of the city vs.28-30
2. Joash’s sound defense of his son vs.31-32
3. The gathering of the Midianites and the Amalekites.
Gideon’s courage created a commotion.
Now before the M/A assemble for their annual plundering of the country, the hearts of good and noble men in Israel are emboldened by the actions and obedience of Gideon.
God’s timing is always perfect!!
III. Third Key: Gideon Filled with the Spirit of God vs.33-35
What Gideon needed more than anything else was God’s empowerment.
A. Prerequisites of God’s Power
It has always been obedience and yieldedness.
Notice – the Spirit of the Lord came upon him after his initial obedience to the Lord!!
B. Special empowerment for the Task
The blowing of the trumpet signified war.
C. Most Essential Requirement of Spiritual Leadership
Men for his army came from everywhere.
As far as requirements physically, educationally and from experience, really from every human standpoint Gideon was not a man prepared to lead them into war.
But God was with Him!!!
Conclusion: (Review)
Three Keys to Spiritual Greatness….