Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What is Theology
Definition of Theology:
“The Study of God”
“Systematic theology is the discipline of reflecting on the attributes and activities of the Triune God revealed in the Bible so that we can formulate a comprehensive, robust Christian understanding of reality.” - Rhyne Putnam
Systematic Theology
“Christian Theology is generally understood to mean the systematic study of ideas of the Christian Faith” - Alister McGrath Christian Theology
Issues Theology Explores
Look at the sources of theology such as the Bible, tradition, reason and experience.
Tracks how an idea has emerged over time.
Christian theology is likened to a blossoming Rose.
Sometimes it grows and other times it needs pruning.
How do Christian ideas relate to each other.
Our doctrine of the Trinity directly impacts our doctrine of Christ.
Christian theology is a web of belief that work together for the benefit of the believer.
Theology helps us see ourselves and the world God has created.
It affects our prayer our worship and very being.
C. S. Lewis“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen - not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else.”
Systematic Theology
The study of the doctrines of scriptures as they were thematically assembled and organized data throughout the entire Bible.
This can be shaped by the culture, in that culture has different issues they challenge and change and so theology reacts to it by stating or restating its beliefs.
(Example, the homosexual debate)
This can be problematic in that the system can overtake the Bible and instead of reading the Bible and letting the system be produced, we read our system back into the Bible.
We need Biblical theology as well.
Biblical Theology
This is the raw data of scripture.
The scripture was written over 2 millenia and so different authors relay different views about God and his people.
Each verse can speak for itself.
Each author will illuminate different doctrines.
Focuses on the individual author in his own historical setting.
Historical Theology
This is the main emphasis of the development of Christian theology.
This looks into the debates and the struggles that have happened in church history.
It involves church councils, great theologians and not so great theologians.
Philosophical Theology
It involves issues like epistemology (How can we know) ethics (the problem of evil) and religion.
Why is Theology Important
“It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you trust in Jesus and love each other!”
Theology and Doctrine help us define what we mean by Belief, Jesus, Love and Other!
Theology helps us see what is false and what is true.
It helps us understand what we mean when we say Jesus.
Who do you say that I am?
Culture has all sorts of view about who Jesus is, how are we to distinguish which one is true?
Some say he is a Mythical figure used to inspire a new form of Judaism; some say he is creation of the Romans to settle the Jewish revolution in Palestine.
Still others say Jesus was a historical figure who didn’t actually do all the things the Bible records (Thomas Jefferson).
Still others think Jesus was misunderstood by his apostles and turned into the Messiah and this became the prominant view in Church History.
And still others say, like Peter, Jesus is “the Christ” the Savior of the world.
It tells us how to think about Jesus
Theology helps us understand what Jesus intended to do.
Theology doesn’t just tell us what to believe; it is meant to affect our behavior.
Orthodoxy produces Orthopraxi - Alister McGrath
What does this mean?
Orthodoxy is correct Christian Belief and correct belief produces orthopraxi
What does this look like at New Life?
Our Beliefs (Doctrines) produces our Core Values
This is important for you as well because you behave in a way that is consistent with your beliefs.
Example, if we an incorrect view of God it will affect our surroundings.
If you believe God is Pantheistic then you will see God in everything.
I had a lady say to me one time, God is the moon and God is the Sun.
This is not Christian, God is not a physical substance or a spirit that inhabits everything in the universe.
This is something that needs to be corrected.
God created every physical thing and while he is omnipresent that doesn’t mean he is the world that the Avatars inhabit.
This is a very popular view, just open up the paper and check your astrological readings.
If you do not view God correctly then you will not relate to Him correctly.
The Doctrine of Revelation
How does God Reveal Himself to us?
Revelation is not referring here to the book of Revelation but rather to the concept of God revealing himself to humanity.
Revelation = ἀποκάλυψις = apokalypsis
making fully known, revelation, disclosure
Apokalypsis is a picture of a wife coming down the aisle in a veil so the soon to be husband can see the figure of his bride to be but not the face.
When she arrives at the altar the husband gets to lift up the veil and see the face of his bride.
She has been revealed to him.
When we talk about the revelation of God we are talking about His self-revelation to humanity.
General and Special Revelation
General Revelation = God revealing Himself through the created order
Scriptural Data
Sources of General Revelation:
Paul reasons with the Athenians about the “altar of the unknown God”.
He reasons with them in order to lead them to his presentation about Christ and his resurrection.
Other References for General Revelation
God exists - ;
God is uncreated -
God is Creator -
God is Sustainer - ;
God is Universal Lord -
God is self-sufficient -
God is Transcendent -
God is Immanent -
God is Eternal -
God is Great -
God is Majestic -
God is Powerful 0 ;
God is Wise -
God is Good -
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9