The First Christian Fellowship
The First Christian Fellowship
How does Utawala Baptist Church Compare?
Acts 2:41-47
Scripture Acts 2:41-47
This passage describes the historical outworking of God’s ideal in the first local church.
The new born church in its prime.
Possessing a purity of devotion to the Risen Lord unmatched in following generations.
In this view of life in the early church three things show that this was a remarkable church.
They showed or demonstrated Spiritual Duties and spiritual Attitudes and the result was Spiritual Impact.
How do we here at Utawala Baptist Church measure up?
It was a SAVED church v.42a
The 3000 who confessed faith in Jesus Christ in v.41 are the they who showed their genuine faith by continuing.
Despite abuse hate ridicule or persecution they continued.
John 8:31
The church needs to be made up of saved individuals.
Unfortunately today this is not always the case.
In this first church all members were believers.
Unbelievers are always welcome in church.
To hear the Gospel, the worship and call
to holiness.
Hopefully showing them their need of Christ.
Membership however is restricted to believers.
God’s people and Satan’s people can not work together towards God’s goals.
It was a SCRIPTURAL church v.42b
The content for the church is clearly to be the revealed truth of God’s word.
God designed the church to be a place where His Word is proclaimed and explained.
Paul explains the process to Timothy II Timothy 2:2
I Peter 2:2
It was a FELLOWSHIPPING church v.42c
Fellowship is the duty of believers to encourage each other to holiness and faithfulness.
Those who receive Jesus Christ be come partners with Him and all other believers. I John 1:3
The bible does not picture the Christian life as one lived apart from other believers.
All members of the Universal Church are to be actively and intimately involved in the local church
It was a CHRIST CENTERED church v.42d
Their fellowship was symbolized by the breaking of bread.
A reference to the ordinance of Communion.
This duty is not optional since our Lord commanded it of every believer. I Cor. 11:24-29
In Communion all believers meet on common ground at the foot of the cross.
Communion is a remembrance of the wondrous work of our Lord and Savior on the cross.
Communion calls for us to examine our lives and repent of our sins. Purging sin from the church.
It was a PRAYING church v.42e
The first church eagerly engaged in the critical duty of prayer.
This prayer was not only individual prayer but corporate prayer in the church.
Sadly prayer is much neglected in the church today.
That is the reason for the weakness we see in the church today.
Unlike the Acts 2 church we have forgotten the command to ‘pray at all times’ Romans 12:12
A church that fulfills its spiritual duties will find that those duties produce spiritual character. We find four aspects of the church’s spiritual character listed in the passage we are looking at today.
It was an AWE INSPIRING church v.43a
Awe refers to a sense of fear and holy terror; to the sense of divine presence bring forth an attitude of reverence.
Example Acts 7:16
They were not awed by the physical building programs or any of its human abilities!
Such an effect should be produced when our spiritual gifts are used properly. I Cor 14:24, 25
It was a MIRACULOUS church v.43b
One reason for the awe the church inspired was the ‘many wonders and signs performed by the apostles Mark 16:20
These wonders and signs were only used to attract attention and point to spiritual truth! Acts 9:32-35
The ability to do miracles was not given to all but was limited to the apostles and their close associates.
Hebrews 2:3-4
God enabled the disciples to perform miracles to confirm that they were indeed His messengers.
With the completion of the Canon of scripture the need for such confirmation has ended.
Thought the sign gift of miracles is no longer exists God still performs miracles in response to the prayers of His children.
They are not however public signs similar to those of the time of the apostles.
The greatest of miracles God performs today is the changing of a rebellious sinner into one of God’s children who is becoming like His son.
Such miracles happen today in the life of the church that is committed to the fulfilling of its spiritual duties.
It was a SHARING church v.44-46a
They possessed not only a spiritual unity but also a practical oneness.
This does not indicate that the early church lived as a commune nor does the passage offer support for such an idea.
The family not the commune is the basic social unit in God’s design.
Sharing was not limited to physical things but included spiritual benefits and ministry as well.
Their times of fellowship were not limited to times of worship in the temple. Acts 2:46
Breaking of bread refers to the Communion Service.
Which we will celebrate September 23rd for the first time as a church and quarterly afterwards.
They modeled the principles laid down by Peter and Paul and which the apostle John extends to all believers. I John 3:16-18
It was a JOYFUL church v.46b-47a
It should not surprise us that a unified, miraculous sharing church was also a joyful church!
Praising God produced joy then as it does now!
Phil 2:1-2
Their cooperation in ministry and their spiritual character had great impact!
They were an ATTRACTIVE church v.47b
Their duties and character granted them favor with all the people.
They were still going to the Temple and being open about their faith.
So all could see and experience their transformed lives.
They proved true the words of Jesus in John 13:35.
Their unity was an answer to the prayer of Jesus in John 17:21
With all that to offer no wonder they were an attractive church.
They were a GROWING church v.47c
Effective evangelism was the ultimate result of the first church’s spiritual duties and character.
Our verse here reminds us that God is sovereign in salvation.
We see this was a continuous process day by day!
The church was so unified, joyful and Spirit filled that their very presence was a powerful testimony to the Gospel!
Is Mine?
Is Yours?
Is Ours?
True evangelism flows from the heart of a healthy church