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Call To Worship Scripture
Joshua 22:
Sermon Scripture
If you hear the word conflict or offense you can be certain that the words missunderstanding, communication or misscomunication isn’t far behind.
As a matter of fact missunderstanding and the then inability to communicate or lack of initiative to attempt communication can lead to great tradgedy amoungst the people of God even in the midst of great victory.
In misunderstanding we label angels as demons and demons as angels and see saints as unredeemable beast.
All that to say that a simple misunderstanding not properly handled can have big ramifications.
We can see at least four primary causes of conflict in scripture:
Some disputes arise because of misunderstandings resulting from poor communication (see ).
2. Differences in values, goals, gifts, calling, priorities, expectations, interests, or opinions can also lead to conflict (see ; ).
3. Competition over limited resources, such as time or money, is a frequent source of disputes in families, churches, and businesses (see ).
4. Many conflicts are caused or aggravated by sinful attitudes and habits that lead to sinful words and actions (see ).
In the text today we see that percieved “good intentions” and change can lead quickly to missunderstanding and potential conflict.
We see that pursuit forward without the seeking of God (even in trying to preserve our children and family) can give the apperance of evil and bring conflict amoungst the people of God.
We see that hear say without truth sought can further divide and ultimatley we are able to see that when God is put back in proper place and love demonstrated, then rejoicing and worship is renewed.
As there always is, there are two sides to the problem (this is different than saying that everyone is to blame).
I am simply saying that communication issues usually result from there being more than one piece to the puzzle, meaning more than one area needs to be addressed.
It is no different in todays text.
There are two sides to the problem.
The first is communication problems (91/2 tribes)
The second is carnal problems (21/2 tribes
Both of these things will feed the misunderstanding that leads to conflict.
As we will see, the only resolve of conflict comes from listening and obeying.
Listening to what the truth is, and obeying the Word of God.
Let us observe the text:
Changes & Good Intentions Can Often Lead To Misunderstanding
Introduction: a “borderline believer” is a believer who compromises with the world.
Compromising with the world is sin.
Far too many of us lose sight of the great inheritance God promises us and begin to focus upon the world.
When we look at it and see what it has to offer, we begin to covet the things of the world …
coveting more and more money and the things it buys
seeking illicit sex and fleshly pleasures
• seeking illicit sex and fleshly pleasures
• craving larger houses, properties, and other luxuries
craving larger houses, properties, and other luxuries
desiring more and more recognition, esteem, and honor
• desiring more and more recognition, esteem, and honor
• grasping after higher positions, authority, and power
grasping after higher positions, authority, and power
wanting the fame and attention of the world
• wanting the fame and attention of the world
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The things of the world can consume the human heart.
And far too often, believers become engrossed in the world and become “borderline believers,” believers who are compromising with the world.
They become half-hearted followers of Christ.
The East Jordan tribes of Israel had become “borderline believers.”
The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh had coveted the land of East Jordan.
They knew that East Jordan was outside Canaan, was not a part of the promised land of God.
However, this fact did not stop these tribes from insisting that Moses allow them to settle there, giving them the land as their part of the inheritance.
A. The Final Admonition Given by Joshua to the Eastern Tribes: Warnings That “Borderline Believers” Must Heed to Secure God’s Promised Rest, 22:1–34
(22:1–34) Introduction: a “borderline believer” is a believer who compromises with the world.
Compromising with the world is sin.
Far too many of us lose sight of the great inheritance God promises us and begin to focus upon the world.
When we look at it and see what it has to offer, we begin to covet the things of the world …
• coveting more and more money and the things it buys
• seeking illicit sex and fleshly pleasures
• craving larger houses, properties, and other luxuries
• desiring more and more recognition, esteem, and honor
• grasping after higher positions, authority, and power
• wanting the fame and attention of the world
The things of the world can consume the human heart.
And far too often, believers become engrossed in the world and become “borderline believers,” believers who are compromising with the world.
They become half-hearted followers of Christ.
The East Jordan tribes of Israel had become “borderline believers.”
The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh had coveted the land of East Jordan.
They knew that East Jordan was outside Canaan, was not a part of the promised land of God.
However, this fact did not stop these tribes from insisting that Moses allow them to settle there, giving them the land as their part of the inheritance.
(See outline and notes—Nu.
34:2–15 for more discussion.)
The motive of the East Jordan tribes is a picture of worldly compromise.
They became a prime example of “borderline believers.”
They were always to be “on the other side,” “across the Jordan.”
This passage begins the last section of the great book of Joshua.
Final preparations for living a full and victorious life were now to be made.
Joshua would soon leave this earth and go home to be with the LORD.
Consequently, he must do all he could to make sure the tribes of Israel lived a full and victorious life before the LORD.
This is the subject of the present passage of Scripture: The Final Admonition Given by Joshua to the Eastern Tribes: Warnings That “Borderline Believers” Must Heed to Secure God’s Promised Rest, 22:1–34.
The summons and strong commendation given them: a lesson on loyalty, faithfulness, and completing one’s mission (vv.1–3).
2. The “honorable discharge” given them: a picture of securing God’s promised rest (v.4).
3. The strong admonition and charge given them: a lesson on keeping the commandments and law of God (v.5).
4. The wonderful rewards given them for their faithfulness (vv.6–8).
The dangerous crisis created by the eastern tribes, the appearance of rebellion: a lesson on guarding against turning away and rebelling against God (vv.9–20).
The passionate defense by the apparent rebels: a lesson on the need to remember God and not forget Him (vv.21–29).
7. The reconciliation and unity renewed: a lesson on the need to guard the unity and oneness of spirit among God’s people (vv.30–34).
1 (22:1–3) Faithfulness, Example of—Loyalty, Example of—Perseverance, Example of—Reuben, Tribe of, Faithfulness—Gad, Tribe of, Faithfulness—Manasseh, Tribe of, Faithfulness—East Jordan, Tribes of, Faithfulness: the East Jordan tribes were summoned by Joshua and given a strong commendation.
They had been faithful and loyal, and had completed the mission given them, the mission of fighting side by side with their Israelite brothers.
Remember, the East Jordan tribes had inherited their land years before the other tribes of Israel.
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