Cup of Agony
Sermon Tone Analysis
Mark 14:32-42
And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.” And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him. And he came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”
Cup of Agony
Cup of Agony
Well, if you have your Bibles, this morning I invite you to turn with me to Mark’s Gospel. Mark’s Gospel 14 as we continue our series in Mark’s Gospel. And I’d like to read you . Where Mark writes:Mark 14:32-42.
And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.” And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him. And he came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”
Mark gives us a very straightforward – very clear recounting of Jesus time in the Garden of Gethsemane. And yet the profundities of this passage & what was happening…we may never fully understand.
You will remember that Jesus has celebrated Passover with His disciples. According to John’s Gospel 14 – 16 He gave them “a number” of instructions, encouraging them to pray, telling them about a comforter (the Holy Spirit) coming. And then they sang a hymn & made their way out, the city walls, of Jerusalem. And across a small valley to a garden located on the side of the Mount of Olives known as “Gethsemane.” The name is very appropriate because it means “Olive Press” and it certainly pictures what was going to happen to Jesus. Because just as olives are pressed, in order to extract the oil – Jesus would be crushed & pressed on the cross in order to secure our pardon.
tells us that Jesus went there often with His disciples to this garden. It
· It was privately owned.
· It was a place that was loaned to Him by another one of the many friends of Jesus.
And His disciples knew it well & Judas did as well, which is why Judas was able to bring the soldier to arrest Jesus in this garden place.
As we look at this passage – what I want to do is I want to draw, if we could, 4-principles that I think can help us & motivate us - in our walk with the Lord. Can help us to tap into His strength & His working in our lives.
And so, I hope you’re taking notes, but I want to give you four principles. The first one seems really, simple, but it’s a great reminder for us. And it’s this:
I. Jesus Prayed
I. Jesus Prayed
It almost seems as if that would go without saying, but it merits our consideration. In as much as, if the Son of God needed to pray, how much more do you & I need to pray? That Jesus when He came to earth – purposed to set aside the prerogatives of deity & chose to live under the same power – with the same tools of walking with God that you & I live with.
Consequently, He was dependent upon the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And He was dependent upon the strength & the power that would come to Him by means of praying & spending time with the Father.
I think it’s also important to note that here is Jesus and He’s praying at His hour of greatest trial, but this is not His first time to pray. In other words, He didn’t wait until Gethsemane to pray.
You see, the value for you & I “developing” a prayer life is simply this:
– praying now - before you’re under the gun
– praying now – before that major trial
– pray now – before that great crisis.
So that when you go through that crisis you can enter that crisis knowing how to walk with God – knowing how to be in His presence – knowing how to draw on the strength that comes by a way of a prayer life that is fully developed.
Jesus prayed! And prayer was the secret to His power.
In fact, when you read through the gospel record (over & over again) you have a record of how He prayed – where He prayed – when He prayed – and the results of that prayer.
You start His ministry in it tells us this -
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened,
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened,
So here He is at His baptism and He’s not just passively engaged even in that – but as He is being baptized, as He is coming out of the water – He’s communing with the Father – He’s praying to the Father. And as He prays to the Father the Holy Spirit comes upon Him & empowers Him in that moment. He prays & the Spirit comes upon Him.
So here He is at His baptism and He’s not just passively engaged even in that – but as He is being baptized, as He is coming out of the water – He’s communing with the Father – He’s praying to the Father. And as He prays to the Father the Holy Spirit comes upon Him & empowers Him in that moment. He prays & the Spirit comes upon Him.
Jesus prays, the Bible tells us, in , we get an example of how Jesus would – would have His prayer time. It says this -
And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.
How early?
- And rising very early in the morning, (How early?) while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, (He goes to a place where there’s no distractions. He goes to a place where there aren’t people who can interrupt Him.) and there he prayed. He prays early in the morning.
In it says - And
In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.
So, He prays early in the morning. There are also times when He prays all night.
What is it that’s prompting Him to pray all night? He is facing a major decision. He is getting ready to select 12-men to be His apostles. And so, He spends the night praying. He spends the night fellowshipping with the Father.
- That the father might guide him.
- That the father might direct him in the selection of those who would be His 12-disciples.
What does that tell us about prayer? Before every big decision make sure that you pray.
– He’s fed the 5,000 – He’s got to be absolutely, exhausted – He’s heard that His cousin John the Baptist is dead – the crowds have come to Him – He’s ministered to them all day – He’s been healing – He’s been preaching. And now He feeds the 5,000. At the end of that they want to make Him a King.
And so, at the end of a big day – at the end of a big season – what is it that Jesus is going to do? He’s gonna send the crowds away – He’s gonna send the disciples away – He’s gonna pray!
He prays at the start of the day.
He prays at the end of the day.
He prays in the middle of the night.
He prays before big decisions.
Here’s something else – prior to a breakthrough with the disciples understanding – He’s gonna pray for them. He’s gonna reveal Himself to them. They’ve spent a year & a half with Him. And so, as they’ve spent this year & a half with Him – He’s been revealing His identity to them.
But now it’s time for them to declare who He is –
He understands that, that’s gonna take spiritual power.
He understands that, that’s gonna take a revelation of the Holy Spirit.
He understands that the natural man (Here’s what the Bible says: “Understandeth not the things of the Spirit, He cannot, for they are spiritually discerned.”) That’s in . You & I, on our own, cannot understand what God is doing. We need the Spirit of God to reveal it to us. Jesus prays that the disciples might have the revelation to understand who He is.
Look at it – it says: Now it happened that as he was praying alone, the disciples were with him. And he asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” And they come up with the right answer. Why? Not because they’re smart. Not because they’re so sensitive to the Spirit. But because before, hand He prayed for them.
Listen, mom’s & dad’s, that’s a tremendous insight that it’s important for you & I as parents to pray for our children – to pray for our grand-children that they would have spiritual insight.
It’s important for us to pray for our spouse that they would have spiritual insight
– to pray for our parents
– to pray for our friends
– to pray for our co-workers
– to pray for the people we meet
– to pray for the people we’re witnessing to that God would open the eyes of their heart – that they might have the insight to understand what God is doing in a certain time & place & who He is.
Prayer makes that kind of difference.
8-days later we read this in
8-days later we read this in
Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray.
And what happens? The glory on the inside of him shines to the outside & he is transfigured. In other words, before God’s glory is revealed to them – He is praying.
If you & I want to see the glory of God revealed in the circumstances of our life – if we want to see God’s glory revealed through us into the lives of other people, then we have to pray.
In fact, what’s interesting is – the disciples see Him pray so much that they draw this conclusion – they understand that the thing that empowers Him – the thing that helps Him do the miracles – the things that help Him preach to thousands – the thing that causes Him to have so much wisdom – the thing that makes Him capable for every situation is He prays.
You say, “How do you know that?” Look at it in .
Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”
Interesting. They’re not saying, “Lord, teach us how to do miracles. Teach us how to raise the dead. Teach us how to draw a crowd. Teach us how to multiply the fishes & loaves. Teach us how to walk on water. Teach us how to preach.” They’re saying, “Lord, teach us how to pray.”
Jesus we’ve been watching you. We’ve been with you. We understand from being around you that the key to your power & the key to your wisdom & the key to your preaching & the key to what God is doing is you pray; you talk to the Father. Lord, teach us to do that - teach us to pray.
And so, they watch Him pray – they see Him pray. And when you come to Jesus again is praying. And they went to a place called Gethsemane (or the Olive Press). And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” Luke tells us that He gave them instruction - that they too were to pray.
And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”
But Jesus takes them. And then He took with Him Peter, James & John. Why does he take them? Well, He’s got part of the disciples at the gate to be able really to serve as somewhat of a buffer for Him as He is seeking the Father’s face, because I mean, again, it’s Passover time, so Jerusalem is filled with people who have come from all over the Roman Empire. And so, outside the city people would be camping out on the hills, on the slopes – Gethsemane would be a private garden. And so, the disciples serve somewhat (those down at the gate) as guards.
So, He leaves 8 there. He takes Peter, James & John with Him a little bit further – why? Because He is going to teach them some lessons that they will need know & that they will be able to teach others (including us).
And as He goes it tells us that He falls to the ground. Look at it in verse 35. It says this: And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed… Forget the idea of Jesus kneeling placidly over some boulder praying to the Father.
- This is a time of soul agony.
- This is a time where Jesus is pouring out His heart.
- This is a time when Jesus is battling – when He’s battling the forces of darkness.
- This is a time when Jesus is coming to terms with God’s will for His life with the Father’s plan.
- This is a time when Jesus is praying.
And true prayer, real prayer, powerful prayer is prayer that at its core is the full heart, the full soul, the full being – your lips – your emotion – all that you are calling out to God & seeking Him – that’s prayer.
▪ When a person prays
▪ When a person fervently prays
It involves all, of their being in prayer.
In fact, if you want an idea of how Jesus prayed in the garden, you want to know what it was like in one sense?
You want to know how, I believe, how He prayed on more than just the occasion in the garden.
In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.
tells us. Look at it - During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, (So, this isn’t just the garden, though it is the garden. Here’s how He prayed.) he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears How did Jesus pray? He didn’t just think thoughts in His head. Can you pray in your heart? Yes. But if you only pray in your heart you’re missing much of what Biblical prayer is all about.
In fact, if you read through the Bible, I think you can count 3, maybe 4-times somebody prayed in their heart. The balance of the times they prayed with their mouth. There is something about our lips & our voice being lifted up to God. And even the posture of our body, whether we’re standing with arms raised, whether we’re kneeled, whether we’re prostrate. There is a whole heart, a whole soul, a whole body involvement in prayer that gets a hold of God.
Here it tells us that He prayed with prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death…
So, what is He doing in the garden? He’s weeping. What is He doing in the garden? He’s calling out to God. He’s crying out to God. He is seeking the Lord.
Why? Look at it in verse 33.
And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled.
It’s very, very interesting. That word “distressed” literally is “amazed.” He was greatly amazed. The word “trouble” is typically translated “astonished.” So, here’s Jesus in the garden & as He’s there – He is incredibly amazed & astonished.
Now I don’t know about you, but that’s very interesting thing to think about – I mean, He’s God – what astonishes God? What amazes God? The only other time you see him amazed is when He sees the faith of the Roman Centurion or the faith of the Canaanite Woman. Great faith amazes Him. Or great un-belief can amaze Him.
But here now, it’s Him. It’s – He’s with the Father. He’s in the garden, but He’s astonished.
· Can anything shock God?
· Can anything surprise God?
· Can anything stun God?
Is there anything that God has not experienced? The answer is yes.
In that moment, as He’s in the garden, He gains a new understanding, a new appreciation, a new insight into what will happen to him on the cross in just a few short hours.
In that moment for the very first time in His eternal existence He will be separated, He will be alienated from the Father.
For the first time, something that He has never known personally the presence of sin. He will experience as sin, not just one sin, but all the sin of everyone who would ever believe on Him is in that moment, on the cross, placed on Him. And as He thinks about bearing sin, as He thinks about the alienation from the Father, as He thinks about what it means to have that put on Him. He recoils, literally, He is shocked, He is astonished.
And then, not only that, He thinks about what that sin will result in – that in that moment, the Father, “the just and wise God” will righteously pour out His wrath on the punishment for all, of that sin – every sin - the sin of billions of people who will put their faith in Christ. All that sin punished on the cross.
What’s that punishment going to be like? Well, what’s the punishment for sin? The punishment for sin is eternal separation from God. The punishment for sin is torment – eternally, in hell, away from God & all that is good & would make life worth living. The punishment is eternal torment, eternal pain, eternal separation.
And what will happen on the cross? One of the great miracles is that God will compress in that moment the eternal punishment for all, of the sin of all, of the people who will believe on Him & He will pour it out on Him.
A billion eternities in hell in 6-hours on the cross. And as the Son is suddenly made aware of that reality in a whole new way.
He is shocked by it.
He is destressed by it.
He is troubled by it.
He is amazed by it.
To the point that verse 34 says in .
And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.”
I feel like I am literally going to die. As He thinks about it – He may never make it to the cross. He may just die of a broken heart in the garden.
The thought of that separation.
The thought of that punishment.
The thought of that alienation from the father with whom He had only known perfect, joyful, wonderful fellowship for all eternity prior to that point.
It’s hard for us to comprehend. You understand something about what I’m talking about when I say, “We may never really understand the profundities of what’s involved in the garden & what happens in that moment as He grapples with the reality of what’s going to happen to Him in a matter of hours.
So great was the struggle that Luke tells us in
And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly;… So, as He begins to pray the agony…it’s almost like – and we’re gonna look at this in a moment. It’s almost like the more He prays, the more He understands & the more He understands the greater the agony. And the greater the agony the more He prays. Do you follow that? It’s the cup of agony!
Can I just ask you – before we look at the rest of that verse – does your agony move you closer to God or farther from God?
Hudson Taylor, that spiritual giant, who lived in the 1800’s and started over 1500 churches in Mainland China wrote this about pressure.
He said this: “It does not really matter where or what the pressure is – but where the pressure lies. Does it come between us & God? Or does it push us closer to God?”
What does pressure do to you? When life gets difficult - When you can’t understand what God is doing – or you do understand & you don’t like it.
Does it cause you to say: “I’m out!”
Does it cause you to say: “Listen, if that’s how you’re gonna treat me – I quit.”
Does it cause you to say: “Listen, what’s the use of praying? If I don’t get what I want & I don’t get my way – then why would I even pray?”
So, the questions of, not only humanity, but ultimately of spiritual immaturity. Here’s the Son in the Garden & He prays. And being in agony He prayed more earnestly.
and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. You say, “What is that like some hyperbole? Is that some exaggerated statement?” No, it’s a physical condition called “hematidrosis.” What happens when you’re under great stress the capillaries gorge with blood & then burst with the blood coming out of the pores of the skin mixed with the sweat.
This gives you an idea of the great stress. He’s not just – He’s not just concerned about the agony of the (the physical agony) of the crucifixion, which would be horrific, let’s not down play that, but let’s also not make that the reason that causes Him to agonize in the garden.
Far greater than the humiliation & the torture of one of the most excruciating deaths known to mankind – crucifixion – is the thought that in that moment He will endure that with all the sin of the world placed on Him & bearing the punishment & all the while being separated from the Father. That’s the cup of agony.
And so, what does He do? He prays.
Now that leads us to a second thing. Why does He pray? Because:
II. Prayer Strengthens Us
II. Prayer Strengthens Us
Prayer strengthens us. we read this -
Luke 22:
And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him.
What I want to suggest to you is – simply this – that as you & I pray – what happens is there’s strength that’s given to us.
How does that strength come? Well part of it is a supernatural working of the Holy Spirit. Where the Holy Spirit gives us strength. Where the Spirit of God - inside us - strengthens us with the same power that raised Jesus from dead – empowers us & gives us strength.
He also strengthens us by encouraging us in our heart by helping us to think about God & anticipate God’s goodness. That brings strength.
He encourages us by giving us promises in the word & reminding us of things that we’ve read. And so, He strengthens us.
But He also strengthens us at times through the ministry & the ministration of angels to us. And scripture doesn’t say much about it, less you & I get caught up in trying to discern all that or chasing after that kind of experience, but we know this – that there is a strength that is given to individuals, human beings, by angelic beings at times.
Daniel has that in mean that would just be one example. Where Daniel is on His knees, without strength he says, and an angel touches him & it gives him strength. Not only to stand, but to speak & to understand what is happening around him. It’s a strengthening.
In fact, , reminds of this, and says,
Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?
So, here are angels, the Bible tells us, who come to you & I at points, we’re not aware often times. But I think it’s safe to assume that there’s times when you’re praying & there’s times when you need strength & you’re asking God to help you & an angel is right beside you, giving you the strength to press on. Angles are ministering to him.
It’s not the first time it happened to him. In fact, he starts his ministry with that. If you can think of it this way. There’s a sense where the start of His ministry and the end of His ministry have some very interesting parallels. Remember at the start as He was tempted in the wilderness? In the desert? In the Judean desert for 40-days & 40-nights? And He wasn’t eating & Satan came to tempt Him.
We read this in Mark’s Gospel 1:13 it says -
And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him.
Very interesting. That - …tempted by Satan with the wild animals… you have - to believe that the mention of the wild animals there has to do with demonically inspired wild-animals. Which it’s one thing to be facing wild animals, it’s another thing to have them energized by Satan to distract Him from seeking God & holding to His purpose. It’s a very interesting thing to contemplate.
What happens then – the angels were ministering to Him. Some scripture tells us that they ministered after the fast, but they were ministering during the fast – protecting Him, directing Him, strengthening Him. Prayer strengthens us.
In fact, if we don’t pray – we’ll be weak. The problem for a lot of Christians who struggle & just go from one struggle to the next & see very little victory is they don’t pray.
I mean, Jesus says as much – look at it in .
And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour?
Would you notice that He’s calling him by his old name because he’s acting like his old self! And what does his old self do? His old self is spiritually asleep. His old self is not aware spiritually. One of the greatest battles of the ages… In fact, the greatest battle is being fought just a few feet away & he’s “sawing” logs. And when Jesus comes to him – and Jesus says, “Can you not stay awake?” What does he do? I’m sorry, (snore). He’s back to sleep. He can’t even stay awake. Can’t watch. Doesn’t pray.
Listen, if you don’t pray you’ll spiritually find yourself unaware of what’s happening around you. If you don’t pray you’ll find yourself spiritually asleep. And to be spiritually asleep is to be unaware of what’s happening near you, around you.
And the greatest battle in the history of mankind could be happening just a few feet away – but if you don’t pray – you’ll never know it.
Here’s Jesus – He says - Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. Prayer has a preventative effect on your life.
That when we pray it protects us.
That when we pray it shields us.
When we pray it helps us to be strong against the enemy.
In part, because we’re more aware of the spiritual realities & what the enemy is doing. We see the temptation for what it is – because we’re spiritually awake & we’re watching how we can please the Lord & how we can stand in righteousness & purity for Him.
Here He is - Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” I mean, that’s so true. We’re like – God, I want to serve you. But if you don’t pray - you’ll fail - when it comes to your service.
Here’s the danger I think in our contemporary church. We’ve become so enamored with our feelings that we’ve had a tendency to elevate our feelings to the level of reality. So that what happens is we have a tendency to process life this way.
If I feel it – it must be true.
If I feel it – it’s the same as if it happened.
If I feel a devotion to God – I must be devoted to God.
That’s not true.
There’s a lot of people who want to love the Lord
There’s a lot of people who the spirit is willing – it’s just that the flesh is weak, so they fail & they fall. Just like Peter.
To that end - it’s important to be reminded that victory doesn’t come to the person who is spiritually asleep. Just like you feel like you want to have a victory & you feel like you can have a victory doesn’t mean that you’ll have a victory.
Remember Peter, just an hour ago, “Love - I’ll never deny you. I can’t speak for these other guys – I don’t know – look at them.” How could you know? But I know me. And I know that I’m willing to die with you. But He doesn’t pray.
And so, in just a couple of hours, because he doesn’t spend the time seeking God he flees God.
This is the difference – we’re talking prayers – we’re not talking luxuries in the Christian life. Do you understand that? I mean, we’re talking necessities.
· You have to pray.
· You have to spend time with the Lord.
And if you do – you’ll be victorious. And if you don’t – you will fail.
This is so sobering to think about. This is so important – victory doesn’t come to the person who thinks they can stand. The only way to overcome weakness is through prayer. And prayer strengthens us & we need that strength, because even though our spirit is willing our flesh is weak.
And Peter slept when he should have been praying, so when Peter should have been standing he fled. He didn’t pray.
There’s a third thing that I want you to notice.
III. Prayer helps us fight the enemy.
III. Prayer helps us fight the enemy.
Prayer helps us fight the enemy.
Jesus at the start of His ministry…remember Satan tempts him three times. Comes to Him & tempts Him & then the devil said he was going to leave Him till an opportune time.
So, the enemy was watching & looking for a time. And we know of at least one time that he came again in Matthew’s Gospel 16 as Jesus said, “Who do you say that I am?” He had been praying for them to have a moment of spiritual enlightenment that they might understand His identity. And Peter speaking by the Spirit of God said, “You’re the Christ of the Son of the living God.”
And then Jesus says, “Okay, great, now that you know who I am let me tell you why I’m here & what I’m going to do.” I’m gonna go to Jerusalem and die. And Peter in that moment – having one moment – then prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak & in the next moment is prompted by the enemy. And he says, “Lord, that’s not gonna happen. I realize you’ve had a bad day. It’s been a hard week. But come on – chin up – it’s … let’s think positive here.” And Jesus says, “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
Satan was there. He understood that Satan was there trying to circumvent – trying to thwart. And I would like to suggest to you that in the garden there is a spiritual battle that is going on.
Theologians (conservative theologians) are almost unanimous on this. And see the parallel between the beginning of His ministry & the end of His ministry - between the 3-temptations at the start of His ministry & the 3-times that Jesus goes back and pleads with the Father: “If it be possible let this cup pass from me.” That in the middle of all, of that the enemy is there. That Satan too is in the garden and he’s trying to thwart Jesus from fulfilling the Father’s plan.
In fact, we get some understanding – some understanding of this in Luke’s Gospel – in – Jesus says – as the time in the garden, He’s arrested now. And He says:
When I was with you day after day in the temple, you did not lay hands on me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”
“But this is your [the] (And I put the word “the” in there because that’s how it reads in the original. So, in the original it has the definite article for the sake of emphasis.) “But this is your [the] hour, and the power of [the] darkness.” It’s the hour. It’s the power. And it’s the darkness.
In other words, what He’s saying is (there’s an emphasis there) that the enemy is present & the enemy in that moment is allowed the control of the circumstance & the situation, because Satan has one objective & one objective only. He wants to keep Christ from going to the cross. And there is a battle that is happening. Because if he can keep Christ off the cross, guess what? Nobody goes to heaven. If he keeps Christ. If he detours Christ - hell will be full to overflowing for eternity & heaven will be empty for eternity.
This is a battle. This is the epic fight for the ages. And it was won in the garden & it is finished on the cross. But there is a fight that is going on as Jesus battles the forces of darkness.
Listen, can I just say to you that just as He fought the enemy, every person in this room there is a spiritual battle that is going on around you in the circumstances of your life. That just like the enemy wanted to detour Christ from going to the cross. He wants to detour you from serving God – loving God – following God – doing God’s will. He wants to stop you.
I mean, Peter having sat in the garden, having reflected, back on what happened, takes five chapters and writes to a church or a group of churches. And what is it that he says to them? Listen, when you have 5-chapters you can’t say everything that you want to say. You can only say what’s really, important.
Listen to this –
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Stay alert! [Wake up! Don’t sleep your way through life – spiritually speaking.] Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Peter learned that the enemy wants to try to stop God’s people.
· He wants to corrupt your life.
· He wants to corrupt your marriage.
· He wants to corrupt your children.
· He wants to corrupt your grandchildren.
· He wants to corrupt your relationships.
· He wants to corrupt any working of God in any aspect of your life.
· He wants to corrupt you emotionally.
· He wants to corrupt you spiritually.
· He is on the attack continually. Don’t be fooled!
You can tell somebody’s fooled when they don’t understand that there’s a spiritual dimension to all, of life & life’s events.
I’m not talking about looking for a demon under every bush. But what I am talking about is being aware & being sensitive to the working of the enemy & the warfare that is a part of the Christian life.
That’s why Paul says this in - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,…
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
· It’s not just your boss.
· And it’s not just your mate.
· And it’s not your parent.
· And it’s not your child.
· And it’s not friend.
· And it’s not your peers.
It is them, yes. But it is not them alone. Your battle is first & foremost – our battle is spiritual – that there are forces of darkness - a raid against you – trying to stop you. Do you realize the battle?
If our eyes could be spiritually opened - we could literally see the heavenlies filled with angels & demons – and warfare. And we would see the spiritual reality that’s happening around us. The spirit world is - a very real world.
So, Paul says, you don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. That’s who you wrestle with.
You say, “What do I do?” Paul says, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” How do I do that? Put on the full armor of God. And then he begins to list the things that will help you to stand in the day of battle. And in verse 18 one of the things is prayer. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. So, in prayer you’re doing battle for yourself, but you’re doing battle for the people around you. There’s a battle.
In the garden Jesus is fighting the battle that was finished on Calvary. He wins the battle in prayer. Then armed with the strength that comes from prayer He goes to the cross ready to fulfill God’s will.
Which leads us to the fourth principle about prayer.
IV. Prayer is the key to knowing and doing God’s will.
IV. Prayer is the key to knowing and doing God’s will.
Prayer is the key to knowing and doing God’s will. As He’s there in the garden, as He’s moving to the garden, as He’s sung hymns of praise, God has begun in that moment to reveal to the Son the weight, the magnitude, the reality (spiritually speaking) of what it’s going to mean to be alienated & separated from God. And to the – for the first time in His existence have the sin of the world placed on Him. And for the only time to be punished with a billion of eternities in hell in 6-hours on the cross. And that’s staggering.
And so, verse 36, And he said, “Abba, Father,…” Abba – that’s a term of endearment. It’s like: Daddy - Daddy Father.
…all things are possible for you. He knew that to be true. And yet there was something - that was not possible for God & that was for God to have us in heaven with Him without somehow our sin being atoned for – covered, paid for, judged. Jesus in that moment, because He recognizes what it is going to cost Him. And He recognizes the horror of it.
And we really cannot appreciate the depth of that. It’s not just 6-hours.
· It’s a torment.
· It is a pain.
· It is a punishment.
It is a separation that you & I will never be able to fully understand or appreciate. But real, none-the-less.
Don’t ever diminish it in your heart & say, “Well, you know, it was only 6-hours.” Which betrays a complete ignorance concerning the weight & the magnitude – the depravity, the horror of sin.
Jesus says, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. He’s saying, “God, if there is another way – please let there be another way. If there’s another way for people to be in heaven & know the love of God, then please make that way.
Do you know what that tells us? There is no other way. If it was enough for people to be a spiritual person to get to heaven God would have said, “Oh, time-out, we just need them to be spiritual, not religious.”
If being a good person could get you to heaven then the father could have said, “Op, time-out, time-out, we just need them to be good people.” You be a good moral teacher & you give them good morals & try to get them to be good, as good as they can be, at least better than somebody they know, and then they can go to heaven.”
I mean, ask people, who don’t have a relationship with Jesus, “how are you gonna get to heaven?”
Well, I believe in Jesus. Well, it’s more than that. Even the demons believe in Jesus.
Well, I’m a good person. Well, it’s more than that. Well, I’m better than a lot of people that I know. Well, it’s gonna take more than that.
I mean, if there’s anyway the Son does not have to go through with this – that’s what He’s asking. And the eternal God says there is no other way. There’s no other way for you to get to heaven, then to receive Jesus Christ as your savior & to accept the FREE gift of Salvation – that He purchased at great expense on the Cross.
No amount of money.
No amount of church attendance.
If, you know, the Father could have said, “Well, wait, wait, wait…all they needed to do was to go to church. You know, as often as they can.” That won’t get you to heaven.
All they have to say is: “Well, I’m a Christian.”
Or I believe in heaven. Or I want to go to heaven.
That will not get you to heaven.
If there was another way the Father would have given Him another way, but there wasn’t another way.
And as the accumulating knowledge & gravity of what He’s about to endure fills & floods the heart & the mind & the understanding of the savior in the garden – He cries out & He says, “If there is any other way.” And He’s gonna pray that three different times. If there’s any other way – let it happen.
And then He says this: “Never the less, not my will, but thine be done.” I mean, having learned what God’s will is – prayer not only revealed what God’s will is – but prayer strengthened Him to carry out God’s will.
I want to ask you this – You want to know God’s will.
Are you willing to do God’s will?
Here’s what happens in our day – in our day of consumerist religion – where if we serve God - we feel He’ll help us or He’ll do good to us – and God is good & He wants to help us – make no mistake about that – but if God gives you His will – if He tells you what His will is for your life – are you willing to do it – even if you don’t like it or agree with it?
We can all do it & like it if we agree with it. But what about the time that God says this is my will for you & I need you to do it. Where are you at?
Is your response: “never the less, not my will, but thine be done.”
Or do you change it just a little bit: “never the less, not thy will, but mine be done.”
God, I’ll serve you, as long, as you do what I want.
And as long, as I can understand you.
And as long, as it makes sense to me.
And as long, as it’s good for me.
And as long, as it helps me.
And as long, as it benefits me.
And as long, as… Stop it!
Can I just tell you – that in following Christ – there will be times – He’ll ask you to die. I’m not talking about physical death, although that could happen. I’m talking about dying to self. Remember, He said something about that. “If any man would follow me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”
So, maybe he asks you to die to a dream that you’ve held or desire that you have or a relationship that is not His will for you. Where are you at on that then? And it’ll bring you to your own Gethsemane of crushing. Where your will is crushed “for the purpose” of letting Him re-create in you the right desire.
And out of your obedience & the pain of that obedience – you watch Him do something that blesses not only you but blesses people around you in the future in ways that you couldn’t begin to imagine, as you kneel at Gethsemane.
Prayer helps us to know His will & prayer helps us to follow His will in those times when it’s hard to do His will.
And I don’t know how long you’ve been in Christianity or how far you’ve followed Christ. But if you follow very long He will ask you to die – to die to self – to lay it down – to let it go – and to follow Him to that place of self-denial that He might work in your life. And prayer will strengthen you to do that.
Let’s pray!