Sermon Tone Analysis
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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> .9
6 May 18
In the King’s Service: Think Like Our Lord II
We are invited into the King’s service.
Not forced - but invited.
When we answer the call, our King provides us with the tools necessary to serve Him and others.
He equips and empowers us to accomplish whatever He asks of us.
He empowers us with spiritual gifts, both motivational (our natural wiring) and the manifestations - all, I believe, to help people reach their full potential in Christ.
I encourage you to always keep that in mind - how can I use what I’ve been given to help someone become better, to move closer to Christ.
How can I use what I’ve been given to enter the King’s service?
As we’ve mentioned, the purpose of spiritual gifts or
Our Objective: To Serve
To serve even in the midst of suffering and persecution.
We are always in His service – always servants.
Our key verse is
I hope you’ve been asking – “Lord, how can I use what you’ve given me - how can I be in Your service?
A good example is a man I met during my first trip to China.
I’ve mentioned him before.
He’s a pediatrician in Idaho; he is passionate about fishing.
One day, he and a friend asked, “Lord, how can we use our passion for your glory.”
They simply started taking people fishing and just talked about Jesus.
They’ve been doing that for 10-years and have led many people to Christ.
Using what we’ve been given begins with a love for the King and a willingness to serve the King.
Curious - have you asked Him?
“Lord, how can I use ______________ for your glory?”
If you really want to know, I’m positive He will show you.
Again, our objective is to serve, and to help us reach our objective we’re doing some
Backward planning
- identifying the steps necessary to reach our objective.
1) Crown Christ as Lord
(to set Him apart as King – 1 Peter 3:15 - and the challenge there is to pledge fealty to the King)
2) Think like our Lord
We covered this last week, but I want to go a little deeper this morning.
Our key verse for this is
We are to equip or arm ourselves to think like our Lord.
We discovered last week that the word equip comes from the Greek word, hoplizō (PIC), a reference to hoplites, ancient Greek warriors.
I found a good definition this past week concerning this -
To arm oneself is to equip oneself with the necessary tools in order to be ready for something or to achieve a particular purpose.
To review a little bit - we have a responsibility to equip ourselves.
Equipping ourselves is not done through osmosis (Bible on head).
We should create space every day for the Holy Spirit to transform us
, empower us and give us our orders.
We have to open up the Word and read it, study it, apply it, pray, fellowship, worship - all are a part of equipping ourselves.
We create the space; God creates the change.
So, we are to arm ourselves (create that space) to think like Jesus.
Last week, I talked about Cpt.
When I was in the Army, this was one captain in particular that I enjoyed serving under.
I served him well because I learned to think like him.
I learned to think like him because I observed him.
Any of us can do that.
If we observe someone long enough, we’ll learn their behavior, and learn to think like them and even learn how to mimic them.
But learning to think like Cpt.
Marti only went so far.
See, it primarily changed my behavior while I was on duty.
It influenced how I behaved as a soldier, but not necessarily as a person.
There were things I learned from him that I brought into my personal life - but for the most part my soldier life was separate from my personal life.
I didn’t hang out with Cpt.
Marti when I was off duty.
I didn’t hand out markers to random people.
I had my soldier life and my personal life.
This is called compartmentalization.
This is something we all do – and in many cases it’s healthy.
We should separate occupation from home.
But we’re never called to do that as Christians.
We are never called to compartmentalize our Christianity.
Sadly, too many Christians compartmentalize their lives so much that even their faith doesn’t permeate all of life.
They have their Christian life; which is separate from their home life; which is separate from their work life; which is separate from their recreation life and so on.
Spiritually, that is unhealthy, and that makes it impossible to truly live the way God desires.
And consequently, that person will never reach their full potential in Christ, they will forfeit many blessings that God has to offer, and they will never fully be in the King’s service - and rarely will influence our world for Jesus Christ.
That kind of compartmentalized thinking falls way short of what Peter is telling us, and consequently falls short of truly thinking like our King.
What Peter is telling us goes far beyond mere observation while “on duty.”
To think (ἔννοια, ennoia): implies a mental state involving beliefs, feelings, values and one’s nature that ultimately influences behavior.
It is not an occasional attitude - today I’ll think like Jesus for 5 minutes.
No. Scripture is implying here that we can think like Jesus because we personally know the nature of God.
It means
We can think like our King because we know the heart of our King.
We know His thoughts, His mind, His motives - His heart.
When we know God’s heart, we’ve reached a new level of intimacy where it is no longer a duty to think like Him, but
His nature has begun to infuse with our nature.
(Like a married couple …)
Listen closely to the words of our King shortly before His crucifixion –
That’s the kind of relationship our King desires with us - where His nature infuses or permeates our nature.
And that’s the deepest kind of relationship a person can have with someone - to know one’s thoughts and heart.
SO, a nature permeated by Christ thinks like Christ, behaves like Christ.
I think that’s the meaning behind what John the Baptist said – “I must decrease, He must increase.”
(my thoughts must decrease; His thoughts my increase)
Side note about John 17: Notice that Jesus said that when we are one with Him and with each other, the world will know and believe that He is real.
The greatest witness to an unbelieving world is not proving that God exists in the universe but proving that God exists in me.
Do you see how all of this is connected - our thinking and our living is connected to their believing?
Let’s look again at 1 Peter 4:1 using the NLT -
My flesh does not like that - but if I truly love my King, I will endeavor to bring my flesh into submission to His Spirit and endeavor to gain His attitude.
So, what was - is - His attitude?
Peter was referencing 3:18, but before we get there, look at
That is how Jesus thought – love, obedience and humility - that is how we should think and live as well.
But we can only think like that when we invite His nature to conquer and permeate our nature.
We must kneel before Him, pledge our fealty to Him and crown Him King and Lord or our lives.
We call that sanctification - and it is God’s will that you be sanctified.
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