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- And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for mewith all your heart.
40 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.
41 Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover.
42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.
43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him.
Title: Lost and Found
Prayer -
Bright Bursts of light illumined the night Sky. Reds, purples, indigos, blue danced across the heavens an exploded next to one another, in Thunderous exclamation. Every Vibrant detonation of Color elicited from the transfixed assembly that watched, interjections of “oohs and ahhs. There was a spectacle in the night Sky, and for four small Children accompanied by their parents, there was a little slice of heaven. For what child is not blown away by the vivid and splashy extravaganza of a fireworks demonstration. May I add This wasn’t a demonstration put on by neighborhood Amateurs on the Fourth of July. This brilliant and flashy manifestation of Color and Symmetry and was composed by none other than the famed Walt Disney Company. It was the Summer of 1988, And the McDonald Family Vacation was coming to an end. I was but 6 years old, but the events of night will stay with me forever. My Parents and my 3 siblings and hundreds of other spectators had been watching the fireworks show from across the lake. There were people everywhere and there wasn’t much room to maneuver. I remember because of this, that through the Show, I was holding my mother's hand. As the show came to the end, the crowd started to disperse. Hundreds of people were simultaneously making their way to their varied destinations. But as I was looking around, I started to feel uneasy because I noticed that I couldn’t see any of my brothers and Sisters anymore, nor my father, But that was ok, because I believed I was holding the hand of my Mother, But this was strange, why were we not with the rest of the family, as I turned to seek explanation, I was horrified to discover, that the hand that I thought was my Mother's, was a complete Stranger. A woman that I had never seen before. Somehow In the crowd I had been separated from my Family. And now I was lost and holding hands with a stranger. I quickly pulled my hand away from her, and went looking for my family. . Frightening Stuff. To make a long story short With the help of some good samaritans and a security Guard I was reunited some minutes later with my family, I remember my Mother Crying and hugging me as when she found her son.. In speaking with My Parents on the incident some years later. , they shared with me the events of that night from their perspective, they said that as they began to move out after watching the Fireworks, they quickly discovered that I was not with them. They frantically began to search and call out for me.
(Transitioning to the Text)
As a parent today,
(Said emphatically)
I can feel their anguish,
I can feel what they must have felt, to discover, that one of their children wasn’t with them,
I can feel their anxiety as minute after minute went by and their search attempts turned up empty.
I can feel the sense of guilt, asking themselves the question what could they have done differently.
There probably isn’t a worse feeling that you can have as a parent, than when your young child has gone missing. What a difficult thing to endure?, and if you can empathize with them, if you can feel their pain, than your in the text
Because these are the similar feelings that Mary And Joseph must have endured when They discovered, That Jesus wasn’t with them. That Jesus wasn’t in their midst. Mary and Joseph Were real people with a real problem. Can you feel their pain this morning. Can you put yourself in their shoes
The week that had begun with a cheer and joy but it Ended in the deepest form of Agony, for the child Jesus was missing.
How did it happen? How did it come to his.
The Bible Reveals
Every Year Mary And Joseph would travel to Jerusalem to observe the Passover.
To the common Jew of the time, Passover festival commemorated the deliverance of the Hebrews from the oppression of Egypt.
Passover was a reminder of a series of dramatic events by which God had made of Israel an independent nation. Passover was the highpoint of the religious year. Many Jews were present from all countries were the Jews were scattered. From every part of Palestine the worshipers came.
Joseph and Mary Traveled over 120 miles one way to be there at this feast yearly. It took days to travel this distance.
We take up the Narrative in vs 2
42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.
But this passover trip, was extra special because now being 12 years of age, Jesus attended the Passover for the first time. Among the Jews the twelfth year was the dividing line between the childhood and youth, and he was expected to participate in the sacred feasts and observance. THis was his first look at the Temple in Jerusalem. The bible reveals that it at this visit that Jesus started to realize that he was in a unique sense the the Son of God, the implications of his earthly mission began to dawn upon his mind. He beheld the ministering priest, the altar with its bleeding victim, the holy incense aristing to God, and he began comprehend the reality which these ceremonies symbolized. Christ longed for a clearer understanding
Of his appointed work, so he lingered in the temple earthly dwelling place of his FAther. While is Parents went home.
The Scriptures attests in vs 43
(Transitioning to the First Point)
43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
They started to travel and Jesus wasn’t with them.
They were heading home and Jesus wasn’t with them
They were traveling in company fellowshiping worshipers singing songs of worship and Yet Jesus wasn’t with them.
For hours traveled. They ate, they drank, they talked, They walked, and they were unaware that ,Christ, was not in the midst.
44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey;
They traveled for a whole day, they went through all different terrain, a full 15 miles and they didn’t realize that his presence was not with them. Christ wasn’t there.
How Did that Happen?
They Got so caught up in the Journey, they go so distracted with their surroundings,
They got so caught in their conversations that they didn’t even bother to check,
If son of God was still dwelling with them.
They didn’t seek his face, in the morning.
They didn’t seek to talk with him, as they went through their travels.
They didn’t seek Personal Contact with Jesus through the day.
They didn’t make sure that Jesus in their Midst.
And I hear someone saying Shame on you Joseph and Mary, But may I suggest this morning that we can be just as guilty. We can get so caught up with what's going on Around us, We can become so caught up in our trials, so caught in our desires, so Caught up things around us. that we become unaware that Christ is not with us.
And we can be traveling this morning without Jesus.
Unaware that Christ is no longer in our hearts empowering us, and giving us peace.
Not understanding that he is no longer in our midst.
44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey;
We Must never take for Granted his presence.
But they, supposing him to have been in the company
THey would not have left him, if they sought his face first thing in the morning.
May I suggest to you Child of God, That you need to make sure he is with you in the morning.
Start your Day in Christ. Start your Day in communion with him. Start your Day, With confession of your sins, Start your day with your mind reaching out to him, Start your day thinking on his word. Start your day asking for his Spirit to fill your heart.
You don’t want to Travel and he be not with you. I don’t know about you, But the Journey is tough, And I need JEsus To be with me, I don’t what is about 2018. But I don’t want face the Hell that is on this Journey without Christ being with me. I need him.
The bible says, they finally discovered he wasn’t there, It may not be easy to accept that he you have left him, but it’s better find out sooner than later.
You have to watch for the Indicators that Jesus isn’t with you.
If your treating people around you like trash it's an indicator, That you have Left Jesus Behind.
If you’re gossiping about your Fellow Church Members, it's an indicator, That you have Left Jesus behind
If when people talk to you, they leave downtrodden, and broken,
t's an indicator, That you have Left Jesus behind
If you are harboring Unforgiveness in your heart, It’s an indicator that you have left Jesus Behind.
If you can’t control your impulses, it is an indicator that you have left Jesus Behind.
If your treatment of people in this Church depends on how much money they make it is an indicator that you have left Jesus Behind.
If your treatment of People in this Church depends on what Level of Education someone has achieved, It’s and indicator that you have left.
If your Treatment of people in this Church depends on What country they come and not that they are a Child of God It is an indicator that you have Left Jesus Behind.
If you Jesus isn’t with you this morning, Then somebody Take out your walking stick Put your shoes on and go Find him.
(Transitioning to 2nd Point)
For this is what Mary And Joseph did.
and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
For companionship and protection, those attending the various annual feasts at Jerusalem customarily traveled in large groups, “a company of travelers,” Often all of those going from a village or town would plan to travel together in a caravan.
44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
45 And when they found him not,
For companionship and protection, those attending the various annual feasts at Jerusalem customarily traveled in large groups, “a company of travelers,” Often all of those going from a village or town would plan to travel together in a caravan. They went from relative to relative and from friend to friend throughout the camping site of their caravan. Such a search must have carried them well into the night.
But their efforts were fruitless. Jesus was nowhere to be found!
( Slow down and make it Clear)
They went to their family and friends and family to see if Jesus was with them, and he wasn’t there. The closest people to them, were unable to give them any help in finding Jesus. The closest people to them didn’t have Jesu with them. In the place where they thought Jesus had the best shot of being, he was not to be found. And they went away empty handed.
Key point 2: Bring into your inner Circle people, with People who know the Lord. Bring into your inner circle people who within Christ Dwells.
So that if you lose your way, They can help you find him again.
This Christian Life is life of warfare, IT is life where we face trials. It is a Life that sometimes you can get spiritually down. Sometimes you get depleted. Sometimes you just can feel like giving up. And sometimes you need someone in your life. Who is going pick you up and put right in front of Jesus. Sometimes you need someone to give you a word, to lift you up.
There have been many times that I have been low, and my Wife, has said something to me that just uplifts my spirit.
You can’t pick your family, But you can pick who you marry. Don’t you Marry someone that doesn’t know the Lord. Who isn’t seeking To have God live within them. Don’t date that doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus you don’t need that fight.
I was dating a young Lady, that every time I was trying to Right she encouraged me to do wrong. .
Sometimes you need someone to pick you up.
That’s why folk you got watch you you date, watch who you MArry.
Bring into your inner Circle people, with People who know the Lord. Bring into your inner circle people who within Christ Dwells.
Otherwise you will experience spiritually what, J
and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
45 And when they found him not,
They were at an impasse, they couldn’t find Jesus. At this point they must have been filled with fear and anguish, in fact later in the Text Mary in describing her feelings ὀδυνάω . to be intense pain, to be tormented to be in distress.
She couldn't find Jesus,
And maybe your
you know that He is missing from your life. You know it’s some time since you have been walking intimately with him, and dwelling with him. And you want to find him, but you just don’t know how. Everywhere look is discouragement, everywhere you look reminds you of places where you couldn’t find, The Prayer of your heart is Echos the hymn “Lord I want be A christian, buts your Christian experience echos the words of hymn is “Prone to wander Lord I feel, Prone to leave The God I love.”
And I wonder have you been there. Are you there right now. Have you disconnected From God and you desperately want to find him again.
Or perhaps you have never found him, and you just want him to dwell with you.
The pay close attention scripture
45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him.
Perhaps 2 days had passed now. And they had not found Jesus. But then they did something that we extremely important they retrated their steps.
they turned back again to Jerusalem,
they went to the place where they had last seen him,
They went back to place, where they heard his voice,
They went back to place, Where they had felt his presence
They went back to place, Where they had left him.
And it was when Mary entered back into the Temple, She heard that lovely voice of Jesus. She heard her son. And she found him, after 3 days of searching.
And I need you to understand, When you get to the point, where you can’t find him, when it seems you just can recover Spiritually
REtrace your Steps to
Search your mind,
Recall When you last heard his voice.
Remember what you were doing when you experienced his presence.
And that is where you will Find Jesus
Turn Back to what you were doing when you last saw the Lord.
Some of us,
Were last with him, When we started morning In Devotion.
Some of us,
Were last with him
When we made sure that we had Private Prayer Spread out the Through the day.
Some of us, where last with him,
When turned off Hiphop, and R And B, and instead put on Gospel Music as rode to work.
Some of us, where last with him
When we took time in our Day, to Spend time with the Lord in his Word.
Some of us Where last with him,
When we decided to help Sister Worsham out with community Service.
Some of us Where last with him.
When we put down the Channel Changer
took daily walks around the Park beholding the Beauty of his creation.
Some of us Were last with him,
When you were coming to Bible Meditation, And studying the word with your Brothers and Sisters.
If you Lost Track of Where God is, Go BAck to where you Left him, Seek him And you will Find him.
For the Bible Says

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for mewith all your heart.

The Bible Says

and those who seek me diligently find me.

The Bible Says
he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
The Bible says
Seek and ye shall find. .
I’m saying to you this morning.
Don’t give up,
For God will be found.
Lord, I want come back to Where I saw you Last.
It might take a day or two, but if you keep seeking you shall find.
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