To The Church of Smyrna- Don't Fear, Be Faithful
Whereas “overcoming” in Ephesus required restoration of love (2:4), in Smyrna it demanded withstanding persecution.
The martyrdom of our brothers and sisters in the past as well as many in other locations in the present must challenge us to count the cost: How much is Jesus worth to us?
Suffering has a way of reminding us which things in life really matter, forcing us to depend radically on God, and thus purifying our obedience to God’s will.
But it is important to know God’s heart before we face suffering, so that we may understand our suffering in light of his love for us, in light of his sharing our suffering in the cross, rather than interpreting his heart toward us on the basis of our suffering. As Billy Graham points out, “suffering has a mysterious, unknown component
We cannot explain why some suffer much more than others. “All I know from the short letters in Revelation,” Graham concludes, “is this: Christ commands us to ‘Overcome!’ in the strength He alone can supply.…