Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
Intro: So at work one night when i had some free time i was reading through Numbers and this reading just burst out at me which was great because i thought i was preaching next weekend up until a few days ago.
Reading this was a challenge to me and a reminder at the same time to know that God is always in control.
Even when things seem to big or terrifying or just seem like a lose lose situation God is still in control.
Psalm 37:
This message is for everyone, its for the person who’s struggling with a difficult situation, a person who God is asking something of and its terrifying you or a situation at work, or family or any single thing that makes you want to hide.
God cares about every single little detail of our lives whether its our hair, clothes, or is there is a big health problem going on.
As we will see here God will cause you to see it, He will cause your faith or lack of faith to be put out on the for front for you to see.
I’m a firm believer that as a Christian in every situation in our life God is working on something.
I don’t believe God lets any situation go to waste.
When fear blocks our view
So whats the big problem here.
What are these people terrified about.
Their biggest fear was the people and the descendants of Anak (giants) so basically picture a bunch of Goliath's.
9 foot tall people, full of muscle.
A lot of the other people were strong (violent, rough), the city was well protected and built.
They have this task in front of them and looking at it just from this right here, they're figuring they have no chance of being able to conquer it, but aside from the giants and every other scary thing to them, whats the biggest problem right here?
God had spoken and told them He was going to give them this land
It was set in stone what God was going to do, all they had to do was walk in faith.
if we don’t
This is the same God who had done jaw dropping miracles in front of them, they saw the sea open up for them, God kept an entire Egyptian army separated from them by a cloud.
But the fear, the doubt got in and took control of their minds.
A mustard seed size of faith can move a mountain but a mustard seed size of fear can make the mountain 15x bigger.
I know what its like to have fear, especially when God already said something would be done, or not being sure that God is going to provide or do what He said he’s going to do.
We see situations and realize we can’t handle them on our own and we instantly start questioning ourselves and ultimately start questioning whether God ever spoke and that we probably just missed it.
That’s always been the devils tactic.
to ask us did God really say that? are you sure that’s what He meant?
the devils desire is to so cloud our vision with fear that were unable to see to far in front of us and it makes us want to go back where we dont have to be fearful.
People forget really easy what misery they were in before.
These people literally wanted to go back to being slaves in Egypt.
The root problem of this is not truly knowing God’s love and how much He loves us.
I’m in the middle of reading this book called Tried by Fire, The Story of Christianity's First 1000 years.
Read Excerpt from book
“Sometime in the early first century, the emporer Trajan sout
What i know though is that in the huge number of doubters, God keeps for himself some that are of a different spirit.
The 2 that get it.
Do excersize with people standing, 8 opposing and 2 for.
Caleb and Joshua got it.
They understood, its like they were looking at this land and licking their chops.
They tasted the fruit of the land, the knew what was theirs and what the outcome was and they were excited.
They knew that when God said He was going to show up meant He was going to show up!!
I can only imagine that during those 40 days of spying out the land that Joshua and Caleb pretty much kept their distance from the other 10. people complaining and everything is such a cancer.
Everywhere you go you will hear it.
people will always find something to complain about and if you don’t realize it soon you will join in with them.
Playing in the turkey bowl at school my second year, i told all the guys on the team that we were going to win, and anybody that didn’t think so could leave.
as silly as the turkey bowl was i still hated to lose.
and i refused to allow anyone to play that thought we could lose because i know that seed of doubt will permeate your ability to do your best.
we have to be confident that God will see us through.
We have to determine that we will believe what God says about Himself in the Bible and when He says He’s going to do something that he will do it.
the righteous will never be forsaken.
Children of faith
The weak were going to see the promise fulfilled, the prey was going to become Sheppard’s.
the ones who thought they had it all figured out were going to miss what God had planned.
the wise in their own eyes were going to fall.
We have to have faith like a child and just believe God.
Sami knows when he is scared he can come to mom or dad, or when hes going down stairs or something he does carefully that if I’m holding his hand he can be as reckless as he wants because i wont let him fall.
its amazing to see that register in his mind.
Whatever your going through you need to realize God will see you through, don’t limit God and definitely don't tell others God cant do it.
< .5
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> .9