Sermon: The Value of Generosity
The Value of Generosity
probably two letters (chs. 1–9; 10–13) combined into one, dealing primarily with Paul’s tenuous relationship with the Corinthian church and in the process touching on several other matters as well (Paul’s ministry, the collection for the poor in Jerusalem, and some Jewish Christian itinerants who have invaded the church)
The Apostle Paul fell in love with the cause of helping the church in Jerusalem
Paul asks the Corinthian Christians to Partner with Jerusalem Christians in the cause of the Gospel
God is also in Love with the cause of helping the church in Jerusalem
A righteous Christian person helps the poor
9:10. Paul followed his quotation from Psalm 112 with two allusions to the Old Testament. First, he referred to Isaiah 55:10, which praises God as the one who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food. Second, he drew from Hosea 10:12, which promises a harvest of blessing for those who sow righteousness. Paul combined these Old Testament ideas to assure the Corinthians that God would not ignore their generosity, but would enlarge the harvest (rewards) of their righteousness. Their righteous deeds would not be overlooked or forgotten.
he made clear that fulfilling their promise to give would prove the true condition of their hearts. In this regard, Paul held a similar perspective to that of the apostle John, who said that love for God could not be present in a believer’s life without love for other Christians ().
Paul developed the theme of thanksgiving further by stating that generous contributions would result in widespread praise of God.