4th Sunday Pentecost A
Sermon 4Th Sunday Pentecost
“Pray for the HARVEST (earn)!”
Matthew 9:35-10:8
38 So ask the Lord who gives this harvest to send workers to harvest his crops.
1 Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave them authority to force evil spirits out of people and to cure every disease and sickness.
2 These are the names of the twelve apostles: first and foremost, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee;
3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James (son of Alphaeus), and Thaddaeus;
4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who later betrayed Jesus.
5 Jesus sent these twelve out with the following instructions: “Don’t go among people who are not Jewish or into any Samaritan city.
6 Instead, go to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.
7 As you go, spread this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’
8 Cure the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse those with skin diseases, and force demons out of people. Give these things without charging, since you received them without paying.[1]
A person mad at the Lutheran church said, “You think church is a hospital! You, Lutherans, pray for your sick (people), but what about the lost (people)! People can find a doctor easy, but many people don’t understand the truth about Jesus! Hard to find a doctor for the sick soul! ?What about the spiritually dying people? You, Lutherans, worry about the inside and outside of your church building but don’t care about the people dying inside and outside…without Jesus.”
OUCH! Sometimes we are guilty of ONLY praying for our sick. We know it is not wrong to pray for the sick. Praying for hurt and sick people is a good thing! And we do care about our church building. God blesses us with many beautiful surroundings (about). We are suppose to take care of the good things God gave us. This is good! But we often forget the building is nothing. We often forget physically (body) hurting and sick people are not our primary (1st) concern. No! The lost people are the reason Jesus came to die on the Cross. Saving the lost people should be our most important goal! The Lord tells us to pray for all things and not to do anything without prayer. Prayer should help us get our priorities (1,2,3…) straight. We are to pray for the HARVEST of eternal souls!
Listen (pay-attention)! Jesus says in verse 38, “So ask (pray) the Lord who gives this harvest (earn) to send workers to harvest (earn) his crops.” Jesus says to “ask” or to “pray” some translations (Bibles) say, “beg” the Lord to send workers to harvest (earn) His crops. We are to pray for the harvest (earn). The harvest is not real crops in a field. No! The “harvest” that Jesus is preaching (inform) is bringing all people back home to God the Father. Like (same) Jesus told Peter he would become a fisher for men (people) and not fish. So now, Jesus is telling his 12 friends they are to become farmers, chopping down the GRAIN…people [double-handed-chop-on-neck] convincing the lost people about heaven, about forgiveness of sins, about Jesus’ death and resurrection (live-again). Chopping people down for Jesus! Workers for God chop down people for God’s harvest by using Word (Bible) and Sacraments [baptism, Lord’s Supper].
Listen (pay-attention)! The Lord is the one giving the harvest. Verse 38 says, “The Lord is the person giving the harvest.” The Lord is the one sending the workers too (same). ?Who are the workers? Ephesians 4:11, “He [God] also gave apostles, prophets, missionaries, as well as pastors and teachers as gifts to his church.”[2] Our Heavenly Father sends all kinds (different) of helpers (people) to gather the lost people. Every individual (person) in the church is responsible for harvesting lost souls. ISAIAH answered the Lord’s call (invite) verse 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom will I send? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me!”[3] We should be same as ISAIAH. [Sign-copy me], “Here am I send me!”
Jesus gathers a group of 12 men. Jesus gives his 12 friends authority to force evil spirits out of people and to cure every disease and sickness. Verse 1 says, “Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave them authority to force evil spirits out of people and to cure every disease and sickness.” Jesus chose:
1. SIMON (name PETER)
2. ANDREW (Peter’s brother)
4. JOHN (James’ brother…sons of ZEBEDEE)
9. JAMES (son of ALPHAEUS)
12. JUDAS ISCARIOT (betrayed Jesus)
Jesus sent out the 12 disciples (learn-ers) with specific (exact) instructions (teach). Jesus said in verses 5-8 of our reading, “Don’t go among people who are not Jewish or into any Samaritan city. Instead, go to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel. As you go, spread this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Cure the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse those with skin diseases, and force demons out of people. Give these things without charging, since you received them without paying.”
The 1st thing Jesus tells the 12 disciples (learn-ers) is only go to the JEWISH people or “to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.” ?Why did Jesus say only to Jewish people? ?Why not to all people? Jesus says don’t go to ½ Jewish people either (also). SAMARITIANS were only ½ or part (some) Jewish not full Jewish. Jesus said, “Only to the Israelites!” Jesus doesn’t sound fair (equal) to all people! Hmm! Strange (odd)!
Remember the Bible says that God promised to ABRAHAM and to Abraham’s children not to all people. Genesis 12:1-3 says, “The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your land, your relatives, and your father’s home. Go to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, I will bless you. I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse. Through you every family on earth will be blessed.”[4] God made His promise first to Abraham and Abraham’s family. Later other non-Jewish people would be blessed. Later every family on earth was blessed because of Abraham. Later Jesus would send Harvest-ers [me and you] to all people. Matthew 28:19-20, “So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. And remember that I am always with you until the end of time.”
The 2nd instruction (explain) Jesus gives His 12 disciples (learn-ers) to do is to spread (inform) the message. ?What message? “The kingdom of heaven is near.” This message has now changed for us. We are to proclaim (inform) to people the kingdom of heaven is now here! We hold the kingdom in Word and Sacraments. We have Jesus and now all the work of salvation is FINISHED! As Jesus said from the cross, “It is finished!”
Now is the time of HARVEST (earn), to bring-in the people that hear (see) and belief the salvation won by (through) Jesus. Jesus tells the 12 friends to cure the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse those with skin diseases, and force demons out of people. Give these things without charging, since you received them without paying.”
Although (no-matter) Jesus doesn’t tell us in Matthew 28 to “cure the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse those with skin diseases, and force demons out of people...,” Jesus does tell us to be about the harvest (earn) of lost souls. We should know as Jesus disciples (workers) that curing the sick, bringing the dead back to earthly life, cleansing people with skin diseases and forcing demons out of people is only a temporary fix. The permanent (forever) fix is the message that Jesus died and rose again. The harvest is sharing the GOSPEL…the Good News…the Easter story! We pray for the harvest (earn) of lost souls. We pray the Lord of the Harvest to send workers…to send us! Helps us, O Lord, to be Your harvest-ers! We believe your promise to be with us even (also) to the end of the world…the harvest. We believe Your words Jesus! Jesus you said in John 12:32, “When I [Jesus] have been lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people toward me.”[5] Help us to lift You up in front of all men. HOSANNA! Come Lord Jesus! Come and bring us home! We pray O Lord of the harvest send workers…send us…send me! Amen!
[1]God's Word. 1996, c1995 (Mt 9:38-10:8). Grand Rapids: World Publishing.
[2]God's Word. 1996, c1995 (Eph 4:11). Grand Rapids: World Publishing.
[3]God's Word. 1996, c1995 (Is 6:8). Grand Rapids: World Publishing.
[4]God's Word. 1996, c1995 (Ge 12:1-3). Grand Rapids: World Publishing.
[5]God's Word. 1996, c1995 (Jn 12:32). Grand Rapids: World Publishing.