Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
All In
(insert all in slide)
Are we all in?
Consider this carefully before answering to yourself.
18th Century Revivalist Henry Varley said: “The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him
What do you think it means to be all in when it comes to Jesus?
So what about consecration?
The Lord told Moses to consecrate the people (Exo19:10-14)
Pretty specific isn’t it?
But it does not define consecration does it?
In , Moses is told to consecrate Aaron
In , Moses is told to consecrate the Priests, who will consecrate the people
In we see the items of the tabernacle were to be consecrated
In Jos3:5 there is a change, look and see what it is
What does consecration mean?
Make or declare something Holy (Lev11:44; 1Pt1:16)
Something dedicated formally to a religious or divine purpose.
Now let me show you the scriptures to help see the definition biblically
to be consecrated is to be holy for the Lord is holy.
Hey have to bring in the N.T. update of the O.T. truth
Something to consider: Can we consecrate ourselves?
Are we consecrated?
How can we do it?
What does it look like, what proof of consecration do we have?
(stop and ask these questions and let them sink in, don’t be too quick to jump in with answers, thoughts)
Consecration: What it is not
So what is consecration not, we have looked at what it is some already.
Not going to church once a week
Not daily devotions
Not doing daily devotionals
Not keeping the commandments
Not even about sharing your faith
Not volunteering in ministry
Not leading a small group
Not raising your hands or not in worship
Not going on a mission trip
(below for handout only; do not read from below)
Not going to church, doing devotionals, not adhering to the commandments or even sharing your faith.
It has nothing to do with your offering nor you volunteering in ministry or leading a small group.
All these things are good, and we should be doing these things, but they are not consecration
It is more than
All these things are good, and we should be doing these things, but they are not consecration
Behavior modification (from sin to service)
More than conformity to moral code (Rom12:2)
More than good deeds (Mt5:16)
It is more, it is deeper, it is truer, it is being all in, it’s consecration
(expand on Rom12:2)
(expand on Mt5:16)
So, consecration is about being all in, so let’s now look at that.
Consecration: Being “All In”
I asked earlier what does being “all in” for Jesus look like?
Jesus commands us to be “all in” (in not so many words) (Mt25:37-40; Lk14:26, 9:62)
Commanded to give and serve the “least of these”
Being all in is putting Jesus before all things even family.
Being all in is not looking back, but keeping your eyes forward.
Being all in is
Dethroning yourself and enthroning Jesus
It is recognizing all that we have, we have from Him (Jm1:17)
It is childlike trust (Mt18:3); it is blind obedience (Jn20:31)
So what does dethroning yourself look like?
How can we, should we do it?
It looks like being all in for the one who is all in all, and all in or you
Consecration: Being “All In”
So some questions to yourself about being all in, are you all in?
How can you know?
Have we bought into Jesus without selling out everything? (Lk18:22)
Can go to Church every week and never go all in to Jesus? (Rom12:1)
So what does “All In” look like?
(Heb11:17; 1Sam14; Mt14:29; 2Cor5:7)
It looks like Abraham offering up Isaac (Heb11:17)
It looks like climbing a cliff to fight the enemy (1Sam14)
It looks like Peter getting out of the boat (Mt14:29)
It is YOU when you step out in faith not by sight (2Cor5:7)
Abraham was “all in” when he offered up Isaac
If you looked at 1Sam14 you would see the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer who climbed up a cliff to take on the Philistines.
How about Peter, was he all in when he got out of the boat?
How about YOU, does your life reflect that you are all in as seen in 2Cor5:7?
Are you hungry for God? God is relentless and actively pursing you, are you willing to pursue Him more?
It’s not about doing amazing things for God, God is the one who is amazing and does amazing things through us
Amazing starts with consecration!
Are we willing to allow God to do amazing, wondrous things through us?
God wants to do amazing things for us, God wants to do amazing through us and by us, by the one who is wholly committed to Him.
Mark Batterson says “God doesn’t do what God does because of us.
God does what God does in spite of us.”
Our part is to know it, believe it, walk in it, to consecrate ourselves.
One last thought before we close out.
Be all in (Eph4:1-7)
(Lead to encouragement)
(insert “BE ALL IN” slide)
be consecrated by be fulling commited to walk worthy (v.1)
Be consecrated by walking in humility, gentleness, with patience and tolerance (v.2)
Know and walk in the unity of the “One’s) (vv.4-6)
Be all in knowing the grace given!
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