Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Who does not like a good affirmation?
The affirmation of Jesus at His baptism is what we are looking at today as we break open God’s Word.
There are some key elements that we can get from the baptism of Jesus, we will look at Mark’s account and bring in the other Gospels too to help fill in the significance even more.
Baptism of Jesus served a significant role in the ministry of John the Baptist and of Jesus.
John the height of his ministry and also the start of his decline
Jesus the beginning of His ministry which replaced the ministry of John
The questions come about the baptism of Jesus
Why was He baptized if He was sinless?
Does Jesus Baptism reveal the purpose of Christian baptism?
You will notice as we look at the passages about Jesus baptism the affirmation by God, and the confirmation by the Spirit.
You will also see the introduction of Jesus to John and the announcement of Jesus as the Messiah to the world.
The Baptism of Jesus
You will get used to these questions from me.
What do you see?
What sticks out to you in this passage?
Not in the fanfare of the triumphal entry, but on the heals of John announcing the one who was to come (Mk1:8-9)
Mark gives the facts, just the facts, nothing but the facts, the who, what, where, how and why.
but the facts, the who, what, where, how and why.
Jesus came from Nazareth to where John is outside of Bethany on the other side of the Jordan.
Nazareth the place where Jesus great up (see Lk2:39-50 for details)
After being blessed in the temple the family went to Nazareth
Annually they would go to Jerusalem for the Passover
Jesus as He grew, was chastised by His parents at one time
But He continued to grow
What elements do you pick up in (Lk2:52)?
increased in wisdom
increased in stature
increased in favor with God and men.
This journey from Nazareth to Bethany was just shy of 100 miles, so it was quite a journey
It says He was baptized so we need to understand the Greek word for it
(Insert Baptizo slide here)
Jesus came and was baptized by John (v.9)
So here is the man, this common man, common name, from insignificant town, the son of a carpenter, comes to share in a common experience (baptism).
An event that Mark feels is significant to share with all humanity.
The Anointing
(insert story/illustration from preachers commentary)
So from the event comes the anointing
The Anointing
The anointing, to get another look let’s look at (Jn1:29-34)
John is retelling the story of Jesus baptism using John the baptists words
He tells of the one to come, who it is “the lamb of God” (v.29)
His preeminence (v.30)
John not recognizing him (v.31)
But the one that God told him was coming and how he would know (v.33)
The anointing is in the form of a dove, the Spirit of God, that came and sat upon Jesus.
When it was revealed to John who it was, the Lamb of God, he felt unworthy, but it was for a reason to fulfill all righteousness (Mt3:14-15)
Mark knows the the case for Jesus as the servant of God begins with the humanity of Jesus being on out level, being beside us, and sharing our experience with us.
Common man, common name common town, common experience that is followed by uncommon announcement
The Announcement
From the anointing to the announcement
This announcement opens the door for our affirmation too.
Jesus told that He is the Beloved Son
This gives Jesus the sense of belonging, but it does for us too since we are able to be son’s of God (Jn1:12; Rom8:14)
Children of God, but then we are also son’s of God
We belong to Him, everyone wants to have a sense of belonging
God told Jesus you belong to me!
You are my Son!
It should serve as a warning today to us too, Jesus is God’s Son and we best not forget it.
Not only is He the Son of God but He is the chosen Son (begotten) One in which He is well pleased.
I want to spend just a few more minutes here.
When God claims Jesus as His Son by choice and by nature He sets the stage for our adoption.
We are not by nature the sons and daughters.
Our sins made us homeless, unclaimed orphans, separated from God due to our sin (See Isa59:1) but God announced Jesus so we could be redeemed.
Our adoption, our redemption comes because of the announcement (Gal4:4-7)
We belong to Him, God’s affirmation of the Christ, and our accepting His grace through faith in the Son allows us to be affirmed in Christ and we are a son, an heir through Him who was announced and affirmed.
God presented His love through His Son.
Love that is unchangable, unbreakable, love that is unwavering.
- - in this world in our flesh love is tested, tried and oftentimes broken, but God’s love through the announced and affirmed Son in which He is well pleased screams of God’s love for us.
God’s love was poured out at just the right time (Rom5:8)
Love that will not be broken or forsaken.
(ref only Heb13:5; not forsake)
God’s love through Christ also constrains us, gives us a guidance system to live by.
Love is the guidance system, and we will be known by our love (Jn13:35)
Then comes the praise, the most fulfilling I’m sure we all want to hear.
In whom I’m well pleased (v.11)
So from the belonging, to the love now to the praise, isn’t that what we want today, a sense of belonging, to being loved and being affirmed?
God in just those few words is
Commending Jesus character
Honoring his achievements
and encouraging His future
Common name, common place, shared a common thing with uncommon results, but that still leaves a question, why was He baptized?
The Reason
The baptism of Jesus had a purpose and it may not be what you think.
Why do you think Jesus was baptized?
It is not for the same reason others were being baptized by John (Mk1:4-5)
Jesus was sinless so that a could not be the reason
Jesus was sinless so that a could not be the reason
OK, so what was the reason?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9