The Widow Loved!
Series: 1 Timothy
Lesson 10, 1 Tim 5.3-16
Jerry Smith
“The Heart of a Healthy Church of Jesus”
The Widow Loved!
I. Paul’s greeting to Timothy, 1Tim 1.1-2
II. Timothy’s primary responsibility, 1Tim 1.3-11
III. Timothy’s primary resource, 1Tim 1.12-17
IV. Timothy’s primary charge, 1Tim 1.18-20
V. The Backbone of the Church of the Living God, 1Tim 2.1—3.16
VI. The Work of the Church of the Living God, 1Tim 4.1—6.2
A. The Word Declared, 1Tim 4.1-16
B. The Word Displayed, 1Tim 5.1—6.2
1. Proper Respect Displayed With Everyone, 1Tim 5.1-2
2. Proper Care For Widows, 1Tim 5.3-16
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