Freedom Now
Exodus 20:4
Gods positioning system
For the hearer to look to God for a realignment
Freedom Now
Review the commandments
Number one
Six feet under
Seven year itch
Go straight
A ten
The first commandment has to do with the exclusivity and uniqueness of God’s place in our lives. It prohibits our having other gods of any type including idols and images. The second commandment prohibits a specific form of “having, having by means of making for myself”. The first concerns the object of our worship, the second concerns the mode of worship and of relating to that object. Images of other gods would be excluded by the first but a separate prohibition was required to ban images of Yahweh
What is an Idol or Image?
14 Hebrew words for idol
one word means
carved hammered or forged, wood stone metal
second word means
any real or imagined pictorial representation of a deities
to make an image that represents God not replace him
Why are idol worship and image making wrong?
Usurping the Creator’s place
The creature is playing creator
Downward worship
It directs or worship at something that is not only less then God but less then human
Partial truth at best
No image can portray the totality of God. In fact, it might give a distorted view
Freedom and vitality or rigor mortis
Choosing to imprison God in a fixed image ties us to a fixed predictable tame substitute for God instead of linking arems with the untamed energy of the living God.
For example, worshiping an image of God is like choosing to relate to photos of your children rather then to visit and be with them in person.
The only acceptable images
Why is Idolatry such an attractive temptation?
We can control our God and make him acceptable to our ideas
21st century Idolatry
idol don’t always say” I am an idol” we need to be discerning and self critical. Remember what are the basic characteristic of an idol. Made by man, worshiped and bowed down to. Defended, center of life, to day our idol maybe more og ideas then actual things. Ism’s can become idols. Technology, science,
Iconoclasm and the freedom of God in our life
How do we find freedom from these idols?
Idol inventory
When we realize that we have a some idols we need to knock them off their pedestal
Two ways the second commandment helps your neighbor
That you worship a living loving God and not a man made idol.
We wont make stereotypes of our neighbor. We will love them.
Images will get in the way of loving them.
What happens when we make idols?
Generations living together
Personally responsible for our actions
When a grandfather brings an idol in to the family, the entire family is at risk