The Return of Christ
The Return of Christ
Matthew 24
I. The Content of Christ’s Sermon (24:1–26, 29)
A. His remarks concerning the Temple destruction (24:1–3)
1. The pride (24:1): Israel takes great pride in the Temple.
2. The prophecy (24:2–3)
a. Jesus’ revelation (24:2) : The Temple will someday be completely demolished!
b. The disciples’ request (24:3) : The disciples want to know when!
B. His remarks concerning the Tribulation destruction (24:4–14): Events of the first three and a half years.
1. A time of apostasy (24:4–5, 11)
a. The rise of false prophets (24:11) : False prophets will lead the people astray.
b. The rise of false Christs (24:4–5): False messiahs will lead the people astray.
2. A time of anarchy (24:6–8): Wars will break out!
3. A time of apathy (24:12–13): The love of many will grow cold.
4. A time of affliction (24:9–10): Believers will be hated, betrayed, and martyred.
5. A time of accomplishment (24:14): The gospel will be preached to all nations.
C. His remarks concerning the Tribulation destruction (24:15–26, 29): Events of the final three and a half years—the most severe part of the Great Tribulation.
1. The wickedness against God (24:15–26)
a. What the enemy will do (24:15, 23–26): Construct the sacrilegious object that causes desecration.
(1) The statue (24:15) : Assumed from Revelation 13:14–18.
(2) The subtlety (24:23–26): Many claim to be Christ.
b. What the elect are to do (24:16–22): Run for the mountains!
2. The wrath from God (24:29)
a. The sun will be darkened (24:29a).
b. The moon will not give light (24:29b).
c. The stars will fall from the sky (24:29c).
d. The powers of heaven will be shaken (24:29d).
II. The Climax of Christ’s Sermon (24:27–28, 30–31, 40–41): The Second Coming.
A. The signal (24:30): The Son of Man will appear in the heavens.
B. The swiftness (24:27): As the lightning flashes across the sky.
C. The summons (24:31): Angels will be sent forth with a mighty trumpet blast to gather the people of Israel
from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.
D. The slaughter (24:28, 40–41): Armageddon!
1. The assembling of the victims (24:40–41): One will be taken, another left.
2. The appearing of the vultures (24:28): To eat the bodies of the slain warriors!
III. The Clue to Christ’s Sermon (24:32–35): The rebirth of Israel.
A. The parable (24:32): A sprouting fig tree.
B. The prophecy (24:33–34)
1. The when (24:33)
2. The who (24:34)
C. The permanence (24:35): Heaven and earth will pass away, but his word is eternal.
IV. The Challenge from Christ’s Sermon (24:36–39, 42–51): Be watchful.
A. The reason for this watchfulness (24:36, 42): No one knows when Christ will come!
B. The reminder of this watchfulness (24:37–39)
C. The reaction to this watchfulness (24:43–51)
1. The wise servant (24:43–47): He watches and is rewarded.
2. The wicked servant (24:48–51): He ignores the warning and is condemned.