Haggai 1:6-11
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Efforts lacking results
Efforts lacking results
Haggai has made sure it was clear that the people’s effforts were selfish in nature. They sought to improve their own lot in life, yet their efforts were futile. Why? Because they ignored the job they returned to Jerusalem to accomplish. They were sure quick to build their homes but did not set having God’s home amongst them as a priority.
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Nothing was satisfying their wants. They wanted crops, they got dry ground. they wanted plenty of food and drink but did not have enough to satisfy. Even the money they earned did not gain them wealth. This was indeed divine judgement against a nation that ignored God. They had been through divine judgement such as this before, so you would assume they would be able to correlate their lack of produce to God’s judgement but they missed the hint. God was no longer accepting their excuses of it not being the right time.
A review of their way of life seems to be in order.
God was no longer accepting their excuses of it not being the right time.
#1 The remnant of Israel neglected rebuilding God’s house so they could “invest” in their secular affairs. What secular affairs are you putting ahead of your relationship with Jesus?
Cleaning my house, errands and just the busyness of my day is often put ahead of working on my relationship with God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Their desire to be excused from the rebuilding of God’s house is similar to our desire to pass on our daily devotional time.
#2 How does God’s judgement help the people ?
It forces them to realize that God is in control, is mighty, and is absolutely worthy of all the efforts to satisfy His will.
Haggai’s message calls them to review their way of living. Times are tough, and all this is happening because they have neglected God. God requires us to life a lifestyle of worship. When we acknowledge our need to obey the Lord’s instructions we also must acknowledge that there will be consequences for our failure to obey.
#3 In what ways can you worship God besides praying and singing?
We can worship God by being obedient, by serving him and his people.