Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Check Up
Word of the year cards
Commitments made during Youth Retreat - all the things you are being unleashed in
Call & Response
John 1:35-
Call & Response
You hear someone testify, you follow
People you hear testify:
2. Jesus personally encounters you, you follow
You might experience a time or moment in life where you encounter Jesus in your life.
There is no other way to describe it except that Jesus Himself encountered you.
Where we see this:
Apostle Paul -
You witness a miracle, you follow
Here’s the key:
Lk 5:1
Jesus tells professional fishermen in Bethsaida (which means, the house of fish), to let down their nets after they have caught nothing all night long.
Their obedience results in the greatest catch of their lives, enough fish to sink two boats.
They are left to make a decision:
Cash in their catch for a fortune
Follow Jesus and become a fisher of men
You hear, you question & search it out for yourself, you follow
Jn 1:43-
Nathanael is a devout Israelite, with no wrong that could be found in him.
He was most likely well educated and would have been searching the scriptures in wait of the promised Messiah
He was most likely well educated and would have been searching the scriptures in wait of the promised Messiah
Unfortunately the thing that made Nathanael great (his knowledge), got in the way of him believing the Messiah could come from a place like Nazareth.
Scholars of that day would’ve been looking for the Messiah to come out of Bethlehem ()
How many people are missing the opportunity to follow Jesus because they are looking for Him to be something different in their life?
The Cost of Following Jesus
There’s a story of a religious man that wanted to follow Jesus, but found out the cost was something he wasn’t willing to pay.
Jesus doesn’t tell the man, “No, you can’t follow Me.”
But He tells him the truth about what it means to follow Him.
Jesus doesn’t glamorize what the Christian life is going to be like.
Sometimes we hear people say, “Follow Jesus, and you’ll never have to struggle again.”
While this sounds nice, it’s not the reality.
As we discussed in our Marks of a Christian series, the pain is actually good because it produces perseverance which ultimately produces hope.
The difference in following Jesus is that you aren’t alone anymore.
You have a friend that will go through the highs and lows with you.
In fact, He’s already been through the best and worst and is willing to go through it again with you, all be cause He loves YOU that much.
The reason the scribe turns away and chooses not to follow Jesus is because Jesus was TOO SIMPLE for him.
Trusting in God alone without the help of material things is very hard.
This type of faith is actually very attractive to a spiritual man!
The scribe’s thought process should have been...”Here is a man who lives by faith and is satisfied with few material things; I should follow Him and learn from Him.”
Jesus’ Position & Ours
If we are following, what does that mean?
Follow the leader with 4 students
Jesus = leader
Us = follower
If Jesus is the teacher, what does that make us?
Jesus = teacher
Us = student
The Right Questions:
They ask Jesus, “where are you staying?”
An incredible opportunity for the person that follows is to ask, “where are you staying?”
If you knew where Jesus was staying tonight, would you go stay there?
** Pause for Effect **
Jesus responds to the question by saying, “Come and See”
There isn’t a simple answer that can be given to that question.
There’s nothing I could honestly say to you that would make you decide to follow Jesus.
The fulness that God has planned out for you can’t be summed up in one short answer.
Following Jesus is more about the journey than knowing all the answers right now.
When we decide to take that first step and follow Jesus, something happens…that moment in time becomes marked.
“It was about the tenth hour” (4pm)
Many scholars believe that the Apostle John was the other unnamed disciple that chose to follow Jesus.
They believe this because this is the only time the author gives a time stamps for someone following Christ
The moment you personally encounter Jesus and say, I choose to follow Jesus, you will remember that moment.
>> The first time I accepted Jesus into my heart.
I was at the bottom of my driveway with my grandfather and we had just arrived at home.
I remember stopping him after we got out of the car and saying I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart.
Call to Follow
The call to follow christ comes down to one thing…FAITH
You see it’s not about knowing all the facts, getting clean before we come to Christ…It’s about taking a step of faith - believing without seeing.
There’s some of you in this room that need to fresh look, a fresh start in your journey with Jesus tonight.
Life Books at the Red Table
Life Book - John
Life Book - Mark
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9